- [AS7-575] - ExtendedEntityManager should be serializable for clustering
- [AS7-580] - Update Maven source plugin to include javadoc resources.
- [AS7-584] - Prevent concurrent write requests to the DomainController
- [AS7-666] - deploy command in domain mode
- [AS7-741] - Show runtime status of deployments via management model
- [AS7-778] - Expose transaction manager statistics
- [AS7-815] - Fix or remove ignored tests in WSTestCase
- [AS7-816] - Fix or remove @Ignore in DsTestCase
- [AS7-817] - Fix or remove @Ignore in EarDeploymentEjbJndiBindingTestCase
- [AS7-820] - Fix or remove @Ignore in ManagedBeanTestCase
- [AS7-821] - Fix or remove @Ignore in StandardConfigsXMLValidationUnitTestCase
- [AS7-824] - Fix or remove @Ignore in XSDValidationUnitTestCase
- [AS7-827] - Fix or remove @Ignore in StandaloneModuleEjbJndiBindingTestCase
- [AS7-870] - add command that would print version and env info
- [AS7-871] - limit logging in non-interactive mode
- [AS7-933] - Commands to create and remove datasources
- [AS7-990] - Implement an EJB3 SecurityContext to bridge between EJBContext and the PicketBox SecurityContext
- [AS7-991] - Parsing of EJB3 Security Annotations and Meta-Data
- [AS7-992] - Implement EJB3 Security View Interceptor
- [AS7-1005] - EJBAccessException being swallowed for servlet->bean->bean call where first bean switches user.
- [AS7-1047] - Support Native Connection with no authentication - possibly anonymous
- [AS7-1048] - Enable Native Interface integration with security realms
- [AS7-1049] - Add Username / Password support to CLI when required.
- [AS7-1050] - Slave Domain Controllers connected to a master domain controller need to authenticate as a user.
- [AS7-1052] - Add CLI support for username and password to be specified on command line.
- [AS7-1057] - AS instances need to authenticate against their HostController
Feature Request
- [AS7-311] - Web subsystem updates are not respecting resultHandler
- [AS7-312] - Add additional resteasy providers
- [AS7-322] - Add authentication cache for standalone server
- [AS7-328] - Provide an operation to retrieve JDBC drivers that are installed as deployments
- [AS7-331] - Update to console Beta8
- [AS7-338] - Show effective ports for server configurations
- [AS7-350] - Console Funtionality: add/remove/deploy/undeploy/redeploy to server groups in a domain
- [AS7-354] - Provide open/save/close model for domain resources
- [AS7-356] - Map roles parsed in jboss-web.xml to the AuhtorizationManager framework
- [AS7-367] - Expose deployment details via the domain management API
- [AS7-369] - Optional parameter to read-resource-description to include inherited methods or not
- [AS7-607] - ServerDeploymentManager: Cannot get the result of a deployment action
- [AS7-609] - Deploy operation reported as failure even if it was successful
- [AS7-614] - CLI: connect succeeds even if the target is invalid
- [AS7-616] - JBossAsManagedContainer prematurely thinks the AS is started
- [AS7-623] - CDI Extensions not discovered in EAR structure
- [AS7-651] - Log JNDI locations of EJB Proxies on Deployment
- [AS7-657] - Select server-group after creation
- [AS7-678] - Provide selection of JDBC drivers when creating a datasource
- [AS7-690] - Ability to modify server-group, subresource system properties
- [AS7-691] - Ability to modify server-config, subresource system properties
- [AS7-692] - Ability to modify server-group, subresource jvm
- [AS7-695] - Filter server instances by group
- [AS7-699] - create a new service to activate RA with method activate(ra.xml, ironjacamar.xml, classloader)
- [AS7-706] - baseline i18n support for the console
- [AS7-728] - Show the tx subsystem's coordinator-environment default-timeout attribute in our standard config files
- [AS7-732] - Add start level support to OSGi subsystem
- [AS7-748] - Subsystem "web": Expose effective configuration through domain management API
- [AS7-763] - Add operations for security domains
- [AS7-771] - Provide extended logging management operations
- [AS7-772] - Allow operation handlers to register child ModelNodeRegistrations
- [AS7-807] - Console should allow setting runtime name when adding managed content.
