Resolution: Done
Replacement of master/slave by primary/secondary on WildFly test suite. The changes to be tracked under this Jira are optional for WF27 since all of them are supposed to be internal details. This Jira should include the following:
- Rename specific configuration files used in the test suite and adapt the test cases to work with those files.
- Rename Java Docs, variable names, comments, and other no-user-exposed configurations used in the test suite.
- Adapt enable-elytron.cli
Ideally, we should take care of the test suite after finishing all the other WFLY Jiras related to primary/secondary language change. That will be easier because once we have accomplished all code changes, we will reduce the number of occurrences on the test suite and in general it could be easier to know what must be renamed. Notice that other Jiras will change the default hostname for the primary host configuration as well as the file name generated by the server. It means, changes here should be limited to the specific configuration files used by the test suite and all the remaining stuff not tracked on the other Jiras (variable names, comments, java docs ...)
- is related to
WFCORE-5884 [primary/secondary] Problematic Language usage deprecation and replacement in testsuite
- Open