Release Notes - WildFly - Version 21.0.0.Final - HTML format


  • [WFLY-3064] - Remove test case.
  • [WFLY-11767] - Remove unused dependencies from
  • [WFLY-13407] - Cache containers should prefer ProtoStream marshaller
  • [WFLY-13408] - Migrate CommandDispatcher to use ProtoStream marshalling
  • [WFLY-13409] - Migrate wildfly-clustering-web-hotrod and wildfly-clustering-web-infinispan to use ProtoStream marshalling
  • [WFLY-13427] - Migrate wildfly-clustering-ejb-infinispan to use ProtoStream
  • [WFLY-13486] - Refactor marshalling externalizer tests so they can be run against multiple marshalling implementations
  • [WFLY-13487] - Generalize SimpleMarshalledValue to be usable by multiple marshalling implementations
  • [WFLY-13488] - Encapsulate logic for marshalling to/from a byte buffer
  • [WFLY-13675] - Make legacy security optional for "org.wildfly.extension.batch.jberet"
  • [WFLY-13677] - Make legacy security optional for ""
  • [WFLY-13797] - Add a Galleon layer for messaging integration with a remote ActiveMQ broker
  • [WFLY-13846] - Eliminate dependency on legacy security subsystem module from connector subsystem
  • [WFLY-13848] - Add a new security-plugins module
  • [WFLY-13851] - Eliminate webservices dependency on legacy security subsystem
  • [WFLY-13852] - Eliminate EJB3 dependency on legacy security subsystem
  • [WFLY-13854] - WildFly cannot connect to an infinispan-server cluster requiring authentication using properties
  • [WFLY-13862] - Minimise activemq dependency on legacy security subsystem
  • [WFLY-13868] - Eliminate dependency on module from the vault-tool module

Feature Request

  • [WFLY-11795] - Add layer for webservices
  • [WFLY-11868] - Documentation for Rest integration with WildFly Elytron - AuthenticationClient for Authentication / SSL
  • [WFLY-12190] - Reintroduce EJB over HTTP/HTTPS capability with HTTP Loadbalancer - server to server config
  • [WFLY-12342] - Integrate server probes in MP Health readiness check
  • [WFLY-12574] - Documentation for SSH authentication for Git persistence
  • [WFLY-12681] - Provide a 'microprofile-platform' Galleon layer
  • [WFLY-13085] - Add support for TLSv1.3 using the OpenSSL TLS provider
  • [WFLY-13090] - Enable compression on remoting globally for EJB calls
  • [WFLY-13125] - HTTP External Security Not Supported by Elytron
  • [WFLY-13128] - Add a Galleon layer for batch-jberet
  • [WFLY-13146] - Support for multiple security realms - Failover
  • [WFLY-13279] - Support for multiple security realms - Distributed Identities Community docs
  • [WFLY-13305] - Bootable jar for Wildfly
  • [WFLY-13350] - Add a Galleon layer for JSF
  • [WFLY-13351] - Add a Galleon layer for the Mail subsystem
  • [WFLY-13352] - Add a Galleon layer for the sar subsystem
  • [WFLY-13353] - Add a Galleon layer for the POJO subsystem
  • [WFLY-13354] - Add Galleon layers for the EJB subsystem
  • [WFLY-13356] - Add a Galleon layer for Webservices
  • [WFLY-13396] - Tests for RESTEasy integration with WildFly Elytron - AuthenticationClient for Authentication / SSL
  • [WFLY-13490] - Galleon layer for web console
  • [WFLY-13539] - Add a Galleon layer for JBoss Diagnostic Reporting
  • [WFLY-13585] - Add a Galleon layer for JSON-P
  • [WFLY-13586] - Add a Galleon layer for JSON-B
  • [WFLY-13645] - Provide a set of EAP XP QuickStarts that can run on OpenShift
  • [WFLY-13713] - Bootable jar support for MicroProfile Quickstarts
  • [WFLY-13715] - Certify Oracle 19c (was 12c) RAC Cluster Support with Oracle UCP


  • [WFLY-9440] - EJB subsystem use capability without registering a requirement for it
  • [WFLY-10173] - EjbInvocationStatisticsTestCase fails intermittently: wait-time=0
  • [WFLY-10879] - Deployment is not failing as expected and according to the specification if a @Singleton @Startup @PostConstruct initialization failed
  • [WFLY-11316] - Remove unused dependencies from org.jberet.jberet-core
  • [WFLY-11492] - Quickstart http-custom-mechanism: documentation step fails
  • [WFLY-11717] - Illegal reflective access - org.jboss.invocation.proxy.AbstractProxyFactory
