Feature Request
- [WFCORE-6190] - Support for identity propagation from a WAR to an EJB in an EAR when using OIDC
- [WFCORE-5557] - Remove setAllowNull deprecated API
- [WFCORE-5780] - ClientAgainstOldServerTestCase doesn't work
- [WFCORE-5955] - RotatingFileHandlerTestCase transient failure
- [WFCORE-6090] - Unexpected NullPointerException in Elytron tests when init capabilities are missing
- [WFCORE-6107] - java.lang.ClassNotFoundException java.util.logging.Logger using Bouncycastle Provider
- [WFCORE-6121] - Improve concurrency of ContentRepositoryImpl
- [WFCORE-6122] - Incorrect thread interruption handling in ContentRepositoryImpl
- [WFCORE-6125] - Stuck server after invoking update-key-pair on filesystem-realm
- [WFCORE-6128] - Recover Elytron OpenSSL test scope native dependencies
- [WFCORE-6130] - Bootstrap Exceptions unchained
- [WFCORE-6131] - AsyncFutureTask fail ensure Exception presence
- [WFCORE-6135] - TestSuite - NPE fastfail and safe tearDown
- [WFCORE-6138] - RealmsTestCase.testFilesystemRealmIntegrity() fails when run twice with no clean
- [WFCORE-6141] - OtherServicesSubsystemTestCase.testOtherService and testPath fail intermittently
- [WFCORE-6144] - JmxFacadeRbacEnabledTestCase tests fail intermittently due to an NPE
- [WFCORE-6149] - CompositeOperationHandlerUnitTestCase fails intermittently
- [WFCORE-6155] - systemd service file - warning PIDFile legacy path used
- [WFCORE-6156] - Use ServiceContainer.awaitStability() instead of StabilityMonitor.awaitStability() in ContainerStateMonitor
- [WFCORE-6157] - Investigate what's wrong with operations cancellation
- [WFCORE-6166] - max-outbound-channels setting in remoting subsystem is not honored
- [WFCORE-6182] - Stabilize subsystem tests
- [WFCORE-6186] - JaasRealm does't work with relative-to
- [WFCORE-6201] - Element syslog-format should not be required
- [WFCORE-6202] - Wildfly standalone fails on IBM i when using system Java
- [WFCORE-6205] - Encrypted expressions in system properties do not use default resolver
- [WFCORE-6208] - The git configuration history may attempt to sign commits and not find a signer
- [WFCORE-6213] - Grep warning in grep 3.8
- [WFCORE-6214] - Flaky Tests in HelpSupportTestCase due to SynopsisGenerator.java and Flaky Test in BootScriptInvokerTestCase.java
- [WFCORE-6244] - Elytron mapped-role-mapper does not support expressions
- [WFCORE-6260] - TestModule should check the path in consistent manner
- [WFCORE-6261] - org.jboss.as.test.manualmode.management.persistence.YamlExtensionTestCase is flaky
- [WFCORE-6270] - Bootable JAR, Security providers are not registered during boot
- [WFCORE-6276] - RegexRoleMapperTest does not clean up resources
- [WFCORE-6277] - wildflyee.api module missing dependency to module java.se
- [WFCORE-6281] - RootSubsystemOperationsTestCase fails very often on Windows
- [WFCORE-2209] - Rework InterdependentDeploymentTestCase once special system prop enablement of WFCORE-2192 fix isn't needed
- [WFCORE-4902] - Console availability message should be printed always before the boot statistics
- [WFCORE-5553] - Prune ProxyStepHandler and GlobalOperationHandlers isWFCORE621Needed and executeWFCORE621 logic
- [WFCORE-5605] - The add user should not ask if the user is being added for a host controller.
