Release Notes - WildFly - Version 29.0.0.Final - HTML format


  • [WFLY-18101] - Migrate clustering subsystem tests to use AbstractSubsystemSchemaTest from wildfly-core
  • [WFLY-18102] - Migrate Undertow subsystem tests to use AbstractSubsystemSchemaTest from wildfly-core
  • [WFLY-18103] - Migrate MicroProfile fault-tolerance subsystem test to use AbstractSubsystemSchemaTest from wildfly-core
  • [WFLY-18104] - Migrate MicroProfile OpenAPI subsystem test to use AbstractSubsystemSchemaTest from wildfly-core
  • [WFLY-18105] - Migrate bean-validation subsystem test to use AbstractSubsystemSchemaTest from wildfly-core
  • [WFLY-18106] - Migrate health subsystem test to use AbstractSubsystemSchemaTest from wildfly-core
  • [WFLY-18107] - Migrate Micrometer subsystem test to use AbstractSubsystemSchemaTest from wildfly-core
  • [WFLY-18108] - Migrate MicroProfile JWT subsystem test to use AbstractSubsystemSchemaTest from wildfly-core
  • [WFLY-18109] - Migrate MicroProfile LRA subsystem tests to use AbstractSubsystemSchemaTest from wildfly-core
  • [WFLY-18110] - Migrate MicroProfile reactive messaging/streams subsystem test to use AbstractSubsystemSchemaTest from wildfly-core
  • [WFLY-18111] - Migrate MicroProfile Telemetry subsystem test to use AbstractSubsystemSchemaTest from wildfly-core
  • [WFLY-18112] - Migrate OpenTelemetry subsystem test to use AbstractSubsystemSchemaTest from wildfly-core
  • [WFLY-18270] - Change the org.apache.activemq.artemis jboss-api setting from private to deprecated

Feature Request

  • [WFLY-15260] - Add the ability to secure the management console with OIDC
  • [WFLY-16306] - Support a Galleon feature pack to install the Keycloak SAML Elytron adapter


  • [WFLY-8718] - JDBC driver's xa-datasource-class vs. driver-xa-datasource-class-name in the datasources subsystem
  • [WFLY-11173] - The JPADefinition.DEPLOY_INSTANCE ResourceDefinition is not correct
  • [WFLY-12019] - Cannot remove a undertow server resource at one time
  • [WFLY-12631] - Server doesn't start when DNS_PING is configured
  • [WFLY-14387] - Resource adapters subsystem does not accept expression for wm-security attribute
  • [WFLY-15358] - PolicyContextTestCase fails once Undertow extension no longer references PicketBox module
  • [WFLY-15487] - wfly-25 security config missing support for picketbox "auth-module" impl of
  • [WFLY-16013] - Discovery Group can't change from Socket binding to Jgroups cluster.
  • [WFLY-16042] - WildFly basic tests started to fail on IBM JDK11
  • [WFLY-16528] - JSFDeploymentProcessorTestCase fails with Faces 4
  • [WFLY-16722] - ContextServiceImpl.getTransactionSetupProvider returns null when use-transaction-setup-provider=true
  • [WFLY-17016] - todo-backend QS has outdated Readme instructions
  • [WFLY-17169] - NPE in JSF BeanValidator.validate
  • [WFLY-17563] - Restore *module.xml necessary for manual installation of different jsf implementations
  • [WFLY-17699] - Elytron security tests fail since IBM JDK (IBM Semeru Runtime Certified Edition
  • [WFLY-17704] - Broken formatting in the Getting Started Developing Applications Guide
  • [WFLY-17783] - Intermittent failures in ReactiveMessagingKafkaUserApiTestCase
  • [WFLY-17790] - Remove the package from testsuite/shared
  • [WFLY-17899] - Asciidoc errors reported during build
  • [WFLY-17921] - Add missing org.jboss.vfs to RESTEasy Spring deployments
  • [WFLY-17939] - Update HostExcludesTestCase configuration to work with WF29
  • [WFLY-17947] - todo-backend Readme OpenShift instructions results in a non-functional QS app
  • [WFLY-17948] - todo-backend bootable jar Helm chart needs to be updated
  • [WFLY-17950] - 28.0.0.SP1 Quickstart READMEs refer to 28.0.0.Final tag
  • [WFLY-17953] - Do not use the JBoss Modules MavenResolver for resolving dependencies in tess
  • [WFLY-17957] - EJB timer schedule increment 0 should be considered as single value
  • [WFLY-17959] - OpenTelemetry is complaining about "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sun/misc/Unsafe"
  • [WFLY-17960] - LRA causes a failure in the ContextPropagationTestCase
  • [WFLY-17961] - Spurious Micrometer error on shutdown
  • [WFLY-17962] - Remove the ResteasyBootstrap listener from being registered in the AbstractRTSService
  • [WFLY-17967] - MicroProfile LRA layer should depend on MicroProfile Config layer
  • [WFLY-18002] - ExpirationMetaData.isExpired() test does not conform to logic in LocalScheduler
  • [WFLY-18011] - Add java.base/ package to recommended client side JPMS settings
  • [WFLY-18012] - The JaxrsIntegrationProcessor should not attempt to get the RESTEasy configuration when not a REST deployment.
