Feature Request
- [RESTEASY-1246] - WADL: Multiple Produces and Consumes should be dealt with correctly
- [RESTEASY-1405] - Allow injection of @FormParam InputPart fields in @MultipartForm parameters
- [RESTEASY-1409] - Upgrade infinspan dependency to 8.1.0.Final
- [RESTEASY-1415] - RESTEasy should log used Providers and Interceptors in DEBUG level
- [RESTEASY-1431] - Add SNI support for netty4 integration
- [RESTEASY-1447] - Add documentation for RESTEASY WADL
- [RESTEASY-1451] - Add WADL support to RESTEasy Undertow Container
- [RESTEASY-1453] - Vert.x server adapter
- [RESTEASY-1481] - UndertowJaxrsServer: Exposing the ability to add prefix paths to the server root path handler
- [RESTEASY-1517] - Add ability to control slash encoding for PathParam
- [RESTEASY-1558] - Logging debug info for MessageBodyWriters and MessageBodyReaders
- [RESTEASY-975] - Client Framework not honoring connection timeouts Apache Client 4.3
- [RESTEASY-1186] - Constraint violations produced by invalid parameters of a JAXRS resource method are not immediately returned in the Response returned by the method, causing business methods to be called with invalid values.
- [RESTEASY-1196] - ClientProxy wrongly invokes equals method
- [RESTEASY-1197] - Performance Issue: org.jboss.resteasy.spi.ResteasyUriInfo instantiation takes 20% of all the CPU time
- [RESTEASY-1200] - Resteasy uses httpclient 4.2.6 which is not in sync with httpclient 4.3.6 used in Wildfly
- [RESTEASY-1201] - Multipart upload fails with Stream Closed
- [RESTEASY-1205] - RestEasy-Netty4: ByteBuf leak in ResteasyHttpRequestDecoder
- [RESTEASY-1242] - CommitHeaderOutputStream may invoke headers.commit() several times
- [RESTEASY-1266] - Fix cookie processing
- [RESTEASY-1274] - Max number of headers is reached when invoking entities with variant encoding throwing an IllegalStateException
- [RESTEASY-1285] - ApacheHttpClient4Engine ignores HttpClient#defaultRequestConfig
- [RESTEASY-1287] - RESTEasy-Spring is unable to set mediaTypeMappings in ResteasyDeployment by bean settings
- [RESTEASY-1353] - Missing <distributable/> tag in web-fragment.xml of resteasy-cdi
- [RESTEASY-1355] - Remove javax.servlet.api:2.5 dependency from top scope, keep it in tjws only
- [RESTEASY-1356] - RESTEasy don't use correct logging on many places
- [RESTEASY-1402] - org.jboss.resteasy.plugins.providers.jaxb.XmlJAXBContextFinder should not cache JAXBContext coming from user ContextResolver<JAXBContext>
- [RESTEASY-1406] - Upstream repository clean up checklist
- [RESTEASY-1417] - Character encoding problem when reading services file
- [RESTEASY-1421] - Upgrade Jackson to 2.7.4 due to CVE-2016-3720
- [RESTEASY-1423] - RESTEasy cache core does not respect the 'private' cache-control flag
- [RESTEASY-1426] - README is not actual
- [RESTEASY-1428] - resteasy-guice's RequestScopeModule has a recursive toString implementation
- [RESTEASY-1435] - Wrong eagledns-fork dependency version in resteasy-crypto
- [RESTEASY-1443] - Properties from javax.ws.rs.core.Application.getProperties are partially registered
- [RESTEASY-1448] - ReadDataSourceTwiceCountTempFileTest fails in Travis CI
- [RESTEASY-1459] - Method being executed although validation fails
- [RESTEASY-1461] - SerializableProvider should be deprecated
- [RESTEASY-1463] - Apache http client 4.5 API upgrade causes 4 build test failures
- [RESTEASY-1466] - jsapi-servlet-test example failure
- [RESTEASY-1471] - ContextResolvers are always considered builtin
- [RESTEASY-1476] - Expires attribute for NewCookie is not set correctly in response header
- [RESTEASY-1480] - Correct package splitting to prepare JDK9 Jigsaw support
- [RESTEASY-1482] - Usage of Charset.defaultCharset() in AbstractJsonpProvider
- [RESTEASY-1489] - spring integration test modules not cleaned by 'mvn clean'
- [RESTEASY-1491] - Client documentation shows ClientFactory but this class does not exist
- [RESTEASY-1499] - @GZIP annotation on client proxy doesn't set content-type gzip to the request header
- [RESTEASY-1500] - ForbiddenException is not thrown when handling client invocation errors
- [RESTEASY-1502] - SpringBeanProcessorServletAware loads wrong attributes
- [RESTEASY-1522] - Guice integration broken in 3.1
