- [WFLY-17011] - [primary/secondary] Problematic Language usage deprecation and replacement of java docs, methods and fields of testsuite
- [WFLY-17372] - Eliminate static references to Undertow ResourceDefinition instances
- [WFLY-17419] - Eliminate static references to JSF ResourceDefinition instances
- [WFLY-17420] - Eliminate static references to bean-validation ResourceDefinition instances
- [WFLY-17421] - Eliminate static references to Weld ResourceDefinition instances
- [WFLY-17422] - Eliminate static references to appclient ResourceDefinition instances
- [WFLY-17423] - Eliminate static references to batch-jberet ResourceDefinition instances
- [WFLY-17424] - Eliminate static references to datasources ResourceDefinition instances
- [WFLY-17425] - Eliminate static references to JCA ResourceDefinition instances
- [WFLY-17426] - Eliminate static references to datasource-agroal ResourceDefinition instances
- [WFLY-17427] - Eliminate static references to EE subsystem ResourceDefinition instances
- [WFLY-17428] - Eliminate static references to EE-security subsystem ResourceDefinition instances
- [WFLY-17429] - Eliminate static references to ejb3 subsystem ResourceDefinition instances
- [WFLY-17434] - Eliminate static references to iiop-openjdk subsystem ResourceDefinition instances
- [WFLY-17435] - Eliminate static references to JAX-RS subsystem ResourceDefinition instances
- [WFLY-17436] - Eliminate static references to JDR subsystem ResourceDefinition instances
- [WFLY-17437] - Eliminate static references to JPA subsystem ResourceDefinition instances
- [WFLY-17438] - Eliminate static references to JSF subsystem ResourceDefinition instances
- [WFLY-17439] - Eliminate static references to mail subsystem ResourceDefinition instances
- [WFLY-17440] - Eliminate static references to messaging-activemq subsystem ResourceDefinition instances
- [WFLY-17441] - Eliminate static references to microprofile-opentracing subsystem ResourceDefinition instances
- [WFLY-17442] - Eliminate static references to naming subsystem ResourceDefinition instances
- [WFLY-17443] - Eliminate static references to RTS subsystem ResourceDefinition instances
- [WFLY-17444] - Eliminate static references to transactions subsystem ResourceDefinition instances
- [WFLY-17589] - Remove use of AttributeXMLBuilderOperator
- [WFLY-17633] - Remove Predicates class
- [WFLY-17690] - Replace Namespace with version from staxmapper.
- [WFLY-17691] - Replace Schema-related interfaces in wildfly-clustering-common with version from wildfly-controller
- [WFLY-17692] - Replace Model interface in wildfly-clustering-common with version from wildfly-controller
- [WFLY-17696] - Replace SubsystemResourceDescriptionResolver and usage with version from wildfly-controller
- [WFLY-17717] - Leverage SubsystemResourceDescriptionResolver in datasources-agroal subsystem
- [WFLY-17718] - Leverage SubsystemResourceDescriptionResolver in bean-validation subsystem
- [WFLY-17719] - Leverage SubsystemResourceDescriptionResolver in ee-security subsystem
- [WFLY-17720] - Leverage SubsystemResourceDescriptionResolver in health subsystem
- [WFLY-17721] - Leverage SubsystemResourceDescriptionResolver in iiop-openjdk subsystem
- [WFLY-17722] - Leverage SubsystemResourceDescriptionResolver in JDR subsystem
- [WFLY-17723] - Leverage SubsystemResourceDescriptionResolver in JSF subsystem
- [WFLY-17724] - Leverage SubsystemResourceDescriptionResolver in Micrometer subsystem
- [WFLY-17725] - Leverage SubsystemResourceDescriptionResolver in MicroProfile Health subsystem
- [WFLY-17726] - Leverage SubsystemResourceDescriptionResolver in MicroProfile JWT subsystem
- [WFLY-17727] - Leverage SubsystemResourceDescriptionResolver in MicroProfile reactive messaging subsystem
- [WFLY-17728] - Leverage SubsystemResourceDescriptionResolver in MicroProfile reactive streams operators subsystem
- [WFLY-17729] - Leverage SubsystemResourceDescriptionResolver in OpenTelemetry subsystem
- [WFLY-17730] - Leverage SubsystemResourceDescriptionResolver in POJO subsystem
- [WFLY-17731] - Leverage SubsystemResourceDescriptionResolver in SAR subsystem