- [AS7-810] - Change DeploymentRootMountProcessor To Use Marker to Determine Whether to Mount Exploded
- [AS7-838] - Allow individual security domains to be deployed
- [AS7-846] - Improve usability of for scripting environments
- [AS7-914] - Expose Ws endpoint in standalone mode
- [AS7-915] - Verify IE browser layouts
- [AS7-916] - CLI does not auto-complete server names
- [AS7-962] - Add sun.jdk module
- [AS7-968] - Upgrade to RESTEasy 2.2
- [AS7-975] - Bind the default H2 datasource to java:jboss/datasources/ExampleDS
- [AS7-1016] - Add support for class file transformer registration
- [AS7-1091] - Update to Arquillian-Core and Arquillian-Container-OSGI 1.0.0.CR1
- [AS7-1155] - Integration of ConfigAdmin with AS7
- [AS7-1157] - Initial XService implementation
- [AS7-167] - Failing Deployment on startup receives a very meager error message
- [AS7-181] - Provide jta-data-source if not specified
- [AS7-183] - Server creation on slave fails to return result, but creation succeeds
- [AS7-185] - Omit JGroups ChannelFactory dependency in EmbeddedCacheManagerService if only local cache is used
- [AS7-187] - Datasource attribute "enabled" not writable
- [AS7-189] - EJB 3 Proxy Error
- [AS7-210] - Intermittent failure in SimpleArchiveDeployerTestCase
- [AS7-215] - Can't undeploy on startup
- [AS7-217] - Error during shutdown
- [AS7-223] - Setting beanName to an EJB that does not expose the interface leads to hang
- [AS7-238] - Using loader-repository in jboss-app.xml leads to infinite loop
- [AS7-242] - @EJB injection with same "name" on two different fields leads to DuplicateServiceException
- [AS7-245] - Bug in ProcessManager stream processing when read word == '0'
- [AS7-249] - Deployment from hosted mode fails
- [AS7-254] - Undeclared checked exception is thrown from EJB invocation
- [AS7-255] - ManagementRequest is not thread safe
- [AS7-258] - ExistingConnectionRemoteProxyControllerTest periodically freezes during build on Windows
- [AS7-263] - Error during deployment of null while deploying JDBC data source
- [AS7-265] - OSGi bundles dropped in standalone/deployments do not get started
- [AS7-269] - Hosted mode post content size wrong
- [AS7-270] - NPE in Server on bad input
- [AS7-274] - If a JAX-RS implementation is bundled it can break JAX-RS for other deployments
- [AS7-275] - Failure to start OSGi subsystem eagerly
- [AS7-280] - Missing service dependencies doesn't result in deployment failure
- [AS7-284] - RejectedExecutionExceptions in management API
- [AS7-286] - Interface selection for sockets bound to is very likely to fail
- [AS7-293] - Race condition in ManagedBeanTestCase
- [AS7-297] - Update HornetQ to remove reliance upon JNDI writable Context API
- [AS7-303] - read server-groups->jvm options from domain model
- [AS7-603] - Return "text/html" content type for "form/multipart" uploads (GWT requirement)
- [AS7-646] - NPE due to TCCL usage in clustering
- [AS7-658] - Inherited values in forms are written as empty values when entity is saved
- [AS7-660] - server-config/portOffset not persisted
- [AS7-670] - Changes to server-config not persisted
- [AS7-673] - Intermittent smoke test failures in embedded.osgi package
- [AS7-675] - /server-group=<group>/jvm=<jvm>:add() ignores properties
- [AS7-676] - JVM properties ignored when added to server group
- [AS7-684] - Interface criteria matching misses subinterfaces (aka virtual interfaces)
- [AS7-685] - DomainControllerImpl treats some ops intended for a single host as domain-wide
- [AS7-686] - Domain mode server restart op doesn't restart
- [AS7-693] - Server group deployment's "enabled" attribute not marshalled
- [AS7-700] - server-group/jvm handlers don't provide default value for "debug-options" when "debug-enabled" is set
- [AS7-701] - server-config model carries both "system-property" and "system-properties" subresource
- [AS7-707] - Problem deploying to "other-server-group"
- [AS7-715] - web subsystem has boolean parameters listed as strings
- [AS7-716] - "server-config/jvm<name>:remove()" creates inconsistent state
- [AS7-719] - En/Disable datasource returns error although state change is applied
- [AS7-720] - Removing and re-adding datasource with same name throws Exception (domain)
- [AS7-721] - XA datasource properties not parsed correctly
- [AS7-723] - Creating XA datasource requires driver name and version
- [AS7-724] - XA Datasource get removed from XML when booted in domain mode
- [AS7-730] - Arquillian Managed Container Startup Timeout Message is wrong
- [AS7-731] - Datasource metrics not appearing in read-resource-description output
- [AS7-746] - Subsystem "web": Expose boolean attributes as boolean values, not as string values
- [AS7-750] - Deploy fails if any server is stopped
- [AS7-755] - :read-resource-description for subsystem=web,{connector,virtual-host} lists name as attribute
- [AS7-785] - Setting runtime-name seems to have no effect
- [AS7-791] - Subsystem "web": config changes are persisted even though the operation did fail
- [AS7-800] - Index out of bounds when creating datasource
- [AS7-801] - Subsystem "datasource": Management operations result in inconsistent state
- [AS7-802] - JDCB driver :read-resource-description is not updated
- [AS7-805] - relative-to on Logging file handlers defined with default which is not honoured.
