- [WFLY-14012] - servlet/api/jakarta_servlet/servletcontext/ fails due to incorrect Major Servlet API SPEC version `4` being returned instead of expected `5`
- [WFLY-14085] - JSF Flow TCK failures
- [WFLY-14126] - 3 servlet test failures in servlet/spec/errorpage
Feature Request
- [WFLY-9213] - Implement the Pause method for a Topic via Management APIs
- [WFLY-12825] - Artemis network health check feature not configurable from WildFly Management API
- [WFLY-13150] - Add a Galleon layer for the Distributable Web subsystem configured with a local web cache
- [WFLY-13570] - Add the ability to adjust the case of a user name using an Elytron principal transformer
- [WFLY-13782] - Add the ability to make use of an automatically generated self-signed certificate with Elytron
- [WFLY-14108] - Introduce a base "metrics" subsystem and move microprofile-metrics to the microprofile feature-pack
- [WFLY-14148] - Move microprofile-opentracing from wildfly-ee to wildfly
- [WFLY-14151] - Introduce a base "health" subsystem and move microprofile-health to the microprofile feature-pack
- [WFLY-14156] - Move MicroProfile REST Client from wildfly-ee to wildfly
- [WFLY-9288] - EJB session auto-creation is not working
- [WFLY-11999] - WildFly creates too many instances of all web service classes
- [WFLY-12576] - Eliminate StabilityMonitor usages
- [WFLY-13031] - EAP quickstart 'messaging-clustering-singleton' shows errors after import
- [WFLY-13055] - Permission check failed when using SecurityManager with IBM JDK
- [WFLY-13056] - Unexpected Error instead of SOAPFaultException when using IBM JDK and SecurityManager
- [WFLY-13058] - JAXBEncoderDecoder failure when using IBM JDK and SecurityManager
- [WFLY-13283] - WFLYTX0001: Unable to roll back active transaction exception thrown from RTS inbound bridge
- [WFLY-13307] - Different behaviour for concurrent StatefulSessionBean invocation
- [WFLY-13657] - JGroups subsystem logs "version is missing in the configuration file" warning without a log code on deployment using JPA 2LC
- [WFLY-13698] - NullPointerException due to JSFDependencyProcessor adding null ModuleIdentifer
- [WFLY-13792] - JSF deployment failure due to UnsupportedOperationException when javax.faces.FACELETS_VIEW_MAPPINGS is defined
- [WFLY-13876] - Test for key-store certificate realm login (test for ELY-2023)
- [WFLY-14025] - Unable to remove the default datasource binding from the ee subsystem
- [WFLY-14034] - New health/ready check fails with RBAC enabled
- [WFLY-14039] - AbstractInvocationHandler.getComponentView is missing JSM AccessController.doPrivileged
- [WFLY-14063] - Infinispan statistics are not exposed as smallrye statistics
- [WFLY-14075] - WS tests fails on RHEL8&OpenJDK11
- [WFLY-14076] - HotRodSessionManager fails to expire abandoned sessions following failover
- [WFLY-14078] - Where an EJB does not have it's own explicit security domain defined we should always fall back to the subsystem default.
- [WFLY-14079] - Web Services Test Failures on openjdk version "1.8.0_272"
- [WFLY-14083] - ListenerTestCase failing on 1.8.0_272
- [WFLY-14084] - HotRod session manager missing subsequent HttpSessionAttributeListener notifications when using ATTRIBUTE granularity
- [WFLY-14094] - Potential memory leak when using opentracing
- [WFLY-14111] - Flaky Tests due to
- [WFLY-14116] - Update tests in testsuite/integration/elytron to use SHA256withRSA
- [WFLY-14118] - Distributed session manager can throw UnsupportedOperationException on concurrent calls to HttpServletRequest.getSession(...) for a given session
- [WFLY-14132] - jboss-ejb3.xml is ignored for exploded deployments
- [WFLY-14134] - Ignore OnOffOpenTracingTestCase
- [WFLY-14135] - ejb-local-cache and ejb-dist-cache redefines the default stateful bean access timeout
- [WFLY-14147] - Near-cache should be disabled when max-active-sessions is 0
- [WFLY-14164] - A typo in a directory name of BOMs at README.adoc
- [WFLY-14173] - MP quickstarts pom.xml is missing asciidoctor-maven-plugin version
- [WFLY-14174] - Update to the correct Phase ID in DefaultBindingsAdd
- [WFLY-14194] - 72 JSTL test failures in Jakarta EE 8 TCK run
- [WFLY-14199] - OnOffOpenTracingTestCase leaves the server in a bad state