Feature Request
- [WFLY-7232] - Add support for Elytron provided SSLContexts in Artemis
- [WFLY-13355] - Add a Galleon layer for EE Concurrency
- [WFLY-13520] - Add support for Infinispan query, counters, locks, and CDI
- [WFLY-13978] - YAML support for system properties and configuration customization
- [WFLY-14869] - Add support for MicroProfile LRA
- [WFLY-14980] - Provide default read and write-timeouts for Socket listeners
- [WFLY-16018] - RESTEasy should be able to provide trace information about request
- [WFLY-16043] - Allow configuration of an arbitrary cookie to use for web request affinity
- [WFLY-16793] - Support for identity propagation from a WAR to an EJB in an EAR when using OIDC
- [WFLY-17138] - Convert MP Metrics subsystem to Admin-Only Mode
- [WFLY-17144] - Add Micrometer support to standard WildFly
- [WFLY-17156] - Implement Support for MicroProfile Telemetry
- [WFLY-17289] - Deliver a set of Quickstarts which showcase WildFly major enhancements wrt provisioning, cloud and testing
- [WFLY-17510] - Convert MicroProfile OpenTracing subsystem to Admin-Only Mode
- [WFLY-17644] - Provide complete QuickStart and documentation for connecting to a remote AMQ broker
- [WFLY-17648] - Create a Galleon Layer for the Jakarta EE Core Profile
- [WFLY-17681] - Add Micrometer support to MP Fault Tolerance
- [WFLY-17804] - Add a servlet Galleon Layer
- [WFLY-11986] - HAL Console places <datasource-class> in <datasource> element in standalone.xml. It leads to Test Connection fail
- [WFLY-13043] - ManagedScheduledExecutorService keeps executing tasks after an exception is thrown
- [WFLY-13397] - MP HeaderPropagation does not propagate headers
- [WFLY-14587] - Clean Workamanger and threadpools name
- [WFLY-15896] - OpenTracingClassMethodNameClientTests & OpenTracingDefaultClientTests fail on IBM JDK 11
- [WFLY-16484] - Extend LdapRealmTestCase to cover follow referral mode
- [WFLY-16720] - Remove undefine for legacy security realm in helloworld-mutual-ssl quickstart
- [WFLY-16721] - Remove undefine for legacy security realm in helloworld-mutual-ssl-secured quickstart
- [WFLY-16764] - Migrate ejb-txn-remote-call quickstart from legacy security to elytron
- [WFLY-16796] - LocalEjbReceiver response contains ContextData that has been removed on the server side
- [WFLY-16857] - Migrate ejb-multi-server quickstart from legacy security to elytron
- [WFLY-17077] - MetricsFromJVMTestCase fails when running with -Dts.ee9
- [WFLY-17186] - Wrong exception handling by ManagedScheduledExecutorService.schedule(...)
- [WFLY-17231] - Update HostExcludesTestCase configuration to work with WF28
- [WFLY-17236] - FD_SOCK2 socket-binding always reports to be unbound
- [WFLY-17276] - FD_SOCK2 should not configure external address/port if no socket-binding was defined
- [WFLY-17280] - Example HA profiles have out-of-date JGroups stacks
- [WFLY-17287] - Cannot persist ejb timers into database
- [WFLY-17291] - The RTS module needs `org.jboss.resteasy.resteasy-client` in its dependencies
- [WFLY-17310] - Can't find jakarta.activation-api version jbossorg-1 in maven central
- [WFLY-17313] - Distributed TimerService fails when cache is configured with jdbc-store
- [WFLY-17318] - Clustering TS: non-transactional test cases need to wait prior to node shutdown
- [WFLY-17325] - Fix ServerServiceTestCase transient failure
- [WFLY-17330] - Remove unused nu.xom, org.dom4j, org.jaxen modules and remove Hibernate ORM 6 dependency on dom4j
- [WFLY-17339] - JGroups ServerSocketChannel creation is hanging intermittently on Windows
- [WFLY-17347] - UndertowSubsystemXXXTestCase.testRuntime fails frequently
- [WFLY-17348] - A distributed web application request coinciding with leaving of the primary session owner can cause an NPE
- [WFLY-17350] - Custom mail providers are not loaded
- [WFLY-17352] - NoSuchElementException during scale up under load
- [WFLY-17362] - Messaging - Transaction remained in prepared state after failover
- [WFLY-17365] - Failed deployment is not removed from Undertow ServletContainer's deployments map