  • [WFLY-11808] - Unable to do jndi lookup when starting batch job from web console
  • [WFLY-12171] - EJB Client requires FilePermission for ejb-xa-recovery with security manager enabled
  • [WFLY-12374] - Transactions store attributes have wrong configuration
  • [WFLY-12537] - Incoming RunAsPrincipal is not being propagated to an unsecured EJB
  • [WFLY-12549] - mp.metrics.tags does not work when specified in MP config subsystem
  • [WFLY-12586] - Duplicated classes in testsuite, content slightly differs in some cases
  • [WFLY-12608] - Integration tests for OCSP followup
  • [WFLY-12677] - Mojarra Issue 4547 - ELFlash ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on invalid Cookie value
  • [WFLY-12765] - Webservice deployment fails
  • [WFLY-12815] - Wildfly 13 - Thread local state corrupted by deployed application explosion during session timeout leading to WELD-001304 - More than one context active for scope type javax.enterprise.context.SessionScoped
  • [WFLY-12992] - Log messages from io.smallrye.openapi don't have message ID
  • [WFLY-13065] - Options for reverse-proxy max-request-time and connection-idle-timeout are specified as seconds
  • [WFLY-13069] - CoarseDatabasePersistenceWebFailoverTestCase fails intermittently
  • [WFLY-13132] - Wrong/Incomplete CLUSTER_TOPOLOGY update sent to EJB client
  • [WFLY-13177] - ManagedExecutorService: Wrong activeRequestCount at RequestController on RejectedExecutionException
  • [WFLY-13188] - Exception while exporting metrics during WildFly initialization
  • [WFLY-13244] - MicroProfile open-tracing should explicitly depends on microprofile-config
  • [WFLY-13276] - Galleon provisioning is failing intermittently on s390
  • [WFLY-13341] - Substitution of environment / system properties for microprofile-opentracing-smallrye extension
  • [WFLY-13345] - Deployments fails if AsyncListener in WEB-INF/classes or in a jar in WEB-INF/lib references a class that isn't on the classpath
  • [WFLY-13358] - Tests for WFCORE-4950 - Regression: Legacy Ldap Realm securing EJB with JDK8 not working
  • [WFLY-13392] - WFSM000001: Permission check failed ... FilePermission when Security Manager enabled and Web App tries to forward to jsp
  • [WFLY-13432] - Provide capability for Undertow HTTP Upgrade registry
  • [WFLY-13471] - Warn the ws deployment packaged with JAXP implementation
  • [WFLY-13508] - Incorrect layer name for 'naming' layer on the layer specification file
  • [WFLY-13515] - Application does not fail when @Singleton @PostConstruct throws exception
  • [WFLY-13545] - Smallrye OpenAPI annotaton scanner throws StackOverflowError when processing JAX-RS resource classes which implement a locator that will return the class itself
  • [WFLY-13547] - Smallrye OpenAPI throws java.lang.NullPointerException when processing JAX-RS resources which define methods acception a SortedSet type parameter
  • [WFLY-13554] - Test Cases of JNDI view does not show implementation classes for connection factories and destinations registered by 3rd party resource adapters
  • [WFLY-13559] - Header response has changed and missing fields
  • [WFLY-13566] - Ensure that Jandex indexes are released from JPA deployment memory after deployment completes
  • [WFLY-13571] - JSF: selectOneMenu required+disabled true
  • [WFLY-13581] - The multicast queue stats are not correct
  • [WFLY-13582] - Mention sampler configuration in MP Opentracing Quickstart readme
  • [WFLY-13587] - Smallrye OpenAPI throws java.lang.NullPointerException because of null parameter schema
  • [WFLY-13590] - JGroups subsystem logs "version is missing in the configuration file" warning on startup
  • [WFLY-13591] - TCP_NIO2 sockets are not registered with socket binding manager
  • [WFLY-13592] - jndi-view doen't show values for EJB in java:jboss/exported
  • [WFLY-13596] - Add missing exclusions for dependencies artifacts
  • [WFLY-13601] - JACC Not Correctly Activated Without Legacy Security
  • [WFLY-13603] - Cache associated with default module throws NPE on start