  • [WFLY-18014] - Missing EE API license entries from core; wrong Apache license URLs
  • [WFLY-18021] - ee-security quickstart produce WFLYCTL0212: Duplicate resource
  • [WFLY-18023] - @SessionScoped EJBs are replicating proxy placeholders unnecessarily
  • [WFLY-18024] - CacheIdentity and IdentityContainer instances are replicating unnecessarily
  • [WFLY-18026] - Configuration applied on ServerAdd shouldn't apply runtime changes on boot for the sub resources
  • [WFLY-18035] - Include LRA guide in Subsystem configuration section
  • [WFLY-18036] - Marshalling optimizations are not getting applied to @SessionScoped @Stateful EJBs
  • [WFLY-18038] - JGroups transport thread pool configuration is ignored
  • [WFLY-18040] - EJB: make deployments share client context if only static interceptors are used
  • [WFLY-18043] - WildFly BOMs don't build after WFLY-18018
  • [WFLY-18046] - Quickstart Readme minor inconsistencies
  • [WFLY-18050] - When provisioning additional feature packs together with wildfly's feature pack, the generated license.html is incorrect
  • [WFLY-18065] - Distributed @SessionScoped @Stateful EJBs require excessive cache transactions per invocation
  • [WFLY-18066] - ByteBufferMarshalledValue generates duplicate buffers during a single marshalling operation
  • [WFLY-18068] - Quickstart archive contains redundant files
  • [WFLY-18069] - Eliminate unnecessary buffer copy when writing an object with known size via ProtoStream
  • [WFLY-18077] - Dependencies in the http-custom-mechanism should be provided
  • [WFLY-18078] - Dependencies in the helloworld-ws quickstart should be provided
  • [WFLY-18081] - Custom appclient container yaml configuration with additional Messaging settings should be allowed
  • [WFLY-18083] - Upgrade to Hibernate ORM release
  • [WFLY-18084] - Galleon layers for micrometer and opentelemetry are not documented.