- [WFLY-17367] - NPE throws from WSEndpointMetrics
- [WFLY-17383] - Fix LDAP test server integration regression on Java 20 and above
- [WFLY-17385] - EJB 3.2: Business method verification for superclasses
- [WFLY-17407] - H2 Web Console Integration documentation mentions wrong H2 Servlet class
- [WFLY-17411] - Fix incorrect MSC usage by ModClusterResource
- [WFLY-17449] - Github workflow Unhandled error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'listWorkflowRunArtifacts')
- [WFLY-17452] - Mail subsystem tests fail intermittently due to incorrect MSC usage
- [WFLY-17462] - ResourceAdaptersSubsystemAdd doesn't validate REPORT_DIRECTORY_NAME
- [WFLY-17464] - Asciidoctor attribute sourceHighlighter position
- [WFLY-17465] - Testsuite POM lacks "version.ant.junit" property
- [WFLY-17466] - Various AsciiDoc issues
- [WFLY-17470] - Default Mail Provider fails to load
- [WFLY-17471] - write-attribute operation handler used by clustering subsystems apply wrong values to runtime during rollback
- [WFLY-17472] - restart-parent operation handlers of clustering subsystems can inadvertently start the service of the parent resource
- [WFLY-17479] - Clean up EE Security subsystem test case name and package
- [WFLY-17496] - MP OpenAPI - Loading static files bigger than 3MB fails since SmallRye OpenAPI 3.0.1 uses new SnakeYaml that sets a constraint
- [WFLY-17514] - NPE when -ds.xml file included in deployment contains validation configuration
- [WFLY-17515] - StrictMaxPoolDerivedSizeReadHandler incorrectly requires exclusive lock and higher level RBAC perms
- [WFLY-17541] - EESecurityAnnotationProcessor does not detect injections
- [WFLY-17546] - Update failing test for microprofile-fault-tolerance forcing use of Jakarta Servlet 3.0 protocol
- [WFLY-17552] - MDC from 'default task' Thread copied to 'Batch Thread' on creation but not cleared
- [WFLY-17557] - Clustering TS: TopologyChangeListener can fail with CNFE: org.infinispan.commons.util.concurrent.CompletableFutures
- [WFLY-17559] - Invalid references to PicketBox in the connector module
- [WFLY-17567] - Transaction logic in WebJPATestCase servlet masks root cause of test failures
- [WFLY-17569] - ELY06013: Failed to invalidate local session: java.lang.IllegalStateException
- [WFLY-17572] - Wait for the Keycloak Container to start for OIDC tests
- [WFLY-17575] - Implicit narrowing conversion in compound assignment for "messages-added"
- [WFLY-17579] - Update RESTEasy related module.xml files
- [WFLY-17581] - MP rest client test timeout
- [WFLY-17583] - Exclude groovy-test-junit5 from groovy-all dependency in wildfly-ejb3
- [WFLY-17584] - StatefulSessionSynchronizationInterceptorTestCase.testDifferentTx() failed with NullPointerException
- [WFLY-17595] - Transient failure in testsuite/integration/multinode
- [WFLY-17598] - The jaxrs layer should not result in MicroProfile REST Client or Config provisioning
- [WFLY-17626] - Adding welcome-files prevents server to start
- [WFLY-17641] - Only install session management services for WARs
- [WFLY-17646] - Fix Jakarta EE 10 TCK failures in dateTimeTest_from_appmanaged + dateTimeTest_from_stateful3
- [WFLY-17655] - The TransactionsBootstrapDependencyInstaller should not assume the global transaction provider is available
- [WFLY-17668] - ConcurrentCoarseWebFailoverTestCase#testGracefulSimpleFailover fails intermittently
- [WFLY-17672] - RankedAffinityTestCase fails intermittently
- [WFLY-17685] - Infinite loop in ThreadContextProviderContextHandleFactory and OtherEESetupActionsContextHandleFactory
- [WFLY-17698] - MicroProfileConfigConvertersTestCase and ConfigSourceFromClassTestCase fails in Windows platform
- [WFLY-17699] - Elytron security tests fail since IBM JDK (IBM Semeru Runtime Certified Edition
- [WFLY-17702] - The Dependency Tree Input Builder workflow doesn't build the boms/standard-test bom
- [WFLY-17768] - Incorrect allow_weak_crypto value in testsuite krb5.conf file
- [WFLY-17780] - bean-discovery-mode="annotated" does not detect @ClientWindowScoped Beans
- [WFLY-11609] - ejb3 subsystem configuration for element <entity-bean> will not have any effect and should be removed