  • [WFLY-13605] - Fix licenses in full-feature-pack-licenses.xml
  • [WFLY-13606] - Ignored socket-level keepalive flag in OpenJDK ORB connections
  • [WFLY-13610] - JaccEjbDeploymentProcessor Does not check if deployment is EJB deployment
  • [WFLY-13613] - SIGSEGV in libaio when running RHEL 7.8
  • [WFLY-13615] - JaccServices need to depend up Elytron JACC Service
  • [WFLY-13616] - Distributed session manager should trigger HttpSessionAttributeListener.attributeRemoved events on session destroy
  • [WFLY-13620] - jaxrs-jwt: The parameters 'mainClass' are missing or invalid
  • [WFLY-13626] - Transaction subsystem CMR configuration defines optional attributes but they are handled as required
  • [WFLY-13627] - Distributed sessions/SFSBs stored in non-transactional invalidation-cache should schedule expirations locally
  • [WFLY-13628] - Invalidation caches need to consider keys in the cache store when reassigning ownership
  • [WFLY-13632] - If a CMR resource is deployed concurrently then it will overwrite the list of resources that are expected to behave as CMR
  • [WFLY-13633] - Undeployed CMR resource JNDI names are not deregisted as needing to be treated as CMR
  • [WFLY-13639] - Avoid duplicate expiration scheduling on member leave for non-tx invalidation cache
  • [WFLY-13641] - WFLYWELD0055: Could not index class [Someclass] from an external bean archive: vfs:/somepath/myear.ear/myejb-0.0.1.jar/META-INF/beans.xml
  • [WFLY-13643] - Test of WFLY-13592 "Jndi-view doen't show values for EJB in java:jboss/exported"
  • [WFLY-13647] - Annotation processing error sun.reflect.annotation.TypeNotPresentExceptionProxy does not indicate issue
  • [WFLY-13651] - Make AbstractEJBComponentResourceDefinition.METHODS an ObjectMapAttributeDefinition (rather than ObjectListAD)
  • [WFLY-13658] - Active session statistics incorrectly reported for non-tx invalidation caches
  • [WFLY-13669] - Warning in log when running Arquillian tests for MicroProfile REST client quickstart
  • [WFLY-13670] - Remaining UX issues in readme for microprofile-fault-tolerance QS
  • [WFLY-13689] - Hibernate/JPA custom 2LC regions generate wrong service names when region names contain a dot.
  • [WFLY-13690] - InfinispanRoutingProvider generates wrong service names when server name contain a dot.
  • [WFLY-13701] - Upgrade jboss-parent pom from 35 to 37
  • [WFLY-13718] - Update quick start references to "Red Hat Developer Studio" to new name "Red Hat CodeReady Studio"
  • [WFLY-13719] - Error deploying EJB in WildFly when using @EJB
  • [WFLY-13720] - ee global-modules should not allow duplicates
  • [WFLY-13723] - Many Jakarta EE 8 TCK tests are failing due to "Unknown service name jboss.ejb"
  • [WFLY-13725] - The layer with brings in the security manager is called "security-manager" not "security-management"
  • [WFLY-13726] - PersistenceUnitServiceHandler attempts to integrate bean validation even if the capability is not present
  • [WFLY-13728] - JDR zip directories are files on Windows
  • [WFLY-13730] - WFLY-9440 fix breaks Galleon provisioning
  • [WFLY-13733] - Remove need for requirement for service provided by capability from EJB subsystem's ApplicationSecurityDomainDefinition
  • [WFLY-13738] - Don't drop the stack trace of an unexpected exception in WeldJpaInjectionTestCase
  • [WFLY-13739] - WeldJpaInjectionTestCase fails in the jpa layer test suite
  • [WFLY-13746] - Issues in MP REST Client QS README
  • [WFLY-13752] - exclude element under includes and include element under excludes
  • [WFLY-13759] - Intermittent failure in ManagedExecutorServiceMetricsTestCase.testManagedExecutorServiceManagement
  • [WFLY-13764] - Hibernate 2LC uses wrong default cache configuration for timestamps regions
  • [WFLY-13768] - JSF trying to load DTD over the network
  • [WFLY-13773] - SFSB expiration does not trigger activation listener prior to removal
  • [WFLY-13775] - SFSB passivated count does not decrement when a SFSB expires
  • [WFLY-13786] - DistributableSessionManager.getSession(...) should not propagate exceptions
