Resolution: Done
There're several issues appeared during license check.
Full feature pack:
- wrong license for istack-commons-runtime (GPLv2.0 -> EDLv1.0)
- wrong license for istack-commons-tools (GPLv2.0 -> EDLv1.0)
- wrong license for relaxng-datatype (GPLv2.0 -> EDLv1.0)
- wrong license for rngom (MIT -> EDLv1.0)
- wrong licence for httpcore (removed CCA license)
- wrong license for httpcore-nio (removed CCA license)
- wrong license for jaxb codemodel (CCDL+GPL -> EDLv1.0)
- wrong license for jaxb-jxc (CCDL+GPL -> EDLv1.0)
- wrong license for jaxb-runtime (CCDL+GPL -> EDLv1.0)
- wrong license for jaxb-xjc (CCDL+GPL -> EDLv1.0)
- wrong license for jaxb txw2 (CCDL+GPL -> EDLv1.0)
- wrong license for jaxb xsom (CCDL+GPL -> EDLv1.0)
- wrong license for jboss-jms-api_2.0_spec (CCDL -> EDLv1.0)
- wrong license for jboss-connector-api_1.7_spec (CCDL -> EDLv1.0+GPLv2.0-CE)
- missing license for jboss-transaction-api_1.3_spec
- wrong license for jboss-jaxb-api_2.3_spec (CCDL -> EDLv1.0)
- wrong license for jboss-jaxrpc-api_1.1_spec (CCDL -> EDLv1.0)
- redundant license for jboss-saaj-api_1.3_spec
- missing license for jboss-saaj-api_1.4_spec
- wrong license for jboss-jaxws-api_2.3_spec (CCDL -> EDLv1.0)
- missing dual license for stax-ex (CCDL -> CCDL+GPLv2.0-CE)
- wrong ordering of licenses for artemis-* artifacts
- updated content of BSD-3-clause license
- updated content of MPLv2.0 license
- updated content of Plexus Classworlds license
Microprofile feature pack:
- missing license for smallrye-fault-tolerance-core
- wrong ordering of licenses for wildfly-microprofile-fault-tolerance-smallrye-* artifacts
- missing content of ASLv2.0 license
- missing content of GPLv2.1
Servlet feature pack:
- wrong ordering of licenses for jboss-el-api_3.0_spec
- wrong ordering of wildfly-event-logger
- redundant license for wildfly-event-logger
- licenses urls are not synced with the Licence information for projects delivered with JBoss products authorized by Prod Core Team.
- is related to
JBEAP-19180 (7.3.z) License check for wildfly feature packs
- Closed