- [WFLY-14939] - Review and change some webservice dependent module to private
- [WFLY-15053] - Remove the methods that have been removed from Jakarta Enterprise Beans 4.0
- [WFLY-15257] - Update the descriptions in for the Elytron OIDC client subsystem
- [WFLY-15258] - Add descriptions of the attributes in the Elytron OIDC client subsystem schema
- [WFLY-16149] - [primary/secondary] Problematic Language usage deprecation and replacement in testsuite
- [WFLY-16214] - Update shopping-cart quickstart
- [WFLY-16471] - Upgrade http-custom-mechanism quickstart
- [WFLY-16627] - Remove some of the mixed-domain transformer from the messaging-activemq module
- [WFLY-16659] - Remove Seam2 integration
- [WFLY-16868] - Drop source transformation of the ee subsystem
- [WFLY-16869] - Drop source transformation for the transactions subsystem
- [WFLY-17060] - Rename the ee-9 structure to 'preview'
- [WFLY-17095] - Drop source transformation for messaging-activemq subsystem
- [WFLY-17121] - Remove preview-feature-pack-common-[microprofile-]licenses.xml items that are not pom dependencies
- [WFLY-17123] - Drop source transformation for jpa subsystem
- [WFLY-17154] - Convert MP Metrics subsystem to Legacy Mode
- [WFLY-17164] - Remove AttributeDefinition.isAllowNull
- [WFLY-17183] - Fix the description of the filesystem-realm update-key-pair operation in the Elytron documentation
- [WFLY-17223] - Remove mention of picketlink libs from dependencyManagement
- [WFLY-17224] - Make the wildfly-oidc-feature-pack-galleon-common zip unique per release
- [WFLY-17225] - Remove the wildfly-oidc-feature-pack-galleon-common module
- [WFLY-17229] - Add WildFlySecurityManager dependency to the testsuite/layers module
- [WFLY-17237] - Drop source transformation for opentelemetry subsystem
- [WFLY-17239] - Remove remnant subsystem template usages
- [WFLY-17242] - Add a
- [WFLY-17244] - Add a Contributor Code of Conduct
- [WFLY-17254] - Add a global EJB client interceptor for EJB deployments that will runAs the current security identity to activate any outflow identities
- [WFLY-17255] - Drop source transformation for the microprofile-health-smallrye subsystem
- [WFLY-17256] - Drop source transformation for the microprofile-jwt-smallrye subsystem
- [WFLY-17257] - Drop source transformation for the microprofile-opentracing-smallrye subsystem
- [WFLY-17258] - Drop source transformation for the rts subsystem
- [WFLY-17259] - Drop source transformation for the weld/jpa module
- [WFLY-17260] - Drop source transformation for the weld/bean-validation module
- [WFLY-17261] - Drop source transformation for the weld/transactions module
- [WFLY-17262] - Drop source transformation for jsf subsystem
- [WFLY-17263] - Drop source transformation for bean-validation subsystem
- [WFLY-17264] - Drop source transformation for connector module
- [WFLY-17265] - Drop source transformation for iiop-openjdk subsystem
- [WFLY-17266] - Drop source transformation for microprofile/reactive-streams-operators-smallrye/cdi-provider module
- [WFLY-17267] - Drop source transformation for the testsuite/shared module
- [WFLY-17268] - Drop source transformation for the weld/subsytem module
- [WFLY-17269] - Drop source transformation for the weld/common and weld/spi modules
- [WFLY-17270] - Drop source transformation for the undertow subsystem
- [WFLY-17271] - Drop source transformation for the web-common module
- [WFLY-17284] - Update keystore type JKS to PKCS12 in documentation where appropriate
- [WFLY-17294] - Remove use of deprecated ModelControllerClient.Factory methods
- [WFLY-17298] - Replace messaging uses of wildfly-network ServiceName constants with the use of capabilities
- [WFLY-17304] - Move legacy security subsystem's LegacySupport use of ParametersOfValidator into that class
- [WFLY-17311] - Remove uses of deprecated AbstractAttributeDefinitionBuilder.setCapabilityReference(String,String,boolean)
- [WFLY-17315] - Remove uses of deprecated ExtensionContext.isRegisterTransformers()
- [WFLY-17319] - Remove uses of deprecated SubsystemRegistration methods.