- [AS7-808] - Need to set Infinispan transport class explicitly
- [AS7-833] - Incorporate changes to AS7-701
- [AS7-835] - ejb-jar.xml doesn't need to define a session-type
- [AS7-837] - OSGi HttpService leaks TCCL
- [AS7-843] - Removed JVM settings show up as empty resources
- [AS7-845] - Incorrect handing of name and runtime-name in deployers
- [AS7-852] - No component found for type '...'
- [AS7-853] - :add deploment on server group with enabled=true fails
- [AS7-854] - Default interceptors are not applied
- [AS7-858] - Cannot load module when applying resolver results
- [AS7-859] - On same named private lifecycle callbacks the super class callback is not called
- [AS7-860] - ARQ may access test bundle before OSGi subsystem is UP
- [AS7-863] - subsystem=connector has no defaults set for booleans
- [AS7-876] - Deploying a ws jar hangs the cli
- [AS7-879] - missing resource for description infinispan.container.default-cache
- [AS7-881] - DigestAuthenticator calculates wrong hash
- [AS7-889] - En/disable datasources fails in standalone mode
- [AS7-890] - profile selection happens after datasource presenter is initialized
- [AS7-891] - Failed to enable datasource ("generate more then one cf")
- [AS7-893] - web subsystem virtual-server is requiring an alias to succeed
- [AS7-897] - Using an older standalone.xml a NoSuchElementException: No child 'process-id' exists during add handler execution.
- [AS7-898] - Error creating XA datasource in domain mode
- [AS7-899] - Class hierarchy is not taken into account when determining transaction attributes
- [AS7-900] - @Resource and @EJB don't currently support mappedName attribute value
- [AS7-902] - Fix webservice integration tests
- [AS7-904] - @Resource injection of Java EE Managed Bean fails
- [AS7-906] - Failed to create mysql datasource
- [AS7-910] - Error with signed jars during deployment
- [AS7-912] - org.jboss.dmr.client.ModelNode.fromBase64() fails
- [AS7-935] - NPE in BasicComponentInstance.getInstance
- [AS7-946] - Persistence annotation processing is overly restrictive
- [AS7-948] - "port-offset=0" will be persisted as "undefined"
- [AS7-955] - Server shutdown (standalone) hangs
- [AS7-960] - @Resource declaration validation seems to be too strict
- [AS7-964] - NPE when JCA subsystem parses XML
- [AS7-970] - Seam3 booking example hangs after a few requests on AS7
- [AS7-972] - arquillian-service not getting undeployed
- [AS7-973] - CommonXml.parseSchemaLocations fails if there is non-space whitespace in the list such as tabs
- [AS7-980] - OSGi WebApp support leaks TCCL
- [AS7-981] - jndi binding isn't unbound during remove if jndi name and data-source name are different
- [AS7-986] - Updating a socket binding declaration throws IllegalStateExcp. but changes are applied
- [AS7-997] - cleaner welcome screen
- [AS7-1001] - WSDeploymentActivator uses a Phase priority which isn't listed in
- [AS7-1003] - clustering-standalone.xml, Unexpected element '{urn:jboss:domain:threads:1.0}bounded-queue-thread-pool' encountered
- [AS7-1007] - Update the AS7 schema to reflect the correct domain-controller config
- [AS7-1010] - Services are picked up by both the top level deployment and the sub deployment that contains the Service
- [AS7-1012] - Defining the same view with both dd and annotations lead to DuplicateServiceException
- [AS7-1013] - Resteasy-JAXRS missing SLF4J module
- [AS7-1020] - Managed Arquillian Container is not redirecting the Remote Process output by default
- [AS7-1022] - AS7 build consistently fails on Windows OS
- [AS7-1023] - Tests intermittently fail with 'Could not load module'
- [AS7-1028] - CLI is coded to subsystem=jms
- [AS7-1029] - Deployment bytes stored in the model
- [AS7-1031] - @Persistence(Unit/Context) on non-component classes should not cause the deployment to fail
- [AS7-1032] - NPE in
