Release Notes - WildFly - Version 20.0.0.Final - HTML format


  • [WFLY-11315] - Remove unused dependencies from
  • [WFLY-13171] - Validate requirement for modules previously exported by javax.ejb.api on JSF implementations
  • [WFLY-13363] - Update reference to wildfly-credential-reference_1_1.xsd for future jgroups XSD
  • [WFLY-13364] - Update reference to wildfly-credential-reference_1_1.xsd for future datasources XSD
  • [WFLY-13365] - Update reference to wildfly-credential-reference_1_1.xsd for future resource-adapters XSD
  • [WFLY-13366] - Update reference to wildfly-credential-reference_1_1.xsd for future agroal XSD
  • [WFLY-13367] - Update reference to wildfly-credential-reference_1_1.xsd for future mail XSD
  • [WFLY-13368] - Update reference to wildfly-credential-reference_1_1.xsd for future messaging-activemq XSD
  • [WFLY-13369] - Update reference to wildfly-credential-reference_1_1.xsd for future undertow XSD

Feature Request

  • [WFLY-4699] - Expose EJB3 deployment information at runtime
  • [WFLY-12218] - Support automatically adding / updating credentials in the CredentialStore
  • [WFLY-12661] - Make IP address of remote EJB client accessible to the developer from within app authentication code
  • [WFLY-12680] - Ability to configure default global stateful timeout for Stateful Session Beans (SFSB)
  • [WFLY-12733] - EJB Timers: Forcing refresh timers in a database-data-store in a clustered environment
  • [WFLY-12770] - Create quickstart for MicroProfile Fault Tolerance 2.1
  • [WFLY-12779] - Incorporate MicroProfile Config in RESTEasy
  • [WFLY-12810] - Documentation for new regex mapper for security roles in Elytron
  • [WFLY-13003] - Support the SameSite cookie attribute
  • [WFLY-13024] - Integrate MP Fault Tolerance 2.1
  • [WFLY-13089] - Upgrade MicroProfile REST Client implementation to 1.4
  • [WFLY-13129] - Example CLI script to evolve standalone configurations with microprofile


  • [WFLY-5097] - @Startup @Singleton Beans Constructed Multiple Times
  • [WFLY-5809] - TimeoutException: Unable to acquire lock after 15 seconds. Lock is held by GlobalTransaction:local
  • [WFLY-10073] - Key requester node_X is not in current view Y; ignoring key request
  • [WFLY-10854] - Default value defined on injection point of List and Set fields is not taken into account
  • [WFLY-10942] - IIOPTimeoutTestCase fails intermittently
  • [WFLY-11442] - Remove unused dependencies from
  • [WFLY-11508] - Add "org.eclipse.microprofile.restclient" dependency to "resteasy-client-microprofile" module
  • [WFLY-11566] - ConstraintDeclarationException on JAX-RS/EJB Methods with List/Set query parameter
  • [WFLY-11763] - NPE in Infinispan EvictionManagerImpl when statistics are enabled
  • [WFLY-12018] - WebSocket13Channel not Serializable
  • [WFLY-12516] - EJBContext principal is not popped back after invoking another EJB using a different Security Domain
  • [WFLY-12624] - Return hostname instead of IP address when generating default client mapping
  • [WFLY-12674] - wildfly.jpa.skipquerydetach set to true, will now skip clearing of query results
  • [WFLY-12705] - File upload fails with IllegalStateException when PicketLink SSO is enabled.