- [WFLY-17320] - Validate the module's need for its org.codehaus.woodstox dependency
- [WFLY-17322] - Clustering subsystems create duplicate PersistentResourceXMLDescription instances
- [WFLY-17328] - Remove uses of deprecated AbstractAddStepHandler methods
- [WFLY-17329] - Replace org.wildfly by project.groupId where possible
- [WFLY-17346] - Drop transformer registrations and tests for the legacy extensions
- [WFLY-17354] - Remove the jsf/multi-installer module
- [WFLY-17356] - [testsuite] Remove "master" from NonDefaultRemoteWorkerTestCase and other minor classes in the testsuite
- [WFLY-17357] - [git branches] Fix problematic language usage in branches
- [WFLY-17371] - Deprecate comment attribute of session-cookie resource
- [WFLY-17373] - Upgrade to Hibernate ORM 6.1.6.Final
- [WFLY-17378] - Update Keycloak_Integration.adoc
- [WFLY-17390] - Re-enable ejb-timer quickstart
- [WFLY-17391] - Re-enable ha-singleton-deployment quickstart
- [WFLY-17392] - Re-enable singleton-service-quickstart
- [WFLY-17393] - Remove unreferenced static HashMaps from Undertow subsystem
- [WFLY-17396] - Verify and re-enable batch-processing quickstart
- [WFLY-17397] - Verify and re-enable ejb-multi-server quickstart
- [WFLY-17398] - Verify and re-enable ejb-throws-exception quickstart
- [WFLY-17399] - Verify and re-enable ejb-txn-remote-call quickstart
- [WFLY-17400] - Verify and re-enable helloworld-mdb quickstart
- [WFLY-17401] - Verify and re-enable helloworld-singleton quickstart
- [WFLY-17402] - Verify and re-enable ejb-remote quickstart
- [WFLY-17403] - Verify and re-enable shopping-cart quickstart
- [WFLY-17408] - Manage the plexus-utils dependency in full WildFly's own dependencyManagement
- [WFLY-17413] - Remove use of PersistentResourceDefinition.Parameters
- [WFLY-17414] - Remove use of deprecated PersistentResourceXmlDescription methods
- [WFLY-17431] - Bump actions/upload-artifact from 2 to 3
- [WFLY-17432] - Bump actions/cache from 2 to 3
- [WFLY-17433] - Bump actions/github-script from 3.1.0 to 6.3.3
- [WFLY-17447] - Re-enable mail quickstart
- [WFLY-17450] - Upgrade github actions to avoid github action warnings
- [WFLY-17458] - Upgrade CXF from 3.5.2-jbossorg-4 to 4.0.0
- [WFLY-17480] - The org.wildfly.extension.elytron extension should not be in WildFly
- [WFLY-17481] - Verify and re-enable servlet-async quickstart
- [WFLY-17482] - Verify and re-enable servlet-filterlistener quickstart
- [WFLY-17483] - Verify and re-enable websocket-endpoint quickstart
- [WFLY-17485] - Verify and re-enable http-custom-mechanism quickstart
- [WFLY-17487] - Remove deprecated remote-naming and ejb classes
- [WFLY-17493] - Drop support for Undertow subsystem schemas prior to WildFly 10.1
- [WFLY-17506] - Use deployment-transformer-feature-pack jar in the wildfly-preview feature pack
- [WFLY-17521] - Verify and re-enable bmt quickstart
- [WFLY-17522] - Verify and re-enable contacts-jquerymobile quickstart
- [WFLY-17524] - Verify and re-enable jta-crash-rec quickstart
- [WFLY-17525] - Verify and re-enable jts quickstart
- [WFLY-17526] - Verify and re-enable helloworld-jms quickstart
- [WFLY-17527] - Verify and re-enable hibernate quickstart
- [WFLY-17533] - Verify and re-enable tasks-jsf quickstart
- [WFLY-17534] - Verify and re-enable spring-resteasy quickstart
- [WFLY-17535] - Verify and re-enable logging quickstart
- [WFLY-17536] - Verify and re-enable jsonp quickstart
- [WFLY-17538] - Verify and re-enable messaging-clustering-singleton quickstart
- [WFLY-17542] - Verify and re-enable microprofile-fault-tolerance quickstart
- [WFLY-17545] - Empty out the legacy boms
- [WFLY-17547] - Remove dependencies on ejb-client-legacy
- [WFLY-17553] - Remove the 'jakarta' maven resource plugin filtering of module.xml files
- [WFLY-17555] - Remove the javax.xml.rpc.api.internal module
- [WFLY-17571] - Upgrade to Hibernate Commons Annotations 6.0.6.Final
- [WFLY-17582] - Improve EjbValidationsUtilTest to better check static or final methods in ejb class
- [WFLY-17610] - Deprecate concurrency-level attribute of infinispan locking resource
- [WFLY-17611] - Leverage stream-based PersistentResourceXMLDescription builder methods.