- [AS7-1034] - ignore persistence unit definitions that have PersistenceUnitTransactionType = RESOURCE_LOCAL
- [AS7-1035] - infinispan subsystem config parameters ignored
- [AS7-1040] - -domain-config parameter cannot accept an absolute path
- [AS7-1041] - If you start AS in standalone mode with a path to the standalone.xml or config file, the config file is zeroed out when AS exits
- [AS7-1042] - Adding interceptors with the same priority leads to non-deterministic behaviour
- [AS7-1045] - Failure to restart AS7 after deployment
- [AS7-1055] - Transient failure processing deployments during boot
- [AS7-1056] - Shutting down a slave domain controller does not de-register it from master
- [AS7-1060] - Disable Datasource fails in standalone mode
- [AS7-1063] - Cannot read webservice deployments in domain mode
- [AS7-1067] - Auto-Start not persistet
- [AS7-1068] - Reading description through wildcards doesn't work anymore
- [AS7-1069] - Boot-time flag ignored when creating/modifying system properties
- [AS7-1071] - Some JNDI names prevent disabling datasources
- [AS7-1073] - connect handler isn't accepting arguments
- [AS7-1074] - ~ is recognized during file path completion but not during actual deployment
- [AS7-1075] - Console deployment upload allows empty filename
- [AS7-1076] - (Xa)DatasourceRemove does not clean up services properly
- [AS7-1081] - Web component can not inject DataSource that has been defined in an EJB
- [AS7-1082] - NewAbstractModelControllerOperationHandler stuck by logging issues
- [AS7-1084] - Typos in documentation
- [AS7-1087] - Infinispan transaction timeout on cache stop not set correctly
- [AS7-1088] - Services not removed prevents reload
- [AS7-1092] - WeldPortableExtensionProcessor needs to set TCCL to the weld deployment CL when bootstrapping the extension
- [AS7-1093] - Failing deployments succesfully deployed.
- [AS7-1096] - Weld not checking for null keys on bean lookups
- [AS7-1097] - Failure on undeployment
- [AS7-1098] - org.apache.naming.resources.DirContextURLStreamHandler holds onto ClassLoader after deployments have been undeployed
- [AS7-1099] - Bean Validation not fully integrated
- [AS7-1100] - CDI extension for SEAM REST not working
- [AS7-1105] - Console ListItem throws error if list is empty
- [AS7-1106] - Singleton with bean managed transaction must terminate tx after lifecycle callback
- [AS7-1108] - If a 'jndi:'-prefixed resource URL is created by user, actual handling of the URL fails
- [AS7-1110] - Hibernate Validator @ScriptDef does not work
- [AS7-1113] - HTTPS port should be 8443 not 8447
- [AS7-1116] - JSR-223 Javascript engine is not availble
- [AS7-1117] - Persistence unit scoping is completely broken
- [AS7-1118] - Multiple @PersistenceContext injections on the same bean results in deployment failure
- [AS7-1119] - Injecting persistence units using deployment descriptors does not work correctly as JPA interceptors are not added
- [AS7-1120] - Persistence context inheritance does not work when using @EJB injection
- [AS7-1121] - JPA interceptors are not registered if the persistence context is injected into a superclass of the EJB
- [AS7-1122] - OSGi Configuration missing from standalone.xml
- [AS7-1127] - IllegalStateException when using Seam REST
- [AS7-1129] - OSGi Framework does not shutdown cleanly
- [AS7-1130] - Unpacked deployment is lost across restarts
- [AS7-387] - Separate view description and config from component description and config
- [AS7-391] - Clustering extension
- [AS7-396] - Upgrade to Hibernate 4.0
- [AS7-399] - Initial Basic and Digest Authentication for HTTP API
- [AS7-401] - port connector subsystems to IronJacamar beta6
- [AS7-404] - Security subsystem configuration schema
- [AS7-405] - JacORB subsystem
- [AS7-408] - mod_cluster subsystem configuration schema
- [AS7-415] - Separate the HTTP server management from the context handlers.