- [WFCORE-5846] - [primary/secondary] Adapt Amazon S3 Discovery mechanism to new language usage
- [WFCORE-5979] - Move com.google.guava:guava and com.google.guava:failureaccess to testbom
- [WFCORE-5980] - Deprecate / disable AbstractSubsystemBaseTest 'subsystem template' handling
- [WFCORE-6008] - Modify description in deployment-scanner of subsystem to its correct sentence
- [WFCORE-6080] - Remove AttributeDefinition.isAllowNull
- [WFCORE-6092] - Remove deprecation of ExtensibleHttpManagement
- [WFCORE-6093] - Remove Seam2 integration
- [WFCORE-6094] - Increase LayersTest timeout
- [WFCORE-6101] - Remove the deprecated OperationFailedException(ModelNode) constructor
- [WFCORE-6102] - org.jboss.as.test.layers.Scanner cannot handle dependencies with explicit slots
- [WFCORE-6106] - Bump the kernel management API version to 21.0.0
- [WFCORE-6108] - Add a new Phase constant to install global EJB client interceptors
- [WFCORE-6109] - Drop source transformation for Elytron subsystem
- [WFCORE-6112] - Remove deprecated DeploymentProcessorTarget method
- [WFCORE-6113] - Remove deprecated ModelControllerClient create methods
- [WFCORE-6116] - Remove deprecated Phase constants
- [WFCORE-6118] - Remove deprecated SocketBindingManager.SOCKET_BINDING_MANAGER
- [WFCORE-6119] - Make the RemotingModelControllerClient constructor private
- [WFCORE-6120] - Remove deprecated Capability API elements
- [WFCORE-6126] - Remove deprecated code in the org.jboss.as.controller.operations.validation package
- [WFCORE-6127] - Remove deprecated PathAddress methods
- [WFCORE-6133] - Remove deprecated Extension API members
- [WFCORE-6137] - Remove LoggingExtension use of deprecated ChainedTransformationDescriptionBuilder.buildAndRegister
- [WFCORE-6139] - CurrentOperationIdHolder cleanup
- [WFCORE-6140] - SuspendController service name cleanup
- [WFCORE-6142] - Remove deprecated AbstractAddStepHandler methods
- [WFCORE-6150] - Remove deprecated CommonXml methods
- [WFCORE-6152] - Implement Support for MicroProfile Telemetry
- [WFCORE-6170] - Update SNI tests to work with changes in Undertow.
- [WFCORE-6174] - Remove deprecated deployment plan builder methods
- [WFCORE-6175] - Manage the plexus-utils dependency in the testbom
- [WFCORE-6179] - Remove deprecated org.jboss.as.controller.client.Operation clone methods
- [WFCORE-6180] - Remove deprecated wildfly-embedded classes
- [WFCORE-6183] - Remove PersistentResourceDefinition.Parameters
- [WFCORE-6185] - Upgrade github actions to avoid github action warnings
- [WFCORE-6187] - Remove use of deprecated builder methods in PersistentResourceXmlDescription
- [WFCORE-6192] - Add version 17of the WildFly Elytron model and schema
- [WFCORE-6203] - Move test dependency to testbom
- [WFCORE-6207] - Remove the leftover maven properties from javax->jakarta maven-resource-plugin filtering
- [WFCORE-6215] - Bump actions/github-script from 6.3.3 to 6.4.0
- [WFCORE-6226] - Drop transformer registrations and tests for TransformerSubsystemTestCase
- [WFCORE-6227] - Remove deprecated ProcessStateNotifier from ManagementHttpServer
- [WFCORE-6239] - Add a new wildfly-elytron-ssh-util module to wildfly-core
- [WFCORE-6241] - Add `quickly` profile for fast maven builds with quick profile
- [WFCORE-6264] - Add executeForResult method accepting an Operating to DomainTestUtils
- [WFCORE-6267] - Remove domain.xml host-exclude entries for releases prior to WF 23
- [WFCORE-6268] - Remove use of deprecated ModelTestControllerVersion enums
- [WFCORE-6274] - Bump GitHub actions/stale from 7 to 8
- [WFCORE-6279] - Replace Deployment Processors Javax dependencies with Jakarta module identifiers
- [WFCORE-6283] - Make TestModule.getModulesDirectory public
- [WFCORE-6287] - Remove deprecated systemProperties configuration option for surefire plugin
Component Upgrade
- [WFCORE-6039] - Upgrade JBoss MSC to 1.5.0.Beta3
- [WFCORE-6070] - Upgrade JBoss Modules to 2.1.0.Final
- [WFCORE-6084] - Upgrade bouncycastle from 1.71 to 1.72
- [WFCORE-6097] - Upgrade JBoss Class File Writer to 1.3.0.Final
- [WFCORE-6098] - Upgrade JBoss Invocation to 2.0.0.Final
- [WFCORE-6099] - Upgrade byteman to 4.0.20