- [WFLY-17637] - Remove version.jakarta.el.jakarta-el-api property from pom.xml
- [WFLY-17663] - Documentation should be updated to not mention elytron-tool.jar usage
- [WFLY-17680] - Remove MP Fault Tolerance subsystem's hard dependency on MP Metrics
- [WFLY-17683] - Upgrade to Hibernate ORM 6.2.0.CR3
- [WFLY-17695] - Create test case for MP HeaderPropagation
- [WFLY-17737] - Drop transformer registrations and tests for the XTS extension
- [WFLY-17743] - Refactor embedded-activemq and remote-activemq Galleon layers
- [WFLY-17752] - Add jbossws-jaxws-config_5_0.xsd schema
- [WFLY-17757] - Remove kerberos related cruft from testsuite/shared
- [WFLY-17763] - Upgrade to Hibernate ORM 6.2.0.CR4
- [WFLY-17771] - Remove domain.xml host-exclude entries for releases prior to WF 23
- [WFLY-17773] - Eliminate transitive Bouncy Castle dependencies in testsuite
- [WFLY-17775] - Update TLSSyslogServer so it does not need a BouncyCastle dependency
- [WFLY-17778] - Drop infinispan injection tests from basic testsuite
- [WFLY-17787] - Drop transformer registrations and tests for the MP Config and Health extensions
- [WFLY-17795] - Application Client container is missing Mail, CDI, Dependency Injection, Messaging SPEC API classes
- [WFLY-17800] - Add the KeycloakConfiguration test class to the allowlist for gitleaks
- [WFLY-17803] - Include the Elytron extension in appclient.xml
Component Upgrade
- [WFLY-16365] - Update OpenTelemetry to 1.15.0
- [WFLY-16807] - Upgrade RESTEasy Spring to 3.0.0.Final
- [WFLY-17113] - Upgrade wss4j to 3.0.0
- [WFLY-17202] - Upgrade SmallRye Fault Tolerance to 6.1.0
- [WFLY-17226] - Upgrade legacy JBoss Invocation to 1.7.1.Final
- [WFLY-17227] - Upgrade JBoss Invocation to 2.0.0.Final
- [WFLY-17228] - Upgrade to ASM 9.4
- [WFLY-17234] - Upgrade MicroProfile Config from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2
- [WFLY-17274] - Upgrade WildFly Core to 20.0.0.Beta2
- [WFLY-17285] - Upgrade Bootable JAR to 8.1.0.Final
- [WFLY-17292] - Upgrade smallrye-open-api to 3.1.2
- [WFLY-17295] - Upgrade SmallRye Reactive Messaging to 4.1.0
- [WFLY-17296] - Upgrade WildFly Arquillian to 5.0.0.Alpha6 and Arquillian to 1.7.0.Apha13
- [WFLY-17321] - Upgrade WildFly Core to 20.0.0.Beta3
- [WFLY-17327] - Upgrade JGroups to 5.2.10.Final
- [WFLY-17332] - Upgrade Narayana to 6.0.0.CR1
- [WFLY-17341] - Upgrade Woodstox from 6.2.8 to 6.4.0 (resolves CVE-2022-40152)
- [WFLY-17342] - Upgrade Ironjacamar from 1.5.9.Final to 1.5.10
- [WFLY-17344] - Upgrade to SmallRye Config 3.1.0
- [WFLY-17355] - Upgrade Infinispan to 14.0.3.Final
- [WFLY-17359] - Update protobuf to 3.19.6 (resolves CVE-2022-3171)
- [WFLY-17363] - Upgrade artemis-wildfly-integration to 1.0.7
- [WFLY-17370] - Upgrade WildFly Core to 20.0.0.Beta4
- [WFLY-17374] - Upgrade to Xerces 2.12.0.SP05
- [WFLY-17375] - Upgrade HAL to 3.6.5.Final
- [WFLY-17404] - Upgrade RESTEasy to 6.2.2.Final
- [WFLY-17410] - Upgrade CXF from 3.5.2-jbossorg-3 to 3.5.2-jbossorg-4 (resolves CVE-2022-46364)
- [WFLY-17415] - Upgrade WildFly HTTP Client from 2.0.0.Final to 2.0.1.Final
- [WFLY-17416] - Upgrade to Galleon 5.0.7.Final, Galleon plugins 6.2.2.Final
- [WFLY-17445] - Upgrade Infinispan to 14.0.5.Final
- [WFLY-17453] - Upgrade jastow from 2.2.4.Final to 2.2.5.Final
- [WFLY-17455] - Upgrade netty from 4.1.84.Final to 4.1.86.Final (resolves CVE-2022-41881)
- [WFLY-17457] - Upgrade jboss-ejb-client from 4.0.49.Final to 4.0.50.Final