- [AS7-420] - Make packages from OSGi deployments visible to EE
- [AS7-425] - Integrate JacORB
- [AS7-428] - add 'exit' as an alternative to 'quit'
- [AS7-431] - Deployment content management enhancement
- [AS7-434] - Implement EJB 3.1 FR 22 Embeddable Usage
- [AS7-440] - Remove profile element's "name" attribute from standalone.xml's part of the xsd
- [AS7-441] - prefix arg names with '--'
- [AS7-443] - Fill in missing host model resource descriptions
- [AS7-448] - Incorporate changes to the deployment API
- [AS7-449] - Implement or remove "priority" and "cpu affinity" attributes in server config
- [AS7-451] - Remove dependency on deprecated MSC classes
- [AS7-453] - JPA 2.0 implementation
- [AS7-454] - Convert all native management communication to Remoting 3
- [AS7-455] - MDB Support
- [AS7-457] - Either implement or remove DomainUpdateListener
- [AS7-459] - Determine the standard configurations community AS 7 will ship
- [AS7-466] - Upgrade to latest Arquillian release
- [AS7-488] - Enable Infinispan as a second level cache with the Hibernate entity manager (for access through JPA)
- [AS7-489] - Validate any domain/host/standalone config files we ship
- [AS7-493] - Integrate hornetq-ra.rar into AS 7
- [AS7-496] - Validate all domain schema and subsystem schemas in a testsuite
- [AS7-497] - Clustering configuration schema
- [AS7-517] - Host Controller shutdown / restart operations
- [AS7-518] - Clean up lifecycle interceptors
- [AS7-520] - introduce named arguments for deploy
- [AS7-522] - Create a "jboss-welcome.war" greeting page application
- [AS7-530] - Servlets that use container managed transactional entity managers outside of JTA transactions, should close the entity manager after the servlet completes
- [AS7-636] - context dependent command argument completion and value completion
- [AS7-645] - Servlet3 programmatic web security test cases
- [AS7-664] - Allow for state to be maintained aganst the connection within the Management HTTP Server
- [AS7-665] - Change CreateDestroy/StartStop services to use reflection index
- [AS7-677] - CCM configuration
- [AS7-679] - add --keep-content to undeploy
- [AS7-680] - Add BinderService dependency for infinispan hibernate 2LC
- [AS7-682] - add --disabled option to deploy command
- [AS7-683] - Add to standalone/domain.conf
- [AS7-697] - Add operation handler to list all deployed webservice endpoints
- [AS7-698] - Add operation to query ws endpoints metrics
- [AS7-709] - update commands creating JMS resources to work in domain
- [AS7-711] - Make a version attribute (optional) for driver tag instead the current parsed notation
- [AS7-722] - Update to OSGi 4.2 Compliant Framework
- [AS7-725] - Register URLStreamHandlerFactories with modules API
- [AS7-726] - create a driver repository service
- [AS7-729] - Add HTTPS and Related Configuration to HTTP Management Interface
- [AS7-733] - Provide complete set of supported OSGi functionality as AS test cases
- [AS7-734] - Consolidate Arquillian test infrastructure
- [AS7-760] - Add LDAP support for authentication.
- [AS7-765] - Add JBossWS security-domain before jbossws testsuite runs
- [AS7-767] - Provide EJB3 / OSGi integration example
- [AS7-768] - Provide WebApp / OSGi integration example
- [AS7-770] - Integrate JBoss Negotiation with AS7
- [AS7-773] - Replace ARQ subsystem by on-demand deployment
- [AS7-774] - escape characters with '\' instead of quoting when completing
- [AS7-776] - Restore webservice-security integration
- [AS7-781] - (Domain Management) Add a relative-to attribute for the keystore location.
- [AS7-788] - Enabling Domain Security for Native Interface (Remoting)
- [AS7-792] - Move management handlers and services into a domain-management module
- [AS7-795] - Upgrade to JBossTS 4.15
- [AS7-806] - parse persistence unit (persistence.xml) contained in jar file in the EAR library directory
- [AS7-811] - Add required path services to HostController process.
- [AS7-812] - Add additional logging to the BasicAuthenticator for domain interfaces to record details of authentication failures.