  • [WFLY-18089] - Error creating a remote connector using ssl-context
  • [WFLY-18090] - Update removed jboss.server.deploy.dir with jboss.server.content.dir
  • [WFLY-18095] - Using affinity=primary-owner with a local-cache throws a ClassCastException
  • [WFLY-18115] - Opentelemetry sampler-type cannot be configured correctly
  • [WFLY-18117] - Messaging deployment descriptor doesn't parse entries correctly
  • [WFLY-18128] - Incorrect licenses for some artifacts
  • [WFLY-18134] - Angus Activation and Angus Mail should be private modules
  • [WFLY-18137] - Concurrency TCK failure
  • [WFLY-18141] - Several clustering-related modules should be private
  • [WFLY-18142] - Deprecate clustering-related module aliases
  • [WFLY-18150] - DistributableTimerService.getTimers() collection may omit timers during concurrent rescheduling process
  • [WFLY-18155] - Can't build BOMs after switching Jakarta Faces implementation in WildFly
  • [WFLY-18157] - Add Jakarta Faces API dep back to BOM
  • [WFLY-18158] - Oracle JDBC driver deployed as deployment needs dependency on module
  • [WFLY-18170] - Fix Faces 4.0 TCK failures
  • [WFLY-18179] - Undertow configuration=handler/filter resource require redundant runtime steps
  • [WFLY-18191] - Fix Faces 4.0 TCK failures + errors
  • [WFLY-18196] - Various minor inconsistencies in QS Readme files
  • [WFLY-18200] - Upgrade to Hibernate ORM 6.2.6.Final release
  • [WFLY-18202] - WildFly 26-28 document logo url incorrect
  • [WFLY-18206] - Typo preventing galleon state from being generated
  • [WFLY-18208] - BouncyCastleModuleTestCase fails with Security Manager enabled
  • [WFLY-18213] - asciidoctor-maven-plugin attribute sourceHighlighter should be source-highlighter
  • [WFLY-18224] - ClassNotFoundException thrown when processing enums with annotations
  • [WFLY-18230] - Several security subsystem resource require redundant runtime steps
  • [WFLY-18246] - Upgrade jacoco from 0.8.7 to 0.8.10 and fix coverage reporting configuration
  • [WFLY-18252] - Fix the Hibernate ElasticSearch tests to work with ElasticSearch 8.8.x
  • [WFLY-18254] - NullPointerException during rebalance
  • [WFLY-18256] - Line endings in license file are not changed to unix


  • [WFLY-14721] - Add tests to XTS and transactions(JTA) subsystem for attributes that allow expression
  • [WFLY-15076] - Add documentation on how to configure SSO with SAML for WildFly using the Keycloak adapter
  • [WFLY-15098] - Validate WildFly's use of Eclipse EE spec artifacts
  • [WFLY-15112] - Validate WildFly's use of the Eclipse jakarta.resource spec artifact
  • [WFLY-15324] - Get rid of pre-generated hardcoded key/trust stores in Kafka SSL test
  • [WFLY-15710] - Add version 2 of the elytron-oidc-client model and schema
  • [WFLY-16086] - Move microprofile tests out of testsuite/integration/manualmode into a separate module
  • [WFLY-16163] - Integration tests for Elytron distributed-realm ignore-unavailable-realms ability
  • [WFLY-16561] - Move the content in the servlet-feature-pack child modules into ee-feature-pack
  • [WFLY-16705] - Deprecate Context Service ResourceDefinition attribute use-transaction-setup-provider
  • [WFLY-16975] - Eliminate TokenUtilsEncryptTest workaround after upgrade to MP JWT 2.1
  • [WFLY-17102] - Intermittent failures in OidcWithSubsystemConfigTest and OidcWithDeploymentConfigTest
  • [WFLY-17556] - Revert the WFLY-15780 fix
  • [WFLY-17566] - Deprecate attributes in the connector modules that should be; review already deprecated ones
  • [WFLY-17659] - Review if any further security-domain attributes need to be deprecated
  • [WFLY-17684] - Rationalize the feature pack content maven modules
  • [WFLY-17758] - Add Patching smoke tests to mixed domain test suite
  • [WFLY-17785] - Fix intermittent failures in OidcIdentityPropagationTestCase
  • [WFLY-17792] - RBAC Allow continue testing patching constraint with an installation manager resource
  • [WFLY-17798] - Add deprecation comments to the javax.* EE API alias modules
  • [WFLY-17805] - Validate need for javax.resource.api / javax.xml.bind.api package declarations in ee layer
  • [WFLY-17811] - Convert EE Concurrency tests in testsuite/integration/basic to jar packaging
  • [WFLY-17823] - Remove outdated maven arq-managed test profile