  • [WFLY-12807] - Test case for WFCORE-4475 [jboss-deployment-structure.xml with fails to parse when annotations=true on a sub-deployment module]
  • [WFLY-12822] - Undertow Deadlock
  • [WFLY-12824] - Clustering: java.lang.StackOverflowError in scattered cache scenarios
  • [WFLY-12849] - File upload (multipart) with Picketlink fails with sizes over 20k (using Apache Commons FileUpload)
  • [WFLY-12871] - System Exception (EJBException) should be thrown instead of ApplicationException when rollback=false
  • [WFLY-12872] - File UploadMultipart does not work for files greater than 10 kB with PicketLink SSO is enabled
  • [WFLY-12899] - Failing JMXPropertyEditorsTestCase in 18.0.0.Final
  • [WFLY-12947] - EL should coerce String to Integer in equals operation
  • [WFLY-12999] - EJB Client authentication does not work using SASL DIGEST-MD5 and EXTERNAL mechanisms in Legacy security - test
  • [WFLY-13006] - KUBE_PING Occasional NPE on shutdown
  • [WFLY-13060] - EJB client behaviour is different when deployed in a .war compared to a .ear and can result in a OOME
  • [WFLY-13061] - Picketlink: TLS handshakes with ECDHE fail with Bouncy Castle and Java 11.0.5
  • [WFLY-13074] - Application context is enabled to mod_cluster for servers that are started as suspended in the JBoss EAP 7.2
  • [WFLY-13080] - Opentracing is not working after redeployment
  • [WFLY-13088] - ejb: binding should not be listed if there is no Remote interface
  • [WFLY-13092] - The quoted FILE parameter in the Galleon configuration causes the server to fail to build
  • [WFLY-13102] - TransactionalRemoteStatelessTestCase.affinityNodeFailure may intermittently fail
  • [WFLY-13121] - jgroups channel protocol read-resource error with include-runtime
  • [WFLY-13123] - Server stopping at RemoteEJBClientStatefulBeanFailoverTestCase needs to be guarded with timeout otherwise the server stop may stuck further test processing
  • [WFLY-13127] - NPE in OpenApiAnnotationScanner when OpenTracing TCK war is deployed
  • [WFLY-13136] - Can't create a Pooled Connection Factory using Jgroups
  • [WFLY-13142] - Can't create a Connection Factory using JGroups discovery
  • [WFLY-13147] - Deployment slowdown after WFLY upgrade (DeploymentArchive handling)
  • [WFLY-13152] - WFLYEJB0094: EJB 3.1 FR 5.4.2 MessageDrivenBean does not implement 1 interface nor specifies message listener interface
  • [WFLY-13159] - Datasource resolution fails for application layer alias when using Hibernate bytecode enhancement
  • [WFLY-13161] - CLIENT-CERT login does not work in intermediate elytron setup
  • [WFLY-13162] - ConcurrentModificationException in WildFlyJobXmlResolver
  • [WFLY-13168] - Invalidation caches use wrong key affinity
  • [WFLY-13175] - Expressions in jboss-ejb-client.xml don't work for client-context invocation-timeout
  • [WFLY-13176] - Add jboss-ejb-client_1_3.xsd schema
  • [WFLY-13185] - Rest-client can't be used without opentracing subsystem present in config
  • [WFLY-13189] - CDI layer should not configure bean validation
  • [WFLY-13210] - open-tracing layer must depend on microprofile-config
  • [WFLY-13214] - Add section headers for different session management profiles
  • [WFLY-13216] - /openapi throws 406 when Accept header is sufficiently complex
  • [WFLY-13232] - The JBoss Negotation licence should be "GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later"
  • [WFLY-13233] - Session attributes do not mutate correctly and when created on a non-primary owner of a session and backing distributed/replicated cache is non-transactional
  • [WFLY-13238] - Object returned by HttpSession.getAttribute(...) following a previous setAttribute(...), not mutating correctly on non-primary owner using ATTRIBUTE granularity when cache is non-transactional.
