Release Notes - Kogito - Version 1.40.0.Final - HTML format


  • [KOGITO-9307] - [Doc Review] Add validation on Workflow Metadata with admission webhooks
  • [KOGITO-9395] - [Doc Review] Serverless Workflow extension should not automatically include k8s addon
  • [KOGITO-9466] - [Doc Review] Reorganize SonataFlow Guides TOC


  • [KOGITO-8641] - Stabilize Kogito Serverless Operator Dev Profile
  • [KOGITO-8678] - Setup Quarkus 3 migration automation

Feature Request

  • [KOGITO-8522] - Map an external ConfigMap for application properties on Serverless Workflow services
  • [KOGITO-8866] - Ensure that Jobs Service is embedded in the workflow dev profile
  • [KOGITO-9106] - [KSW-Operator] Add support for BuildConfig on OpenShift for limited scenarios
  • [KOGITO-9154] - Support event state and callback state in serverless workflow executor
  • [KOGITO-9177] - SWF Project (single file) to CR generator
  • [KOGITO-9181] - Kogito images arm build in nightly
  • [KOGITO-9281] - Cloud event attributes should be avaiable as headers in kogitoprocesscontext
  • [KOGITO-9287] - Python script support in Serverless Workflow
  • [KOGITO-9291] - Kogito Serverless Operator image arm build in nightly
  • [KOGITO-9319] - Create workflow that emulate openvino hello world
  • [KOGITO-9353] - Add native support for python interpreter
  • [KOGITO-9366] - Add postgresql arm library on data-index and jobs-service inmemory addon


  • [KOGITO-7926] - [kogito-apps] ui-packages test fails not reflecting in PR checks
  • [KOGITO-8843] - Add health check on data-index service
  • [KOGITO-9141] - When RuleUnits are not used, still no way to insertLogical
  • [KOGITO-9143] - K_SINK health check fails for serverless workflows that receive events but don't send any events
  • [KOGITO-9157] - Input and Output schemas are not correctly referenced in Swagger UI
  • [KOGITO-9163] - Error when going back and forth between multiple workflow details
  • [KOGITO-9167] - ForEach and RestWorkItemHandler
  • [KOGITO-9182] - [Dev-mode] Unset the maven offline property if the QUARKUS_EXTENSION env is set
  • [KOGITO-9187] - [SWF Dev UI] OpenAPI workflow input schema requires _input suffix
  • [KOGITO-9189] - swagger-ui not available when using jobs service embedded
  • [KOGITO-9200] - Dev UI shows an error when data-index is loading
  • [KOGITO-9205] - DataIndex inmemory extension starting multiple PostgreSQL containers in devmode
  • [KOGITO-9208] - Allow reusing of state builder in fluent API
  • [KOGITO-9211] - springboot examples failing due to missing images
  • [KOGITO-9212] - kogito-addons-quarkus-data-index-inmemory fails when the project has no SWs or Processes
  • [KOGITO-9213] - Align Jobs service QuarkusTests with the Test class suffix instead of IT
  • [KOGITO-9230] - Avoid too many "Heartbeat Leader" DEBUG messages
  • [KOGITO-9234] - Sysout message hard coded string fails if it is a single word
  • [KOGITO-9241] - Data Index Dev UI not shown in the Operator Dev Mode
  • [KOGITO-9242] - Kogito Serverless Workflow Tools Dev UI not shown in the Operator Dev Mode
  • [KOGITO-9251] - [Dev-mode] KSW Discovery - You need to define a KubernetesServiceCatalog implementation
  • [KOGITO-9255] - [KSW Operator] Cannot create Workflow on Openshift if `spec.platform.registry` is set
  • [KOGITO-9259] - Operator and images cannot be built anymore on rhel7
  • [KOGITO-9274] - Cekit 4.6+ does not support some module version's scheme
  • [KOGITO-9290] - uid is empty on generated CRDs
  • [KOGITO-9300] - operator dev mode image shouldn't generate the kogito.yaml file
  • [KOGITO-9304] - Jobs Service produce warnings about OpenAPI dupplicated operationIds
  • [KOGITO-9305] - Data Index produce warnings about OpenAPI dupplicated operationIds
  • [KOGITO-9313] - 2 pods created to a single apply command
  • [KOGITO-9326] - [SWF Dev UI] Monitoring should work with custom and relative data index URLs
  • [KOGITO-9348] - [OPERATOR-KSW] API version not updated in workspace module
  • [KOGITO-9351] - CI: No space left on device
  • [KOGITO-9386] - [SWF Dev UI] Custom dashboards list has invalid date and broken cards
  • [KOGITO-9387] - Intermitent test failure on DataIndexRestIT due to Postgresql container reuse
  • [KOGITO-9388] - [SWF Dev UI] Custom dashboards list should show files in subdirectories