  • [WFLY-17825] - Unify usage of arquillian-protocol-servlet-jakarta in QS dependencies
  • [WFLY-17888] - Validate non-private modules
  • [WFLY-17891] - Update DeploymentModulesListTestCase to not require that WildFly installs a static module with a slot
  • [WFLY-17905] - Clean out unneeded xalan references
  • [WFLY-17907] - Intermittent failures in ReactiveMessagingKafkaTestCase.test
  • [WFLY-17908] - Eliminate JDK 8 specific excludes from maven enforcer plugin configurations
  • [WFLY-17914] - Upgrade to Hibernate release that maps Character[]/Byte[] to SQL Array by default unless DB doesn't allow
  • [WFLY-17918] - Prune legacy jacorb, messaging and web modules
  • [WFLY-17920] - Move HostExcludesTestCase test case to the next iteration release
  • [WFLY-17940] - Remove batch subsystem use of RequestController.SERVICE_NAME
  • [WFLY-17941] - Remove use of deprecated SimpleOperationDefinition APIs
  • [WFLY-17942] - Remove use of deprecated SimpleResourceDefinition APIs
  • [WFLY-17943] - Remove use of deprecated SystemExiter API
  • [WFLY-17945] - Replace uses of ModelController.createClient with ModelControllerClientFactory
  • [WFLY-17949] - Improve quickstart CI with provisioned-server, openshift and bootable jar profiles
  • [WFLY-17954] - Review if any further security-realm attributes need to be deprecated
  • [WFLY-17958] - Persistence container bytecode enhancement should not be enabled by default
  • [WFLY-17965] - Delete copy-test-libs.xml
  • [WFLY-17972] - Replace use of MountHandle constructor with MountHandle.create
  • [WFLY-17973] - Clean up appclient Main
  • [WFLY-18006] - Fix jpa/core/query/flushmode TCK test failures
  • [WFLY-18016] - Eliminate CapabilityServiceBuilder.addCapabilityRequirement(String,Class,Injector,String...) deprecated method usages
  • [WFLY-18017] - Remove the elytron profile remnants
  • [WFLY-18018] - Clean up the root pom dependency data
  • [WFLY-18019] - IIOP: make sure that handles serialization is being tested
  • [WFLY-18030] - Correct the names of the feature-pack licenses.xml files
  • [WFLY-18031] - Upgrade to Hibernate release
  • [WFLY-18032] - Clarify use of the testsuite/integration/elytron/enable-embedded-messaging.cli file
  • [WFLY-18033] - Replace module.xml dependencies on javax.* EE modules with the jakarta.* modules
  • [WFLY-18039] - Remove uses of deprecated AttributeDefinition API
  • [WFLY-18045] - Remove uses of deprecated ManagementResourceRegistration API
  • [WFLY-18049] - Include microprofile-lra-api in the MicroProfile BOM
  • [WFLY-18052] - Drop problematic transitive dependency exclusions for org.wildfly.core:wildfly-controller and org.wildfly.core:wildfly-server
  • [WFLY-18053] - Remove uses of deprecated ConfigurationPersister and SubsystemXmlWriteRegistry API
  • [WFLY-18079] - Mark OidcWithIdentityPropagationTestCase as intermittently failing effectively @Ignore-ing it
  • [WFLY-18092] - Remove legacy security test handling from smoke tests pom
  • [WFLY-18094] - Update subsystem tests with enumerated namespace versions to use AbstractSubsystemTest
  • [WFLY-18099] - Fix the use of deprecated methods in org.wildfly.transaction.client.provider.jboss.JBossLocalTransactionProvider.Builder
  • [WFLY-18113] - Update the RBAC role in the documentation for securing the management console with OIDC
  • [WFLY-18118] - Remove the victims-scan profile
  • [WFLY-18120] - Split LayersTestCase tests of wildfly-ee feature pack layers from tests of wildfly feature pack layers
  • [WFLY-18123] - Remove use of deprecated VersionedURN subclasses
  • [WFLY-18130] - Add information on how to disable 'typ' claim validation to the Elytron OIDC Client documentation
  • [WFLY-18138] - Upgrade to Hibernate 6.2.5.Final release
  • [WFLY-18139] - The Jackson JAXRS Provider module should be deprecated
  • [WFLY-18143] - The old org.glassfish.jakarta.json module should be removed
  • [WFLY-18145] - Make the org.jboss.resteasy.resteasy-tracing-api as private
  • [WFLY-18153] - Mark the org.jboss.xts module as private
  • [WFLY-18159] - The org.apache.xerces module should be deprecated
  • [WFLY-18161] - Use the new class and remove
  • [WFLY-18164] - Mark the public org.apache.activemq.artemis.* modules as private, add a usage note.