  • [WFLY-13240] - Clustering TS: Default to non-multicast discovery protocol for 'bridge' channel used in XSite tests
  • [WFLY-13249] - WebSecurityCERTTestCase fails on IBM JDK when elytron is enabled
  • [WFLY-13252] - JSF IdMapper can create repeated ids in clustered environments causing: IllegalStateException with postback
  • [WFLY-13253] - CommandDispatcher cannot optimize marshalling of user commands
  • [WFLY-13261] - Messages are being added to topic even if there are no subscribers
  • [WFLY-13265] - jaxrs-jwt - changed name of realm in web.xml
  • [WFLY-13268] - MP Fault Tolerance quickstart cannot resolve dependencies with wildfly-microprofile BOM
  • [WFLY-13269] - The org.wildfly:wildfly-client-all artefact incorrectly contains the Elytron CDI extension
  • [WFLY-13275] - Quickstart README documentation should not promote usage of using background jobs
  • [WFLY-13277] - Reduce latency of synchronous remote cache operations
  • [WFLY-13278] - CommandDispatcher cannot optimize marshalling of user command responses
  • [WFLY-13284] - Fix incorrect method call in EJB3IIOPResource write-attribute handler
  • [WFLY-13285] - Observability TCKs fail when is used
  • [WFLY-13293] - When deploying "ROOT.war" in EAP7.x, the context root value output through jboss-cli is not valid
  • [WFLY-13295] - REST-AT inbound bridge is not activated for EJB without TransactionalManagement annotation
  • [WFLY-13297] - Weld @Resource injection does not handle expressions in the annotation attributes
  • [WFLY-13304] - JwtActivationProcessor throws NPE when LoginConfig#realmName not declared
  • [WFLY-13308] - wildfly-ejb-client-bom version incorrectly managed by wildfly parent
  • [WFLY-13316] - MicroProfile OpenTracing integration requires scope request
  • [WFLY-13333] - OpenAPI endpoint returns empty file if schema definition contains non ASCII character
  • [WFLY-13334] - MP Opentracing tests are not passing with a Security Manager
  • [WFLY-13339] - Remove transitive dependencies from MP OpenAPI TCKs
  • [WFLY-13340] - Exception in thread "ConnectionValidator" java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException in server shutdown
  • [WFLY-13357] - (Regression) Execution of concurrent batch jobs containg partitioned steps causes deadlock
  • [WFLY-13375] - JNDI view does not show implementation classes for connection factories and destinations registered by 3rd party resource adapters
  • [WFLY-13376] - Cannot change jgroups subsystem attribute without reload
  • [WFLY-13381] - Unable to disable security on EJB over Http endpoint
  • [WFLY-13386] - Hung process instances and associated server.log WARN "Failed to reinstate timer 'kie-server.kie-server.EJBTimerScheduler' "
  • [WFLY-13390] - :migrate operation on legacy messaging subsystem fails with WF19
  • [WFLY-13405] - Update CommonDeploymentService in release.
  • [WFLY-13413] - Undertow mod-cluster filter capability name is incorrectly generated from the parent resource
  • [WFLY-13424] - External pooled connection factory won't be properly injected if it has several JNDI entries
  • [WFLY-13429] - IllegalFormatConversionException when logging FINE granularity web session cache keys
  • [WFLY-13439] - CVE-2020-6950 jsf-impl: Mojarra: Path traversal via either the loc parameter or the con parameter, incomplete fix of CVE-2018-1437
  • [WFLY-13440] - CVE-2018-14371 jsf-impl: mojarra: Path traversal in via the loc parameter
  • [WFLY-13447] - Undertow request failure happens due to "IllegalArgumentException: Comparison method violates its general contract!" when many filter-ref are defined
  • [WFLY-13450] - Missing README.html for microprofile-rest-client QS
  • [WFLY-13451] - Some microprofile QS are missing in the main README
  • [WFLY-13452] - RemoteCacheContainer.getTransactionManager() always returns null
  • [WFLY-13453] - Near cache should auto-enable when hotrod session manager is used.
