Release Notes - Kogito - Version 1.33.0.Final - HTML format


  • [KOGITO-8406] - [Doc Review][KSW-Guides] Enhance getting started guide with workflow use cases description
  • [KOGITO-8549] - [Doc Review] Documentation for Job Service - Leader instance election

Feature Request

  • [KOGITO-7766] - Data Index as Quarkus extension
  • [KOGITO-8351] - Add Camel Routes integration to Serverless Workflow
  • [KOGITO-8354] - Make a string which has a valid JSON format to be parsed by the workflow engine


  • [KOGITO-7621] - Null "triggerTime" field in processinstance events leads to management console crash
  • [KOGITO-8272] - Runtime tools Quarkus Extension: Cannot switch user in task inbox screen
  • [KOGITO-8341] - Pipelines: `kogito-quarkus-examples` and `kogito-springboot-examples` productized profile should be empty
  • [KOGITO-8358] - Event Date missing on Serverless Workflow + Data Index integration
  • [KOGITO-8359] - DataIndex corruption when a event driven workflow is completed
  • [KOGITO-8360] - toStateData is misbehaving for nested paths
  • [KOGITO-8361] - Kubernetes Discovery Add-on throwing ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException without an apparent reason
  • [KOGITO-8386] - Failed to send message to Data Index
  • [KOGITO-8389] - Regression: `process-postgresql` examples are no more working due to flyway migration
  • [KOGITO-8418] - SW rest API enum parameter would be changed to uppercase
  • [KOGITO-8421] - [SW] Ensure that the Kogito SW builder image has the correct Quarkus version
  • [KOGITO-8425] - PMML API dependency fails to resolve path when in Quarkus mutable-jar context
  • [KOGITO-8444] - Kogito Codegen don't handle POM dependencies accordingly
  • [KOGITO-8510] - `kogito-swf-builder` is taking minutes to finish build



  • [KOGITO-8062] - Pipelines: DSL: Environments should be configurable via branch config instead of hardcoded in class
  • [KOGITO-8094] - Creation of Deepcopy in go-sdk
  • [KOGITO-8250] - [KSW-Guides] Working with Open API callbacks
  • [KOGITO-8298] - Improve the Kaniko build time using a pre-warmed cache and desired resources
  • [KOGITO-8301] - Documentation for Job Service - Leader instance election
  • [KOGITO-8314] - [KSW-Guides] Using Serverless Operator to deploy workflow applications on Kubernetes
  • [KOGITO-8337] - Serverless Operator: Check e2e in nightlies
  • [KOGITO-8349] - Remove `persistence` and `events` Maven profiles on Examples
  • [KOGITO-8352] - Publish a blog post advertising the new Camel Route integration
  • [KOGITO-8353] - [KSW Guides] Add a new "Integration" section with Camel Routes add-on details and update custom functions
  • [KOGITO-8373] - Pipelines: Make use of the `quarkus.native.builder.image` option for native/mandrel builds
  • [KOGITO-8391] - Kogito example of Listener for DT events
  • [KOGITO-8408] - Create a copy of the latest version in the SW guides to have a numbered URL
  • [KOGITO-8495] - Bump to Quarkus 2.16.0.Final
  • [KOGITO-8521] - Job Service New API refactor database migration to the new schema


  • [KOGITO-8308] - Remove dependency from Quarkus Process extension
  • [KOGITO-8394] - Data Index attributes retrieved from runtime should return null instead of 404 error
  • [KOGITO-8396] - Move Serverless Loan Broker container build to a profile
  • [KOGITO-8405] - Add Flyway settings to PostgreSQL SpringBoot test resource
  • [KOGITO-8420] - [SW] Enable the JVM dynamic-resources configuration in the swf builder image
  • [KOGITO-8428] - Honor rest signal template method return type
  • [KOGITO-8429] - [SW] Copy only the supported files into the builder context

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