- [WFLY-17460] - Upgrade JGroups to 5.2.11.Final
- [WFLY-17467] - Upgrade to JBoss Metadata 15.4.0
- [WFLY-17468] - Upgrade jboss-ejb-client to 5.0.2.Final
- [WFLY-17495] - Update `resteasy-spring` to `3.0.1.Final`
- [WFLY-17504] - Upgrade joda-time 2.12.1
- [WFLY-17508] - Upgrade Jakarta Mail to 2.1.1
- [WFLY-17509] - Upgrade Jakarta Activation to 2.1.1
- [WFLY-17520] - Upgrade WildFly Core to 20.0.0.Beta5
- [WFLY-17540] - Upgrade Infinispan to 14.0.6.Final
- [WFLY-17544] - Upgrade JGroups to 5.2.12.Final
- [WFLY-17562] - Upgrade jboss-el-api_3.0_spec and jboss-el-api_5.0_spec
- [WFLY-17565] - Upgrade galleon-plugins to 6.2.3.Final
- [WFLY-17576] - Upgrade xom from 1.3.7 to 1.3.8
- [WFLY-17591] - Upgrade jbossws-cxf to 6.2.0.Final
- [WFLY-17592] - Upgrade openjdk-orb to 9.0.1.Final (get rid of Jakarta transformation)
- [WFLY-17593] - Upgrade jastow from 2.2.5.Final to 2.2.6.Final
- [WFLY-17594] - Upgrade SmallRye JWT from 4.0.0 to 4.2.0
- [WFLY-17596] - Upgrade WildFly HTTP Client from 2.0.1.Final to 2.0.2.Final
- [WFLY-17601] - Upgrade smallrye-open-api to 3.2.0
- [WFLY-17602] - Upgrade ironjacamar to 3.0.0.Final (Jakarta EE major version bump)
- [WFLY-17615] - Upgrade jboss-iiop-client to 2.0.0.Final (drop Jakarta transformation)
- [WFLY-17616] - Upgrade SmallRye Reactive Messaging to 4.3.0
- [WFLY-17619] - Upgrade SmallRye Fault Tolerance to 6.2.0
- [WFLY-17624] - Upgrade cdi-api and lang-model from 4.0.0 to 4.0.1
- [WFLY-17625] - Upgrade concurrent-api from 3.0.0 to 3.0.2
- [WFLY-17630] - Upgrade galleon-plugins to 6.3.0.Final
- [WFLY-17631] - Upgrade jboss-ejb-client to 5.0.3.Final
- [WFLY-17638] - Upgrade RESTEasy from 6.2.2.Final to 6.2.3.Final
- [WFLY-17639] - Upgrade WildFly Core to 20.0.0.Beta6
- [WFLY-17645] - Upgrade Narayana to 6.0.0.Final
- [WFLY-17647] - Upgrade javassist to 3.29.1-GA
- [WFLY-17652] - Upgrade to Hibernate Search 6.1.8.Final
- [WFLY-17653] - Update OpenTelemetry to 1.23.1
- [WFLY-17657] - Upgrade artemis-wildfly-integration to 2.0.0-Beta1
- [WFLY-17664] - Upgrade RESTEasy MicroProfile to 2.1.0.Final
- [WFLY-17665] - Upgrade generic-jms-ra to 3.0.0.Beta1
- [WFLY-17667] - Upgrade jboss-metadata to 16.0.0.Beta1
- [WFLY-17669] - Upgrade Galleon to 5.0.8.Final and galleon Plugins to 6.3.2.Final
- [WFLY-17670] - Upgrade H2 to 2.1.214
- [WFLY-17674] - Upgrade Angus Activation to 2.0.0
- [WFLY-17675] - Upgrade Angus Mail to 2.0.1
- [WFLY-17682] - Upgrade Jackson from 2.13 to 2.14
- [WFLY-17694] - Upgrade SmallRye Fault Tolerance to 6.2.1
- [WFLY-17701] - Upgrade WildFly Core to 20.0.0.Beta7
- [WFLY-17733] - Upgrade Kafka Clients to 3.4.0
- [WFLY-17734] - Replace spring-kafka-test with smallrye-reactive-messaging-test-companion
- [WFLY-17744] - Upgrade Infinispan to 14.0.7.Final
- [WFLY-17749] - Upgrade resteasy-microprofile to 2.1.1.Final
- [WFLY-17750] - Upgrade JGroups to 5.2.13.Final
- [WFLY-17761] - Downgrade OpenTelemetry to 1.20
- [WFLY-17793] - Upgrade WildFly Core to 20.0.0.Beta8
- [WFLY-17846] - Upgrade WildFly Core to 20.0.0.Final
- [WFLY-17903] - Upgrade WildFly Core to 20.0.1.Final
- [WFLY-12134] - Add org.infinispan:infinispan-multimap, org.infinispan:infinispan-clustered-counter, org.infinispan:infinispan-clustered-lock modules
- [WFLY-16863] - Express default standalone configurations with Galleon layers
- [WFLY-17177] - Configure surefire plugin's 'reportNameSuffix' when test will be executed multiple times