  • [WFLY-13787] - Batch subsystem docs don't integrate properly in the Admin Guide
  • [WFLY-13790] - Memory leak caused by org.eclipse.yasson.internal.JsonBinding
  • [WFLY-13791] - Manual IIOP/CORBA stub generation fails on IBM JDK when running the Galleon Layers testsuite
  • [WFLY-13794] - External connection factories should support all connection factories attributes
  • [WFLY-13799] - Fix JPA 2LC compatibility with configurations missing a pending-puts cache configuration
  • [WFLY-13802] - The undertow layer can not deploy deployments without the ee layer
  • [WFLY-13810] - Intermittent failure in ExternalizerTestCase
  • [WFLY-13811] - The module dependency on is not optional
  • [WFLY-13812] - RemoteNamingAdd should use a capability to access the remoting Endpoint
  • [WFLY-13814] - Drop messaging subsystem's HTTPUpgradeService's use of SimpleHttpUpgradeHandshake, drop dep on
  • [WFLY-13825] - The 'microprofile.surefire' execution doesn't run microprofile tests at all due to wrong package name include
  • [WFLY-13826] - EJB3SubsystemXMLPersister may omit the 'session-bean' wrapper element
  • [WFLY-13829] - EJB: request are compressed by default if the descriptor is used
  • [WFLY-13832] - Bug in detecting the org.apache.cxf module
  • [WFLY-13835] - Extraneous character in remote-store's remote-servers descriptions in jboss-as-infinispan_x_0.xsd-s
  • [WFLY-13839] - Undertow https listener does not generate required capability
  • [WFLY-13841] - JBoss Diagnostic Reporting Galleon layer test case fails intermittently
  • [WFLY-13850] - microprofile-platform provisioning on the test suite should use the full Galleon feature pack
  • [WFLY-13855] - remote-cache-container protocol-version allowed values contain last protocol version twice
  • [WFLY-13856] - [WARNING] 'profiles.profile[ts.clustering.layers.profile].plugins.plugin.(groupId:artifactId)' must be unique but found duplicate declaration of plugin org.wildfly.plugins:wildfly-maven-plugin @ line 1255, column 29
  • [WFLY-13857] - Duplicate dependencies section in ejb-dist-cache layer-spec.xml
  • [WFLY-13861] - Incorrect java.naming.provider.url default value in helloworld-jms README.adoc
  • [WFLY-13864] - The WF 20 wildscribe output is missing some subsystems
  • [WFLY-13869] - Intermittent deployment failures in clustering testsuite
  • [WFLY-13874] - Enable switching Galleon pack Maven coordinates for the Galleon layers used in the webservices tests
  • [WFLY-13878] - Add transformer and subsystem test coverage for EJB over HTTP discovery configuration
  • [WFLY-13880] - resource adapter logs plaintext JMS password at Warning level on connection error
  • [WFLY-13882] - StartException with "AMQ229204: Address already exists" on existing multicast queue creation
  • [WFLY-13884] - JdrReportManagmentTestCase.generateStandaloneJdrReport fails on my ee9 branch
  • [WFLY-13885] - should test non-distributed session manager
  • [WFLY-13887] - Add http-connections element to jboss-ejb-client_1_4.xsd schema
  • [WFLY-13891] - Make security service dependency optional for webservice deployment
  • [WFLY-13892] - Opentracing capability is not properly registered
  • [WFLY-13893] - Infinispan Directory Provider deprecated in Hibernate Search 6.x
  • [WFLY-13899] - JSF-Installer fails to deploy because it uses the wrong digester version
  • [WFLY-13903] - Bouncycastle - Failing tests in RESTEasy TS
  • [WFLY-13910] - Class visibility problem with SimpleWebserviceEndpointTestCase with -Dts.layers
  • [WFLY-13911] - Intermittent deployment failures in clustering testsuite on Linux
  • [WFLY-13915] - JAXRS Client Quickstart arquilian tests missing commons-logging
  • [WFLY-13924] - HTTP2 is not working with Oracle JDK8 u261
  • [WFLY-13934] - adjust licenses for smallrye-open-api artifacts in microprofile-feature-pack-licenses.xml
  • [WFLY-13944] - Jakarta EE 8 Platform Connector test failure with WildFly master after a change made after Oct 3rd, 2020
  • [WFLY-13946] - EJB DeploymentUnitProcessors still adding legacy security dependencies when not required.


