Uploaded image for project: 'OCMUI - OpenShift Cluster Manager UI'
  1. OCMUI - OpenShift Cluster Manager UI
  2. OCMUI-2524

Make the multiRegion version of cluster details the default version

    • ACM Console Sprint 264, ACM Console Sprint 265, OCMUI Center Team Sprint 266

      The goal of this story is to make the multiRegion version of the cluster details the default version.  After this story, when the user goes to the cluster details the multiRevion version of the  cluster list is shown regardless of the multiRegion feature gate and URL flag.


      Technical tasks:

      • Change routing
      • Remove multiRegion URL flag code
      • Remove multiRegion preview banner
      • Archive old cluster details code including unused reducers
      • Update paths to use multiRegion version of cluster detail files (37 files need to be adjusted - mostly helper functions)
        • Verify current and multiRegion versions of import are identical
        • Verify current and multiRegion versions are equivalent and record for QE review if needed
        • Verify tests pass (both unit tests and cypress tests)

              kdoberst Kim Doberstein
              kdoberst Kim Doberstein
              Jason Loss Jason Loss
              0 Vote for this issue
              5 Start watching this issue