- [WFLY-14210] - The jaxrs subsystem had new attributes added without a schema bump
- [WFLY-14221] - FaceletsViewMappingTestCase fails in -Dts.ee9 tests
- [WFLY-14228] - xp-2.0.0.GA-CR1 documentation within the quickstarts refer XP1 images/templates instead of XP2
- [WFLY-14231] - Invalid parameters in the distributable-web-local feature group
- [WFLY-13955] - Upgrade messaging schema version to 12.0
- [WFLY-14049] - Consolidate testsuite/integration/microprofile-tck config boilerplate
- [WFLY-14056] - Drop wildfly-clustering-marshalling-* dependencies on jboss-modules
- [WFLY-14069] - Adjust/Conditionally ignore tests not working on GitHub Actions
- [WFLY-14090] - Use shared test utilities for log handling in NetworkHealthTestCase
- [WFLY-14093] - Deprecate XTS subsystem
- [WFLY-14106] - wildfly-testsuite-shared dependency should use ee.maven.groupId on dist module
- [WFLY-14145] - Temporarily ignore SecurityCommandsTestCase
- [WFLY-14146] - Un-ignore SecurityCommandsTestCase
- [WFLY-14158] - Override the observability layer in the wildfly feature pack
- [WFLY-14163] - Move "org.bouncycastle:bcmail-jdk15on" Dependency Management to WildFly Core
- [WFLY-14190] - EE9 tests for bootable jar
- [WFLY-14203] - move microprofile-config to microprofile feature-pack
- [WFLY-14229] - WildFly MP modules should use ee.maven.groupId for code base dependencies
Component Upgrade
- [WFLY-13226] - Upgrade Apache Artemis to 2.16.0
- [WFLY-13695] - Upgrade Wildfly HTTP Client to 1.1.4.Final
- [WFLY-13743] - Upgrade Hibernate ORM from 5.3.18 to 5.3.19
- [WFLY-13926] - Upgrade Hibernate ORM from 5.3.19 to 5.3.20
- [WFLY-14010] - Upgrade Mojarra to 2.3.14.SP02
- [WFLY-14011] - Upgrade WildFly Core to 14.0.0.Beta2
- [WFLY-14067] - Upgrade JGroups to 4.2.9.Final
- [WFLY-14102] - Upgrade Infinispan to 11.0.5.Final
- [WFLY-14104] - Upgrade EE 9 Security and JSP API jars to final versions
- [WFLY-14109] - Upgrade Mojarra to 3.0.0.SP02 in the EE9 feature pack
- [WFLY-14112] - Upgrade EE 9 spec jars to final versions for JACC, EE Concurrency, Interceptors, Resources, Websockets and JAXB
- [WFLY-14113] - Move wildfly-preview to jakarta.authentication-api
- [WFLY-14120] - Upgrade to galleon-plugins 5.0.0.Beta2
- [WFLY-14128] - Upgrade opentracing-interceptors from 0.0.4 to
- [WFLY-14149] - Upgrade HAL to 3.2.12.Final
- [WFLY-14150] - Upgrade to galleon-plugins 5.0.0.Beta3
- [WFLY-14152] - Upgrade smallrye-fault-tolerance to 4.3.2
- [WFLY-14153] - Upgrade smallrye-open-api to 2.0.15
- [WFLY-14154] - Upgrade Infinispan to 11.0.7.Final
- [WFLY-14155] - Upgrade JGroups to 4.2.10.Final
- [WFLY-14161] - Upgrade jboss-ejb-client to 4.0.37.Final
- [WFLY-14165] - Move the EE 9 EJB API spec jar to the final 4.0.0 release
- [WFLY-14166] - Upgrade WildFly Core to 14.0.0.Beta3
- [WFLY-14171] - Upgrade jbossws-spi from 3.3.0.Final to 3.3.1.Final
- [WFLY-14172] - Update Weld version for EE 9 WFLY
- [WFLY-14175] - Update jakarta.activation 1.2.2
- [WFLY-14177] - Update commons-codec 1.15
- [WFLY-14179] - Update commons-lang3 3.11
- [WFLY-14181] - Update Apache Groovy 2.4.21
- [WFLY-14182] - Upgrade MyFaces version to 2.3.7
- [WFLY-14183] - Upgrade RESTEasy to 3.14.0.Final
- [WFLY-14198] - Upgrade to galleon-plugins from 5.0.0.Beta3 to 5.0.0.Final
- [WFLY-14204] - Upgrade Infinispan to 11.0.8.Final
- [WFLY-14205] - Upgrade smallrye-open-api to 2.0.16
- [WFLY-14213] - Update org.kohsuke.metainf-services 1.8
- [WFLY-14214] - Upgrade Galleon to 4.2.7.Final
- [WFLY-14217] - Upgrade WildFly Core to 14.0.0.Beta4
- [WFLY-14220] - Upgrade WildFly Preview's Hibernate Validator to 7.0.0.CR1
- [WFLY-14226] - Upgrade Mojarra to 3.0.0.SP03 in the EE9 feature pack
- [WFLY-13655] - LOG INFO level message if the Hibernate second level cache is enabled
- [WFLY-13967] - Provide an simple overview of what a layer is at the start of the layers table
- [WFLY-14089] - Make NetworkHealthTestCase less fragile by not checking the full trace
- [WFLY-14178] - Deprecated using of TracerResolver.resolve() in MP OpenTracing Quickstart
- [WFLY-14187] - Upgrade to EE 9 fork of Jakarta Expression Language SPEC API (jboss-jakarta-el-api_spec)
- [WFLY-14211] - Always clean feature pack modules
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