  • [WFLY-18165] - Document alias modules as deprecated or private in their module.xml
  • [WFLY-18171] - Refresh ClientCompatibilityUnitTestCase
  • [WFLY-18184] - Replace the deprecated AuthenticationConfiguration.EMPTY with empty()
  • [WFLY-18222] - Add some metadata to Galleon layers to allow for layers discovery
  • [WFLY-18271] - Upgrade provisioning artifacts for WildFly 29.0.0.Final

Component Upgrade

  • [WFLY-17794] - Update Mojarra to 4.0.2
  • [WFLY-17850] - Upgrade nimbus-jose-jwt to 9.31
  • [WFLY-17936] - Upgrade SmallRye Reactive Messaging to 4.5.0
  • [WFLY-17937] - Upgrade SmallRye Config to 3.2.1
  • [WFLY-17951] - Upgrade the wildfly-maven-plugin to 4.1.0.Final
  • [WFLY-17955] - Upgrade to Smallrye opentelemetry 2.3.2
  • [WFLY-17964] - Upgrade Narayana to 6.0.1.Final
  • [WFLY-17981] - Upgrade Infinispan to 14.0.9.Final
  • [WFLY-17982] - Upgrade Netty to 4.1.92.Final
  • [WFLY-17983] - Upgrade Jakarta Activation to 2.1.2
  • [WFLY-17984] - Upgrade Angus Activation to 2.0.1
  • [WFLY-18003] - Upgrade smallrye-open-api to 3.3.3
  • [WFLY-18005] - Upgrade RESTEasy to 6.2.4.Final
  • [WFLY-18007] - Upgrade xalan to 2.7.3 (CVE-2022-34169)
  • [WFLY-18008] - Upgrade Galleon plugins to 6.4.2.Final
  • [WFLY-18010] - Upgrade jose4j to 0.9.3
  • [WFLY-18025] - Upgrade Arquillian and WildFly Arquillian
  • [WFLY-18037] - Upgrade smallrye-open-api to 3.3.4
  • [WFLY-18042] - Upgrade to SmallRye Reactive Messaging 4.6.0
  • [WFLY-18056] - Upgrade Jakarta Mail to 2.1.2
  • [WFLY-18057] - Upgrade Angus Mail to 2.0.2
  • [WFLY-18062] - Upgrade HAL to 3.6.6.Final
  • [WFLY-18063] - Upgrade WildFly Naming Client to 2.0.1.Final
  • [WFLY-18064] - Upgrade SmallRye Fault Tolerance to 6.2.3
  • [WFLY-18070] - Upgrade WildFly Core to 21.0.0.Beta1
  • [WFLY-18075] - Upgrade jboss-ejb-client from 5.0.4.Final to 5.0.5.Final
  • [WFLY-18091] - Upgrade Infinispan to 14.0.10.Final
  • [WFLY-18093] - Upgrade smallrye-health to 4.0.2
  • [WFLY-18096] - Upgrade WildFly Core to 21.0.0.Beta2
  • [WFLY-18098] - Upgrade JGroups AWS to 3.0.0.Final
  • [WFLY-18121] - Upgrade WildFly Core to 21.0.0.Beta3
  • [WFLY-18122] - Upgrade Weld to 5.1.1.Final
  • [WFLY-18125] - Upgrade HAL to 3.6.9.Final
  • [WFLY-18132] - Upgrade Infinispan to 14.0.11.Final
  • [WFLY-18147] - Upgrade WildFly Core to 21.0.0.Beta4
  • [WFLY-18172] - Upgrade ASM to 9.5
  • [WFLY-18175] - Upgrade openjdk-orb to 9.0.2.Final
  • [WFLY-18177] - Upgrade HAL to 3.6.10.Final
  • [WFLY-18180] - Upgrade netty from 4.1.92.Final to 4.1.94.Final (resolves CVE-2023-34462)
  • [WFLY-18181] - Upgrade WildFly Core to 21.1.0.Beta1
  • [WFLY-18183] - Upgrade SmallRye Fault Tolerance to 6.2.4
  • [WFLY-18188] - Upgrade Wildscribe to 2.1.0.Final