  • [WFLY-12654] - Switch from javax.jws:jsr181-api to jakarta.jws:jakarta.jws-api
  • [WFLY-13012] - Clustering TS: Update clustering integration tests to use Infinispan Server 10.1.x
  • [WFLY-13131] - Re-enable AbstractDatabasePersistenceWebFailoverTestCase#testGracefulSimpleFailover
  • [WFLY-13426] - Optimize marshalling in clustering subsystems using ProtoStream
  • [WFLY-13434] - Update EJB / Elytron Integration to use SecurityMetaData in DeploymentUnit
  • [WFLY-13435] - Update Undertow / Elytron Integration to use SecurityMetaData in DeploymentUnit
  • [WFLY-13469] - Decouple distributed SFSB cache from client mappings registry.
  • [WFLY-13470] - Provide SPI and implementation for building a client mappings registry per connector
  • [WFLY-13501] - Add Galleon channels for WF 21 / WF Core 13
  • [WFLY-13509] - Convert the EJB ApplicationSecurityDomain Service to new MSC APIs
  • [WFLY-13538] - Add Java 9+ version of ConcurrentDirectDeque
  • [WFLY-13557] - Clustering TS: Support for test execution parallelization on multiple test runners
  • [WFLY-13563] - Clustering TS: All clustering tests need not run on full-ha server profile
  • [WFLY-13564] - Clustering TS: Running a single test with -Dtest= can only be used with main tests
  • [WFLY-13567] - Disable MPScriptTestCase in the 'alt-dist' test jobs
  • [WFLY-13569] - Intermittent failure in BulkheadAsynchTest#testBulkheadExceptionThrownWhenQueueFullAsync
  • [WFLY-13583] - Remove Zanata configuration
  • [WFLY-13584] - Require a minimum of Maven 3.6.0 and default to 3.6.3
  • [WFLY-13623] - Organize feature pack code to facilitate separate EE 8 and EE 9 variants
  • [WFLY-13624] - Eliminate 'subclassing' of wildfly-servlet feature pack content by wildfly-ee and wildfly feature packs
  • [WFLY-13648] - Make PicketBox PolicyContextHandlers discoverable using ServiceLoader<>
  • [WFLY-13659] - Fix modules with dependency on Legacy Security Subsystem
  • [WFLY-13660] - The legacy security subsystem should register a capability if it is initialising JACC
  • [WFLY-13663] - Fix modules with dependency on javax.xml.rpc.api
  • [WFLY-13671] - Revert temporary commit to mark "" as unused module.
  • [WFLY-13676] - Increase the test coverage of jpa and jpa-distributed galleon layers
  • [WFLY-13683] - Remove microprofile-metrics dependency from jpa, jpa-distributed and web-clustering Galleon layers
  • [WFLY-13699] - Integration tests for Elytron distributed-realm
  • [WFLY-13703] - Increase the test coverage of LayersTestCase for the all layers case
  • [WFLY-13704] - Replace use of org.jboss.remoting3 module in tests
  • [WFLY-13712] - Remove Infinispan/EJB runtime handling made obsolete by capability references
  • [WFLY-13716] - Integration tests for Elytron failover-realm
  • [WFLY-13729] - Make optional the javax.xml.rpc.api module dependency added to deployments by EjbDependencyDeploymentUnitProcessor
  • [WFLY-13741] - The standalone-load-balancer configurations should depend on legacy-management
  • [WFLY-13744] - Improvements on Galleon layers community documentation
  • [WFLY-13747] - Add tests for the remoting layers
  • [WFLY-13749] - Add the bean-validation Galleon layer as an optional dependency for jpa and jpa-distributed Galleon layers
  • [WFLY-13753] - Adjust layers and tests for management layer changes in WildFly Core
  • [WFLY-13755] - Document the two remoting layers
  • [WFLY-13757] - Adjust the legacy feature packs to match the markup generated from the Galleon feature packs in order and defaults