  • [WFLY-13454] - Remote cache store should never use a near cache
  • [WFLY-13457] - Generic JMS RA leaks memory when using JMS 2.0 API with TIBCO EMS
  • [WFLY-13458] - Issues in readme for microprofile-health QS
  • [WFLY-13461] - Jaxrs requires bean-validation when cdi is present
  • [WFLY-13462] - Issues in readme for microprofile-config QS
  • [WFLY-13463] - Issues in readme for microprofile-metrics QS
  • [WFLY-13464] - Change server startup documentation to reference local installation and standalone-microprofile.xml
  • [WFLY-13465] - Issues in readme for microprofile-rest-client QS
  • [WFLY-13467] - Issues in readme for microprofile-opentracing QS
  • [WFLY-13472] - Failing unit tests in microprofile-jwt quickstart
  • [WFLY-13473] - Missing repositories in generated poms for MP QS in EAP
  • [WFLY-13474] - Wrong licenses (failed license check)
  • [WFLY-13475] - MP FT Quickstart: Change server startup documentation to reference local installation and standalone-microprofile.xml
  • [WFLY-13476] - MP FT QS: Missing supported shared-docs sections
  • [WFLY-13477] - Cannot deploy microprofile-jwt quickstart to EAP XP1
  • [WFLY-13479] - MP FT QS: Corrections in English language write-up
  • [WFLY-13493] - write-behind cache configurations always behave as write-through
  • [WFLY-13495] - RestEasy - java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError handling PATCH request
  • [WFLY-13496] - Change the packaging of MP Health quickstart to war to enable deployment through IDEs
  • [WFLY-13497] - Wrong behaviour in JSF UIInput's component
  • [WFLY-13505] - Transaction JTS module misses dependencies to proper handling context propagation async calls
  • [WFLY-13514] - Huge memory leak in WildFly
  • [WFLY-13527] - Thousand of unauthorized requests in between balancer and backend if backend is running in a cluster
  • [WFLY-13528] - No response on default endpoint that JBDS opens upon deployment in microprofile-* QS
  • [WFLY-13533] - MP FT: Incorrect delay compare in RetryConfig validate method
  • [WFLY-13543] - Upgrade RESTEasy from 3.12.0.Final to 3.12.1.Final
  • [WFLY-13556] - Memory leak in FlashScope - expired elements are not cleared
  • [WFLY-13577] - Warning when deleting non existing CLI warning file


  • [WFLY-5966] - Validate requirement for modules previously exported by javax.ejb.api
  • [WFLY-11905] - Move module org.apache.xml-resolver from WildFly Core to WildFly
  • [WFLY-12389] - Add JGroups subsystem schema and model version 8.0
  • [WFLY-12402] - Clean out unneeded test deployment dependencies on module once WFCORE-4614 is done
  • [WFLY-12510] - Update usages of wildfly-credential-reference_1_0.xsd to the new wildfly-credential-reference_1_1.xsd for new schemas
  • [WFLY-12800] - Missing documentation for Weld and Microprofile capabilities
  • [WFLY-12913] - Rationalize com.sum.xml.bind module dependencies
  • [WFLY-13072] - Support multiple module layers in HostExcludesTestCase
  • [WFLY-13084] - Populate the "OpenSSL" section in the Elytron documentation with information on how to use the OpenSSL TLS provider with Elytron
  • [WFLY-13098] - Excluding a test scopped dependency from io7m.xom ...
  • [WFLY-13122] - Include MicroProfile Fault Tolerance subsystem in the default server profiles
  • [WFLY-13151] - Include Wildscribe documentation with the default WildFly doumentation
  • [WFLY-13184] - Create a module alias descriptor for javaee.api to use wildlfyee.api instead
  • [WFLY-13187] - Add wildflyee.api as non referenced module in LayersTestCase
  • [WFLY-13191] - Docs: invalid CLI instructions in SSL and mod_cluster section
  • [WFLY-13193] - Move resteasy-client-microprofile to a dedicated module
  • [WFLY-13204] - Move testsuite/layers in ts.layers profile
  • [WFLY-13221] - Remove package-schema cruft from wildfly-feature-pack-build.xml files
  • [WFLY-13260] - Refactor wildfly-clustering-web-spi in preparation for Servlet 5.0
  • [WFLY-13267] - Convert EJB3 subsystem transformers to use chained transformers
  • [WFLY-13273] - Create tests for WFCORE-4860
  • [WFLY-13298] - Set up mixed domain testing against EAP 7.3
  • [WFLY-13318] - Add a "Smoke" JWT test case to use as a basis for further tests.