  • [WFLY-18190] - Update resteasy-spring to 3.0.3.Final
  • [WFLY-18197] - Upgrade to Hibernate Search 6.2.0.CR1
  • [WFLY-18198] - Upgrade to Lucene 8.11.2
  • [WFLY-18203] - Upgrade SmallRye Config to 3.3.0 (from 3.2.1)
  • [WFLY-18204] - Upgrade WildFly Core to 21.1.0.Beta2
  • [WFLY-18205] - Upgrade to SmallRye Reactive Messaging 4.7.0 (from 4.6.0)
  • [WFLY-18207] - Upgrade the resteasy-microprofile dependency from 2.1.1.Final to 2.1.2.Final
  • [WFLY-18223] - Upgrade ironjacamar to 3.0.3.Final
  • [WFLY-18225] - Upgrade smallrye-open-api to 3.4.0
  • [WFLY-18227] - Upgrade to Hibernate Search 6.2.0.Final
  • [WFLY-18228] - Upgrade to Elasticsearch client 8.8.2
  • [WFLY-18229] - Upgrade to Avro 1.11.2
  • [WFLY-18238] - Upgrade Byteman to 4.0.21
  • [WFLY-18239] - Upgrade Infinispan to 14.0.12.Final
  • [WFLY-18242] - Upgrade Weld to 5.1.1.SP1
  • [WFLY-18243] - Upgrade Guava for 31.1 to 32.1.1 (resolves CVE-2023-2976)
  • [WFLY-18247] - Upgrade to SmallRye Reactive Messaging 4.8.0
  • [WFLY-18260] - Upgrade jberet-core from 2.1.1.Final to 2.1.2.Final
  • [WFLY-18263] - Upgrade WildFly Core to 21.1.0.Final
  • [WFLY-18267] - Upgrade HAL to 3.6.11.Final


  • [WFLY-13834] - Document the new file encoding parameter added to Elytron audit logging.
  • [WFLY-17394] - Update WildFly Faces docs for Multi JSF Support
  • [WFLY-17614] - Create a cloud section in our documentation
  • [WFLY-17658] - Allow BOMs to be regenerated to reflect the versions in the channel.
  • [WFLY-17931] - Eliminate usage of deprecated javax.api module
  • [WFLY-17932] - Eliminate usage of deprecated sun.jdk module
  • [WFLY-17933] - Eliminate usage of deprecated javax.sql.api module
  • [WFLY-17934] - Eliminate usage of deprecated module
  • [WFLY-17935] - Move all distribution modules to latest schema namespace
  • [WFLY-17976] - Ensure the JACC Policy is enabled in the default EE feature pack configuration.
  • [WFLY-17990] - The datasources-web-server and ee-core-profile-server layers should depend on Elytron
  • [WFLY-17991] - The ee-security layer needs a dependency on elytron
  • [WFLY-17994] - The jmx-remoting and layer's dependency needs to be non-optional
  • [WFLY-18055] - Consume upstream Mojarra artifacts directly
  • [WFLY-18127] - Remove opentelemetry workaround
  • [WFLY-18152] - Rename module jakarta.faces to jakarta.faces.impl
  • [WFLY-18176] - WildFly Readiness probe should check the suspended state of the server
  • [WFLY-18186] - Record Galleon provisioned state in WildFly distributions
  • [WFLY-18257] - JaxrsSubsystemDefinition should use a single JaxrsParamHandler instance
  • [WFLY-18283] - Update WildFly archetypes for WildFly 29

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