- [RESTEASY-1528] - Servlet 2.x integration broken by RESTEASY-1477
- [RESTEASY-1540] - When forwarding an AbortedResponse response body is lost
- [RESTEASY-1553] - MessageSanitizerContainerResponseFilter doesn't check the Content-Type header before escaping
- [RESTEASY-1556] - Can't deploy resteasy-dependencies-bom snapshot to maven repository
- [RESTEASY-1581] - Resteasy 3 missing jboss logging internationalization
- [RESTEASY-824] - Update client framework tests to JAX-RS 2.0
- [RESTEASY-1245] - Wrong JDK version documented
- [RESTEASY-1361] - Build and testsuite reorganization
- [RESTEASY-1368] - Verify and automate examples execution
- [RESTEASY-1400] - Replace use of deprecated junit.framework.Assert with org.junit.Assert
- [RESTEASY-1410] - Segregate TJWS from resteasy-jaxrs
- [RESTEASY-1416] - Reduce number of WARNINGs shown during build
- [RESTEASY-1433] - Compile with JDK 1.8 source/target version
- [RESTEASY-1436] - Use latest JDK version on Travis
- [RESTEASY-1440] - Upgrade Netty 4 dependency
- [RESTEASY-1442] - Support setting ObjectWriterModifier in ResteasyJackson2Provider
- [RESTEASY-1450] - Testsuite - fix annotations, review failing tests, configurable resteasy version for unit tests
- [RESTEASY-1452] - Cleanup bld WARNINGS generated by improper Generics usage
- [RESTEASY-1454] - Migrate resteasy-jaxrs-testsuite to resteasy-integration-tests
- [RESTEASY-1460] - Refactor TestPortProvider consumers
- [RESTEASY-1469] - Document chapters and subchapters for test javadoc documentation
- [RESTEASY-1470] - Add property to specify resteasy version for testsuite
- [RESTEASY-1473] - Create test for SecurityContext
- [RESTEASY-1474] - Allow to override redirectTestOutputToFile attribute of surefire plugin in testsuite
- [RESTEASY-1477] - Remove deprecated/unsupported resteasy.scan, resteasy.scan.resources and resteasy.scan.providers configuration parameters
- [RESTEASY-1479] - Clean up compiler warnings in the testsuite module
- [RESTEASY-1487] - New test for change streams in interceptors
- [RESTEASY-1488] - Extend SecurityContextTest to use ContainerRequestFilter
- [RESTEASY-1496] - Create test for gzip compressed data in the post request
- [RESTEASY-1497] - i18n profiles: cleanup test files from main resources before package phase
- [RESTEASY-1506] - Update "Migration from older versions" chapter of upstream documentation
- [RESTEASY-1512] - Revisit jboss-modules project module
- [RESTEASY-1513] - Deprecate jackson 1
- [RESTEASY-1518] - Upgrade Spring dependency to 3.1.0.RELEASE
- [RESTEASY-1520] - (Update Wildfly | remove EAP) references in Users Guide
- [RESTEASY-1529] - Fix build and testsuite to run on Windows too
- [RESTEASY-1536] - Allow to change maven dependencies by profile
- [RESTEASY-1546] - Document setting ObjectWriterModifier in ResteasyJackson2Provider
- [RESTEASY-1550] - Allow to change redirectTestOutputToFile from console
- [RESTEASY-1557] - Remove resteasy-test-data module
- [RESTEASY-1561] - ResteasyClientBuilder socketTimeout documentation error
- [RESTEASY-1583] - Prepare tests for provider's and interceptor's debug messages
- [RESTEASY-1585] - Multipart provider tests don't close client connection.
- [RESTEASY-1586] - Backport changes from 3.1.0.Final to 3.0.20.SPx
Component Upgrade
- [RESTEASY-1336] - Upgrade dependencies
- [RESTEASY-1338] - Upgrade Netty 3
- [RESTEASY-1509] - Upgrade to Hibernate Validator 5.2.4 and corresponding ClassMate version
- [RESTEASY-1523] - Upgrade Infinispan to 8.2.4.Final
- [RESTEASY-1524] - Upgrade Spring to 3.2.17.RELEASE
- [RESTEASY-1525] - Upgrade Netty 4 to 4.1.5.Final
- [RESTEASY-1526] - More dependency upgrades
- [RESTEASY-1072] - Make module ZIPs available in JBoss Maven repository
- [RESTEASY-1233] - Map multipart/form-data readers do not preserve order as their counterpart writes do.
- [RESTEASY-1357] - Deprecated Apache classes cleanup
- [RESTEASY-1468] - Propagate system properties to Arquillian tests
- [RESTEASY-1519] - Add SpringContextLoaderListener(WebApplicationContext context) constructor
- [RESTEASY-1521] - Use StandardCharsets.UTF_8 instead of "UTF-8" string
- [RESTEASY-1530] - Implement toString method in ResourceLocator
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