  • [WFLY-13362] - Distributable session attribute ID generation is unnecessarily expensive
  • [WFLY-13370] - Eliminate fault-tolerance/executor dependence on ee subsystem module
  • [WFLY-13371] - Clarify the MicroProfile subsystem dependency trees
  • [WFLY-13406] - Update layersTest to recognize bootable jar runtime
  • [WFLY-13410] - Optimize marshalling of BitSet and scalar Optional variants
  • [WFLY-13411] - Optimize marshalling of offset time objects
  • [WFLY-13417] - Optimize marshalling of EnumMap and EnumSet
  • [WFLY-13420] - Enable Elytron mixed domain test suites
  • [WFLY-13442] - Exclude netty dependencies from Artemis protocol dependencies
  • [WFLY-13482] - Exclude legacy feature packs from the legacy feature pack license generation
  • [WFLY-13489] - Reduce verbosity of test logging
  • [WFLY-13499] - WildFly 20 Release Graphic
  • [WFLY-13500] - Add Galleon channels for WF 20 / WF Core 12
  • [WFLY-13504] - XSiteSimpleTestCase should use separate cache-container/cache
  • [WFLY-13516] - Create integration test scenario for transaction recovery failure of ejb remoting JBEAP-19408
  • [WFLY-13524] - Update contributors.txt and Readme.txt

Component Upgrade

  • [WFLY-12567] - Upgrade PicketLink from 2.5.5.SP12-redhat-00006 to 2.5.5.SP12-redhat-00009
  • [WFLY-12693] - Update caffeine to 2.8.0
  • [WFLY-12722] - Upgrade Infinispan to 10.1.x.Final
  • [WFLY-12851] - Upgrade PicketLink bindings from 2.5.5.SP12-redhat-00009-jbossorg-1 to 2.5.5.SP12-redhat-00012
  • [WFLY-12870] - Upgrade JBoss JSF API from 3.0.0.SP01 to 3.0.0.SP02
  • [WFLY-12926] - Upgrade Infinispan to 9.4.18.Final
  • [WFLY-13022] - Upgrade MicroProfile Metrics 2.3
  • [WFLY-13048] - Upgrade MicroProfile Health 2.2
  • [WFLY-13054] - Upgrade FasterXML Jackson2 to 2.10.3
  • [WFLY-13078] - Upgrade SmallRye JWT to 2.0.13
  • [WFLY-13086] - Upgrade gson from 2.8.2 to gson 2.8.6
  • [WFLY-13087] - Upgrade reactive-streams from 1.0.2 to 1.0.3
  • [WFLY-13091] - WF20: Upgrade HAL to 3.2.7.Final
  • [WFLY-13093] - Upgrade Galleon from 4.2.4.Final to 4.2.5.Final
  • [WFLY-13096] - Upgrade Soteria to 1.0.1-jbossorg-1
  • [WFLY-13100] - Upgrade Jaeger Java Client to 0.34.3
  • [WFLY-13103] - Upgrade Smallrye Opentracing to 1.3.4
  • [WFLY-13124] - Upgrade RESTEasy to 3.11.0.Final
  • [WFLY-13135] - Upgrade WildFly Core 11.0.0.Beta9
  • [WFLY-13139] - Upgrade org.glassfish:jakarta-el from 3.0.3.jbossorg-1 to 3.0.3.jbossorg-2
  • [WFLY-13156] - Upgrade resteasy from 3.11.0.Final to 3.11.1.Final
  • [WFLY-13158] - Upgrade smallrye-config from 1.6.1 to 1.6.2
  • [WFLY-13163] - Upgrade smallrye-open-api to 1.2.1
