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  1. RESTEasy
  2. RESTEASY-1353

Missing <distributable/> tag in web-fragment.xml of resteasy-cdi


      The META-INF folder of the resteasy-cdi JAR file contains a web-fragment.xml file. That xml file is missing a <distributable/> tag. That means that any application including the resteasy-cdi JAR will not be distributable.

      Quote from the Servlet 3.0 specification (chapter 8.2.3 "Assembling the descriptor from web.xml, webfragment.xml and annotations"):
      "viii. The web.xml resulting from the merge is considered <distributable> only if all its web fragments are marked as <distributable> as well."

      This is a very serious limitation preventing any application using resteasy-cdi from running in a cluster with distributed sessions.

      Suggested fix: Add a <distributable/> tag to the web-fragment.xml of resteasy-cdi. It will allow applications including resteasy-cdi to be distributable.

            rsearls r searls
            chbrehm_jira Christoph Brehm (Inactive)
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