- [DBZ-6762] - Implement "validate filters" endpoint in connector-specific Connect REST extensions
- [DBZ-7194] - Enable ability to stream changes against Oracle 23c for LogMiner
Feature Request
- [DBZ-1482] - Support for mariadb GTID
- [DBZ-6636] - Include only certain columns in JDBC sink connector
- [DBZ-6703] - Support native RabbitMQ Streams
- [DBZ-6723] - Add support for partitioning with Azure EventHubs
- [DBZ-7093] - Check schema length when create value to find missed DDL by SQL_BIN_LOG=OFF
- [DBZ-6809] - Test Avro adjustment for MongoDb connector and ExtractNewDocumentState SMT
- [DBZ-7066] - The DefaultDeleteHandlingStrategy couldn't add the rewrite "__deleted" field to a non-struct value
- [DBZ-7099] - Debezium server has no default for
- [DBZ-7132] - Failed to authenticate to the MySQL database after snapshot
- [DBZ-7137] - Failure reading CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on Informix 12.10
- [DBZ-7139] - MongoDB data collection filter requires replica set specification on blocking/initial snapshot execution
- [DBZ-7140] - Debezium-ddl-parser crashes on parsing MySQL DDL statement (specific UNION)
- [DBZ-7142] - outbox.EventRouter SMT throws NullPointerException when there is a whitespace in fields.additional.placement value
- [DBZ-7152] - Debezium-ddl-parser crashes on parsing MySQL DDL statement (specific UPDATE)
- [DBZ-7157] - JsonSerialisation is unable to process changes from sharded collections with composite sharding key
- [DBZ-7158] - Log sequence check should treat each redo thread independently
- [DBZ-7179] - Fix DebeziumMySqlConnectorResource not using the new MySQL adatper structure to support different MySQL flavors
- [DBZ-7189] - Parsing MySQL indexes for JSON field fails, when casting is used with types double and float
- [DBZ-7191] - JDBC connector wrongly uses default value when value is NULL on optional fields
- [DBZ-7193] - Unchanged toasted array columns are substituted with unavailable.value.placeholder, even when REPLICA IDENTITY FULL is configured.
- [DBZ-7206] - MongoDB streaming pauses for Blocking Snapshot only when there is no event
- [DBZ-7211] - NPE on AbstractInfinispanLogMinerEventProcessor.logCacheStats
- [DBZ-6550] - Generate sundrio fluent builders for operator model
- [DBZ-6551] - Convert operator source into multi module project
- [DBZ-6906] - Implement IT tests against Cloud Spanner emulator in main repo.
- [DBZ-7083] - Implement strategy pattern for MariaDB and MySQL differences
- [DBZ-7135] - Run MySQL CI builds in parallel
- [DBZ-7141] - Remove deprecated ComputePartition SMT
- [DBZ-7154] - Add matrix strategy to workflows
- [DBZ-7155] - Add Unit Tests for ServiceAccountDependent Class in Debezium Operator Repository
- [DBZ-7159] - Fail fast during deserialization if a value is not a CloudEvent
- [DBZ-7175] - Correctly calculate Max LSN
- [DBZ-7187] - Upgrade to Infinispan 14.0.20
- [DBZ-7188] - Upgrade Outbox Extension to Quarkus 3.5.3
- [DBZ-7196] - Add modify range_partitions to modify_table_partition rule in parsing PL/SQL
- [DBZ-7208] - Handle Drop Tablespace in PL/SQL
- [DBZ-7209] - Upgrade logback to 1.2.12
- [DBZ-6878] - Enhance Notification information and more notifications for Initial Snapshots
- [DBZ-7091] - Add handling for CDB and non-CDB / PDB in Oracle REST Extension tests
- [DBZ-7111] - Add service account parameter to DebeziumServer CRD
- [DBZ-7146] - Inactivity pause in MongoDB connector should be configurable
- [DBZ-7153] - Oracle Infinispan event processor speed-up using in memory cache
- [DBZ-7162] - Add last event process time, number of events, number of heartbeat events metrics to MongoDb connector
- [DBZ-7169] - LogMiner ISPN event buffer recent transaction optimization
- [DBZ-7181] - Support logical decoding from Postgres 16 stand-bys
- [DBZ-7183] - Support MySQL 8 high resolution replication timestamps from GTID events
- [DBZ-7184] - Use buffer queue when reading MongoDB change stream events
- [DBZ-7186] - Cleanup event processing loop in streaming event source of MongoDB connector
- [DBZ-7192] - Oracle Infinispan - implement support for abandoned transactions
- [DBZ-7197] - Add ability to avoid throwing an exception for missing additional fields
- [DBZ-7207] - XStream attach should be retriable
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