  • [WFLY-13167] - Upgrade JGroups to 4.2.0.Final
  • [WFLY-13190] - Upgrade smallrye-fault-tolerance to 4.1.1
  • [WFLY-13203] - Upgrade wildfly-core 11.0.0.Beta10
  • [WFLY-13209] - Upgrade shrinkwrap-resolve to 2.2.7
  • [WFLY-13211] - Upgrade jgroups-kubernetes to 1.0.15.Final
  • [WFLY-13217] - Upgrade wildfly-transaction-client to 1.1.10.Final
  • [WFLY-13218] - Upgrade jboss-ejb-client to 4.0.31.Final
  • [WFLY-13219] - Upgrade jose4j to 0.7.0
  • [WFLY-13223] - Upgrade HAL to 3.2.8.Final
  • [WFLY-13225] - Upgrade JSF based on Mojarra 2.3.9.SP06 to 2.3.9.SP07
  • [WFLY-13229] - Upgrade WildFly Core 11.0.0.Final
  • [WFLY-13235] - Upgrade JGroups to 4.2.1.Final
  • [WFLY-13241] - Upgrade IronJacamar from 1.4.20.Final to 1.4.21.Final
  • [WFLY-13242] - Upgrade snakeyaml to 1.26; resolve CVE-2017-18640
  • [WFLY-13243] - Upgrade cryptacular to 1.2.4
  • [WFLY-13247] - Upgrade Jakarta Mail to 1.6.5
  • [WFLY-13255] - Upgrade to Apache WSS4j 2.2.5
  • [WFLY-13256] - Upgrade bouncycastle to 1.65.0
  • [WFLY-13287] - Sync version of arquillian-testng-container with arquillian-junit-container
  • [WFLY-13288] - Upgrade Mojarra to 2.3.9.SP08
  • [WFLY-13300] - Upgrade hibernate-validator to 6.0.19.Final
  • [WFLY-13303] - Upgrade Hibernate ORM from 5.3.15 to 5.3.16
  • [WFLY-13309] - Upgrade weld from 3.1.3.Final to 3.1.4.Final
  • [WFLY-13311] - Upgrade Weld to 3.1.4.Final
  • [WFLY-13312] - Upgrade FasterXML from 2.10.3 to 2.10.4
  • [WFLY-13313] - Upgrade Mojarra to 2.3.9.SP09
  • [WFLY-13315] - Upgrade HAL to 3.2.9.Final
  • [WFLY-13323] - Upgrade smallrye-fault-tolerance to 4.2.0
  • [WFLY-13326] - Upgrade RESTEasy to 3.11.2.Final
  • [WFLY-13327] - Upgrade org.jboss.genericjms from 2.0.2.Final to 2.0.4.Final
  • [WFLY-13332] - Upgrade codehaus/jackson from 1.9.13.redhat-00006 to 1.9.13-redhat-00007
  • [WFLY-13342] - Upgrade netty from 4.1.45.Final to 4.1.48 (resolves CVE-2020-11612)
  • [WFLY-13346] - Upgrade IronJacamar from 1.4.20.Final to 1.4.22.Final
  • [WFLY-13349] - Upgrade WildFly Core 12.0.0.Beta1
  • [WFLY-13359] - Upgrade JGroups to 4.2.2.Final
  • [WFLY-13361] - Upgrade jboss-ejb-client to 4.0.32.Final
  • [WFLY-13377] - Upgrade JGroups to 4.2.3.Final
  • [WFLY-13378] - Upgrade Eclipse MicroProfile Fault Tolerance API to 2.1.1-RC1
  • [WFLY-13380] - Upgrade dom4j from 2.1.1 to 2.1.3
  • [WFLY-13399] - Upgrade Infinispan to 9.4.19.Final
  • [WFLY-13404] - Upgrade Hibernate ORM from 5.3.16 to 5.3.17
  • [WFLY-13415] - Upgrade WildFly Core 12.0.0.Beta2
  • [WFLY-13416] - Upgrade jberet-core from 1.3.5.Final to 1.3.6.Final
  • [WFLY-13419] - Upgrade hibernate-validator from 6.0.19 to 6.0.20
