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  1. RESTEasy
  2. RESTEASY-1266

Fix cookie processing


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 3.1.0.CR1, 3.0.20.Final
    • 3.0.6.Final, 3.0.13.Final
    • jaxrs
    • None
    • Hide
      1. Create a @PreMatching ContainerRequestFilter with the above code in it.
      2. Create a resource that looks for a cookie with the NEW_COOKIE_NAME name
      3. Make a request with a cookie with the OLD_COOKIE_NAME name

      Expected behavior: the filter sees the "old cookie" and "creates" a "new cookie" for resources and downstream filters, and the resource can thus see the "new cookie".

      Actual behavior: the resource does not see such a cookie.

      Workaround: the resource has to explicitly check for both cookies.

      Create a @PreMatching ContainerRequestFilter with the above code in it. Create a resource that looks for a cookie with the NEW_COOKIE_NAME name Make a request with a cookie with the OLD_COOKIE_NAME name Expected behavior: the filter sees the "old cookie" and "creates" a "new cookie" for resources and downstream filters, and the resource can thus see the "new cookie". Actual behavior: the resource does not see such a cookie. Workaround: the resource has to explicitly check for both cookies.

      I'm trying to write a @PreMatching ContainerRequestFilter to seamlessly migrate cookies from one name to another.

      For that, the code looks more-or-less like:

        public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException {
          final Cookie cookie = requestContext.getCookies().get(OLD_COOKIE_NAME);
          if (cookie != null && requestContext.getCookies().containsKey(NEW_COOKIE_NAME)) {
            requestContext.getHeaders().add(HttpHeaders.COOKIE, new Cookie(NEW_COOKIE_NAME, sidCookie.getValue()).toString());

      Resources and downstream filters however don't see the new cookie in getCookies(). This is because cookies are computed when the ResteasyHttpHeaders instance is created (e.g. ServletUtil#extractHttpHeaders or NettyUtil#extractHttpHeaders) and then live their life independent of the headers.

      Looking at the JAX-RS reference implementation, getCookies() seems to be computed on-the-fly, extracted from headers:

            rsigal@redhat.com Ronald Sigal
            t.broyer Thomas Broyer (Inactive)
            1 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