- [AS7-828] - Update poms to use plugin versions from jboss-parent
- [AS7-834] - Implement a deterministic way of adding interceptors and configurators to a view and component
- [AS7-840] - Add a @javax.ejb.EJBs processor
- [AS7-844] - Build updates for productization
- [AS7-847] - JPA Extended persistence context regression
- [AS7-855] - Create "runtime only" resource for the WS endpoint information
- [AS7-856] - Replace -DskipTests=true with -DallTests
- [AS7-865] - Drop the 's' from management-interfaces
- [AS7-868] - Switch from using has to hasDefined for the domain management security implementation
- [AS7-875] - Rename connector subsystem
- [AS7-877] - Update DigestAuthenticator to associate context with connection instead of by hostname / remote port.
- [AS7-882] - Re-send a 401 challenge after failure to verify the users credentials for Digest auth (Domain Management)
- [AS7-883] - Properties file based repository of users for domain management.
- [AS7-911] - Implement SessionSynchronization and associated annotations
- [AS7-927] - create test cases for datasource management operations
- [AS7-936] - Ensure management interfaces are on a loopback interface not shared by general app server services in default configuration
- [AS7-938] - merge the 2 messaging sub systems into 1 single sub system
- [AS7-954] - Exclude all transitive dependencies that are not automatically excluded
- [AS7-956] - Add modules to make and com.sun.jndi.ldap classes available
- [AS7-965] - Implement EJB 3 Security
- [AS7-976] - Restore OSGi example tests
- [AS7-979] - Upgrade to Hibernate 4.0.0.Beta1
- [AS7-982] - JPA Support for interposed synchronization
- [AS7-1006] - Update to console 1.0.0.Beta11
- [AS7-1009] - Fix the Broken Build due to references to removed arquillian2
- [AS7-1019] - upgrade to hibernate-jpa-2.0-api-1.0.1.Final
- [AS7-1025] - commands to modify existing datasource and xa datasources
- [AS7-1030] - Switch xalan back to upstream groupId
- [AS7-1051] - Finalize structure of "management" subresources
- [AS7-1061] - Update to Console 1.0.0.Beta12 (includes the new controller updates)
- [AS7-1062] - Rename the New* classes in the new-controllers branch
- [AS7-1066] - Place the configuration schemas in docs/schema in the distribution
- [AS7-1070] - Bring jboss-sasl into AS
- [AS7-1077] - Deployment scanner service should depend on deployment chains service
- [AS7-1086] - Update MSC version to 1.0.0.CR2
- [AS7-1115] - Configure default security settings for the managed domain
- [AS7-1124] - Fix link to Getting Started Developing Applications Guide on welcome page, and open doc links in new tab
Quality Risk
- [AS7-1089] - Potential EJB issue with Seam Persistence and Weld (Fatal Error)
Component Upgrade
- [AS7-681] - Upgrade to JBossWS-CXF 4.0.0.Alpha5
- [AS7-694] - Upgrade Infinispan to 5.0.0.CR1
- [AS7-745] - Upgrade to JBossWS-CXF 4.0.0.Beta1
- [AS7-751] - Upgrade to JBossWS-CXF 4.0.0.Beta2 and Apache CXF 2.4.1
- [AS7-764] - Upgrade Infinispan to 5.0.0.CR6
- [AS7-1002] - Upgrade VFS to 3.0.1
- [AS7-306] - EJBs contained in an EAR are not accessible to WARs in the same EAR
- [AS7-310] - Create separate services to load jgroups/infinispan defaults.
- [AS7-635] - Make all jgroups/infinispan services on-demand
- [AS7-655] - Support JNDI binding of cache containers
- [AS7-656] - Add configurable start mode to support eagerly started caches
- [AS7-727] - Improve DS configuration by providing a list a of available drivers
- [AS7-736] - Datasource configuration: Turn "enabled" checkbox into state indicator
- [AS7-737] - Provide an operation to test/verify a datasource configuration
- [AS7-749] - Expose useSynchronization/recovery from infinispan subsystem schema
- [AS7-757] - Provide an operation to distinguish domain & standalone
- [AS7-758] -'s maven artifact transitively imposes its input dependencies to any consumers of it
- [AS7-866] - WeldBanManagerServiceProcessor is too picky for TorqueBox to integrate with CDI
- [AS7-1111] - The servers modules directory is repeatedly copied as part of the build process
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