  • [WFLY-13421] - Upgrade Mojarra to 2.3.9.SP10
  • [WFLY-13425] - Upgrade smallrye-open-api to 1.2.3
  • [WFLY-13437] - Upgrade wildfly-transaction-client to 1.1.11.Final
  • [WFLY-13441] - Upgrade classmate from 1.3.4 to 1.5.1
  • [WFLY-13445] - Upgrade RESTEasy to 3.12.0.Final
  • [WFLY-13478] - Upgrade HAL to 3.2.9.Final
  • [WFLY-13485] - Upgrade WildFly Core 12.0.0.Beta3
  • [WFLY-13491] - Upgrade JGroups to 4.2.4.Final
  • [WFLY-13494] - Upgrade Narayana to 5.10.5.Final
  • [WFLY-13507] - Upgrade generic JMS RA to 2.0.6.Final
  • [WFLY-13522] - Upgrade jboss-ejb-client to 4.0.33.Final
  • [WFLY-13525] - Upgrade Eclipse MicroProfile Fault Tolerance TCK to 2.1.1-RC4
  • [WFLY-13526] - Upgrade WildFly Core 12.0.0.Beta4
  • [WFLY-13534] - Upgrade Eclipse MicroProfile Fault Tolerance TCK to 2.1.1
  • [WFLY-13535] - Upgrade smallrye-fault-tolerance to 4.2.1
  • [WFLY-13550] - Upgrade WildFly Core 12.0.0.Final
  • [WFLY-13551] - Upgrade wildfly-naming-client to 1.0.13.Final
  • [WFLY-13552] - Upgrade wildfly-http-client to 1.0.21.Final
  • [WFLY-13553] - Upgrade JBoss JSF API from 3.0.0.SP02 to 3.0.0.SP03
  • [WFLY-13558] - Upgrade WildFly Core 12.0.1.Final


  • [WFLY-10612] - Include EJB's IIOP Binding when EJB is deployed logging
  • [WFLY-12572] - Improve credential and role group
  • [WFLY-12589] - Add way for Hibernate bytecode transformer to ignore certain class packages or class names
  • [WFLY-13014] - Consolidate instances of DefaultValueAttributeConverter
  • [WFLY-13015] - Consolidate common instances of DiscardAttributeChecker that discard an attribute set to the default value
  • [WFLY-13137] - Facilitate use of a distinct maven groupId for artifacts associated with org.wildfly:wildfly-galleon-pack
  • [WFLY-13169] - Enhance README of ejb-remote quickstart to be easier to setup the server
  • [WFLY-13172] - health-microprofile layer
  • [WFLY-13173] - Some layers have dependency on unsecure management
  • [WFLY-13338] - Add the ability to pass custom predicates to the LoggingUtil log scanning methods
  • [WFLY-13431] - Give a better error message for standard configuration tests
  • [WFLY-13436] - Refactor AbstractDeploymentUnitProcessor maybe remove it
  • [WFLY-13446] - Dependency of wildfly-weld-common would be better to be ${project.groupId}
  • [WFLY-13460] - Skip mutability check for array attribute values
  • [WFLY-13506] - MicroProfile BOM missing from root README
  • [WFLY-13532] - Dependency version substitutions in MP Quickstarts README.adoc
  • [WFLY-13574] - Add github actions CI for wildfly-s2i

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