- [WFLY-17217] - Redesign SFSB cache SPI to improve performance of distributed SFSB cache
- [WFLY-17281] - Set release version to maven compiler plugin
- [WFLY-17286] - Eliminate unused in clustering TS
- [WFLY-17290] - TXFramework removal
- [WFLY-17293] - Remove use of ClassFileInfo.interfaces()
- [WFLY-17306] - Cleanup the messaging subsystem poms
- [WFLY-17334] - Eliminate usage of deprecated org.jboss.msc.inject.ConcurrentMapInjector
- [WFLY-17335] - Remove dead code in PooledConnectionFactoryService
- [WFLY-17336] - Eliminate usage of deprecated org.jboss.msc.inject.MapInjector
- [WFLY-17337] - Eliminate usage of deprecated org.jboss.msc.inject.CastingInjector
- [WFLY-17418] - Remove static references to ResourceDefinition instances
- [WFLY-17473] - Eliminate usage of deprecated org.jboss.msc.service.ValueInjectionService
- [WFLY-17475] - Eliminate usage of deprecated org.jboss.msc.service.AbstractService
- [WFLY-17476] - Eliminate usage of deprecated org.jboss.msc.value.ImmediateValue
- [WFLY-17477] - Eliminate usage of deprecated org.jboss.msc.service.ValueService
- [WFLY-17488] - Create clustering subsystem/deployment parsers on demand
- [WFLY-17501] - Eliminate usage of deprecated CapabilityServiceBuilder.addCapabilityRequirement() methods in EJB3 subsystem
- [WFLY-17502] - Eliminate usage of deprecated CapabilityServiceBuilder.addCapabilityRequirement() methods in JCA subsystem
- [WFLY-17503] - Remove unused method
- [WFLY-17511] - Remove MicroProfile Metrics
- [WFLY-17516] - Add 'include-runtime' read-resource coverage to RBAC testing
- [WFLY-17608] - Add a wildfly-design section to
- [WFLY-17609] - Duplicate warnings of io.smallrye.opentracing-contrib already registered
- [WFLY-17622] - Remove remanence of jboss-ejb-api dependency
- [WFLY-17634] - Prepare for removal of deprecated DeploymentUnit methods
- [WFLY-17697] - Make the Dependency Tree Input Builder workflow a bit more modifiable
- [WFLY-17703] - Migrate Micrometer subsystem to PersistentSubsystemSchema
- [WFLY-17705] - Migrate OpenTelemetry subsystem to PersistentSubsystemSchema
- [WFLY-17706] - Add Jakarta XML WS API to jaxws-client BOM
- [WFLY-17707] - Migrate bean-validation subsystem to PersistentSubsystemSchema
- [WFLY-17708] - Migrate EE security subsystem to PersistentSubsystemSchema
- [WFLY-17709] - Migrate health subsystem to PersistentSubsystemSchema
- [WFLY-17710] - Migrate JDR subsystem to PersistentSubsystemSchema
- [WFLY-17711] - Migrate MicroProfile JWT subsystem to PersistentSubsystemSchema
- [WFLY-17712] - Migrate MicroProfile reactive messaging to PersistentSubsystemSchema
- [WFLY-17713] - Migrate MicroProfile reactive streams operators to PersistentSubsystemSchema
- [WFLY-17714] - Migrate POJO subsystem to PersistentSubsystemSchema/XMLElementSchema
- [WFLY-17715] - Migrate SAR subsystem to PersistentSubsystemSchema
- [WFLY-17716] - Leverage SubsystemResourceDescriptionResolver within subsystems
- [WFLY-17736] - Remove redundant map of view classes in
- [WFLY-17756] - Properly render adoc admonitions in the Github UI
- [WFLY-17762] - Remove unused ServiceName set in naming/ModuleContextProcessor
- [WFLY-17765] - Remove unused map of objStoreBrowserTypes in ArjunaTransactionManagerService
- [WFLY-17767] - Remove unused raConfigProperties map from DirectAdminObjectActivatorService
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