  • [KOGITO-8057] - Add dataindex to usecase example working with knative eventing
  • [KOGITO-8305] - [KSW-Guides] Deploying on OpenShift Clusters
  • [KOGITO-8961] - [KSW-Operator] Split use case and test examples
  • [KOGITO-9061] - Quarkus 3 environment scripts updated with Quarkus 3.0.0.Final
  • [KOGITO-9079] - [KSW-Operator] Build the Quarkus app and the Maven repo zips during the build
  • [KOGITO-9094] - [KSW-Guides] Support external resources configuration for Workflow CR in devmode
  • [KOGITO-9168] - [KSW-Operator] Create the cekit image descriptor for SWF devmode image
  • [KOGITO-9179] - Define basic 'Single File' TP1 project dependencies
  • [KOGITO-9194] - Allow Data-index consume different kind of eventing
  • [KOGITO-9209] - [SWF Dev UI] Rename extension's feature name to kogito-serverless-workflow-devui
  • [KOGITO-9221] - Quarkus 3: Setup main nightly pipeline
  • [KOGITO-9238] - Update SWF Basic Metrics Dashboard
  • [KOGITO-9254] - Update SWF Dashbuilder version to 0.28.0
  • [KOGITO-9322] - Setup OCP PR checks
  • [KOGITO-9328] - QE review of KOGITO-5245
  • [KOGITO-9333] - Create `quarkus-lts` nightly job
  • [KOGITO-9349] - [KSW-Operator] Initialize Go Workspace to manage multi-module structure
  • [KOGITO-9392] - [SWF Dev UI] Rename extension to Serverless Workflow Tools
  • [KOGITO-9406] - Kie-docs: Update param COMMUNITY_VERSION in post-release job
  • [KOGITO-9683] - [Operator] Review installation guide to use OperatorHub

Quality Risk

  • [KOGITO-9017] - Sonar reports cross-origin vulnerabilities


  • [KOGITO-8455] - Improve post-release pipeline job with Release Notes
  • [KOGITO-8644] - [KSW-Operator] Review "applied" status attribute
  • [KOGITO-8648] - [KSW-Operator] Implement the Knative Addressable interface in dev profile
  • [KOGITO-8650] - [KSW-Operator] Ensure that Data Index is embedded in the workflow dev profile
  • [KOGITO-8651] - [KSW-Operator] Ensure that the Management Console is embedded in the workflow dev profile
  • [KOGITO-8675] - [KSW-Operator] Make Workflow Dev Profile builder image configurable via Platform
  • [KOGITO-9011] - Provide a job of E2E tests against Openshift
  • [KOGITO-9144] - Refactor the Service Discovery engine to support more than one implementation
  • [KOGITO-9183] - Remove org.kie.kogito.addons.quarkus.knative.serving.customfunctions.Operation#namespace
  • [KOGITO-9207] - [Operator] Make QUARKUS_KOGITO_DEVSERVICES_ENABLED and QUARKUS_DEVSERVICES_ENABLED properties immutable in devmode
  • [KOGITO-9210] - Disable K_SINK health check in runtime
  • [KOGITO-9214] - waitForProcessEvent in StaticApplication should be refactor
  • [KOGITO-9216] - Better error message handling when I miss a functionRef argument
  • [KOGITO-9217] - Do not fail the Dev mode Container Image if the workflow is invalid
  • [KOGITO-9220] - Support SSL for RestWorkItemHandler
  • [KOGITO-9225] - Disable continuous testing on dev images
  • [KOGITO-9229] - Unify the jvm and mvn settings for devmode
  • [KOGITO-9233] - Jobs service embedded add-on should disable kafka and database quarkus dev services by default
  • [KOGITO-9246] - Ensure the kogito-addons-quarkus-knative-eventing add-on incorporates the kogito default incoming events stream
  • [KOGITO-9262] - [Operator] Making probes more patient
  • [KOGITO-9263] - [Operator] Enforce ConfigMap mount path for files referenced by the function definition
  • [KOGITO-9275] - Jenkins: Switch jobs to RHEL8
  • [KOGITO-9309] - Timeout on dataindex-embedded addon
  • [KOGITO-9312] - Events sending produce no errors if the target endpoint is not available
  • [KOGITO-9315] - Serverless Workflow extension should not automatically include k8s addon
  • [KOGITO-9318] - Support dashes (-) in Kogito Serverless Workflow ids
  • [KOGITO-9323] - [Operator] Adjust the spec.flow to not replicate or validate id, name, key, etc from the base spec
  • [KOGITO-9364] - [SWF Dev UI] Include a loading screen while workflows are being started
  • [KOGITO-9400] - Include postgresql binary dependencies based on execution arch on quarkus-embedded-postgresql

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