- [WFCORE-6105] - Upgrade Bouncycastle OpenPGP from 1.72 to 1.72.1
- [WFCORE-6110] - Upgrade Jandex to 3.0.3
- [WFCORE-6111] - Upgrade Bootable JAR to 8.1.0.Final
- [WFCORE-6123] - Upgrade JBoss MSC to 1.5.0.Beta4
- [WFCORE-6160] - Upgrade JBoss Remoting to 5.0.27.Final
- [WFCORE-6178] - Upgrade JBoss MSC to 1.5.0.Beta5
- [WFCORE-6181] - Upgrade to Galleon 5.0.7.Final, Galleon plugins 6.2.2.Final
- [WFCORE-6184] - Bump netty-codec-http from 4.1.77.Final to 4.1.86.Final in /testbom
- [WFCORE-6195] - Upgrade Jandex to 3.0.5
- [WFCORE-6197] - Upgrade JBoss MSC to 1.5.0.Final
- [WFCORE-6204] - Upgrade SLF4J to 2.0.6
- [WFCORE-6209] - Upgrade galleon-plugins to 6.2.3.Final
- [WFCORE-6217] - Upgrade Undertow from 2.3.0.Final to 2.3.4.Final
- [WFCORE-6224] - Upgrade Apache HTTP Client to 4.5.14
- [WFCORE-6225] - Upgrade httpcore to 4.4.16
- [WFCORE-6228] - Upgrade galleon-plugins to 6.3.0.Final
- [WFCORE-6231] - Upgrade slf4j-jboss-logmanager to 2.0.1.Final
- [WFCORE-6233] - Upgrade JBoss MSC to 1.5.0.CR1
- [WFCORE-6240] - Upgrade Bouncycastle OpenPGP from 1.72.1 to 1.72.2
- [WFCORE-6243] - Upgrade WildFly Elytron to 2.1.0.Final
- [WFCORE-6246] - Upgrade snakeyaml from 1.33 to 2.0 (resolves CVE-2022-1471)
- [WFCORE-6252] - Upgrade Galleon to 5.0.8.Final and galleon Plugins to 6.3.2.Final
- [WFCORE-6256] - Upgrade staxmapper to 1.4.0.Final
- [WFCORE-6272] - CVE-2022-4492 CVE-2023-1108 Upgrade Undertow to 2.3.5.Final
- [WFCORE-6273] - Upgrade SLF4J to 2.0.7
- [WFCORE-6280] - Upgrade Galleon to 5.0.9.Final and galleon Plugins to 6.3.3.Final
- [WFCORE-6284] - Upgrade XNIO to 3.8.9.Final
- [WFCORE-6289] - Upgrade JBoss MSC to 1.5.0.Final
- [WFCORE-6483] - Upgrade SLF4J from 2.0.7 to 2.0.9
- [WFCORE-785] - Improve capability related error messages
- [WFCORE-2218] - Ability to ask testrunner ServerController to wait for server process exit and get the exit code
- [WFCORE-6100] - -D[Server:XXX] JVM parameter is out of order
- [WFCORE-6153] - Don't throw Exception from ControlPoint
- [WFCORE-6188] - Eliminate useless locking in ServiceModuleLoader
- [WFCORE-6191] - Eliminate usage of deprecated org.jboss.msc.service.ValueService
- [WFCORE-6193] - Eliminate usage of deprecated org.jboss.msc.service.AbstractService
- [WFCORE-6198] - DelegatingModelControllerClient.close should handle a missing client
- [WFCORE-6199] - JBoss allows duplicate user and local dependencies
- [WFCORE-6211] - Remove ModuleIdentifier from ServiceModuleLoader.preloadModule
- [WFCORE-6216] - Add Phase constant for Micrometer
- [WFCORE-6218] - Add Stream variant to PersistentResourceXMLDescription.PersistentResourceXMLBuilder
- [WFCORE-6219] - Skip when empty params in ConcreteResourceRegistration.registerAdditionalRuntimePackages method
- [WFCORE-6232] - Eliminate ModuleSpecification deprecated methods
- [WFCORE-6234] - Eliminate deprecated DeploymentUnit methods
- [WFCORE-6237] - Eliminate usage of deprecated javax.api module
- [WFCORE-6238] - Eliminate dead code in org.jboss.as.cli.impl.SecurityActions
- [WFCORE-6245] - Eliminate usage of deprecated ibm.jdk module
- [WFCORE-6248] - Only Java SE aggregation module should be visible to all deployments by default
- [WFCORE-6250] - Don't include org.jboss.vfs module to all deployments by default
- [WFCORE-6251] - Eliminate usage of deprecated javax.xml.stream.api module
- [WFCORE-6254] - Eliminate deprecated CapabilityServiceBuilder.addCapabilityRequirement(String,Class) method
- [WFCORE-6257] - Refactor Schema related interfaces from wildfly-clustering-common into wildfly-controller
- [WFCORE-6258] - Refactor Model interface from wildfly-clustering-common into wildfly-controller
- [WFCORE-6259] - Refactor SubsystemResourceDescriptionResolver implementation from wildfly-clustering-common to wildfly-controller
- [WFCORE-6262] - Enhance ParentResourceDescriptionResolver to support nested children and arbitrary keys.
- [WFCORE-6263] - Add ExtensionParsingContext convenience method for registering a set of schemas
- [WFCORE-6266] - Make the YamlExtensionTestCase less fragile
- [WFCORE-6278] - Overload EnumValidator.create(...) to avoid redundant set copy
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