  • [WFLY-13758] - Avoid hard-coding groupId on wildfly-clustering-marshalling-jboss module dependencies
  • [WFLY-13766] - MicroProfile OpenAPI subsystem cannot be used in legacy feature packs
  • [WFLY-13819] - Drop jipijapa-hibernate5x-legacy modules
  • [WFLY-13842] - Upgrade jbossws-cxf to 5.4.2.Final
  • [WFLY-13849] - Decouple from
  • [WFLY-13865] - Enable switching Galleon pack Maven coordinates for the Galleon layers used in the clustering tests
  • [WFLY-13872] - Add a test to verify that banned modules are not provisioned with the Galleon layers
  • [WFLY-13881] - Clean up diffs between the dist-legacy and ee-dist output
  • [WFLY-13888] - Move JWTEJBTestCase to testsuite/integration/microprofile

Component Upgrade

  • [WFLY-10948] - Update MyFaces to 2.3.6 in jsf-installer
  • [WFLY-13492] - Upgrade Wildfly HTTP Client to 1.1.2.Final
  • [WFLY-13521] - Upgrade Infinispan to 11.0.3.Final
  • [WFLY-13546] - Upgrade smallrye-open-api to 2.0.3
  • [WFLY-13555] - Upgrade jgroups-azure to 1.3.0.Final
  • [WFLY-13561] - Upgrade jberet-core from 1.3.6.Final to 1.3.7.Final
  • [WFLY-13572] - Upgrade Mojarra to 2.3.9.SP11
  • [WFLY-13573] - Upgrade JBoss JSF API from 3.0.0.SP03 to 3.0.0.SP04
  • [WFLY-13576] - Upgrade WildFly Galleon Plugins from 4.2.6.Final to 4.2.8.Final
  • [WFLY-13602] - Upgrade Hibernate ORM from 5.3.17 to 5.3.18
  • [WFLY-13614] - Upgrade Artemis Native to 1.0.2
  • [WFLY-13618] - Upgrade WildFly Core 13.0.0.Beta1
  • [WFLY-13622] - Upgrade WildFly maven-plugins to 2.2.0.Final
  • [WFLY-13635] - Upgrade CXF from 3.3.6 to 3.3.7
  • [WFLY-13672] - Upgrade JGroups to 4.2.5.Final
  • [WFLY-13688] - Upgrade WildFly Core 13.0.0.Beta2
  • [WFLY-13707] - Upgrade smallrye-open-api to 2.0.6
  • [WFLY-13708] - Upgrade SmallRye Metrics to 2.4.2
  • [WFLY-13731] - Upgrade Weld to 3.1.5.Final
  • [WFLY-13737] - Upgrade wildfly-transaction-client from 1.1.11.Final to 1.1.13.Final
  • [WFLY-13740] - Upgrade Narayana to 5.10.6.Final
  • [WFLY-13760] - Upgrade smallrye-fault-tolerance to 4.3.0
  • [WFLY-13761] - Upgrade to 8.6.5
  • [WFLY-13769] - Upgrade Mojarra to 2.3.9.SP12
  • [WFLY-13772] - Upgrade Netty to 4.1.51.Final
  • [WFLY-13778] - Upgrade ironjacamar to 1.4.23.Final
  • [WFLY-13781] - Upgrade PicketBox from 5.0.3.Final-redhat-00005 to 5.0.3.Final-redhat-00006
  • [WFLY-13783] - Upgrade to WildFly Core 13.0.0.Beta5
  • [WFLY-13795] - Upgrade HAL to 3.2.10.Final
  • [WFLY-13800] - Upgrade Infinispan to 11.0.4.Final
  • [WFLY-13803] - Upgrade RESTEasy to 3.13.0.Final
  • [WFLY-13804] - Upgrade smallrye-open-api to 2.0.8
  • [WFLY-13860] - Upgrade RESTEasy to 3.13.1.Final
  • [WFLY-13870] - Upgrade to WildFly Core 13.0.0.Beta6
  • [WFLY-13879] - Upgrade Mojarra to 2.3.14.SP01
  • [WFLY-13900] - Upgrade to MyFaces 2.3.6
  • [WFLY-13901] - Upgrade Jastow from 2.0.8.Final to 2.0.9.Final
  • [WFLY-13906] - Upgrade to Galleon 4.2.6
  • [WFLY-13907] - Upgrade to Bootable JAR 2.0.0.Beta8
  • [WFLY-13912] - Upgrade RESTEasy to 3.13.2.Final
  • [WFLY-13913] - Upgrade smallrye-open-api to 2.0.9
  • [WFLY-13920] - Upgrade Hibernate Validator from 6.0.20.Final to 6.0.21.Final
  • [WFLY-13922] - Upgrade RESTEasy to 3.13.2.Final
  • [WFLY-13923] - Upgrade Jackson to 2.10.5
  • [WFLY-13937] - Upgrade WildFly Arquillian to 3.0.0.Final
  • [WFLY-13938] - Upgrade WildFly Core to 13.0.0.Final
  • [WFLY-13945] - Upgrade WildFly Core to 13.0.1.Final
  • [WFLY-13948] - Upgrade HAL to 3.2.11.Final


  • [WFLY-2102] - Improve deployment annotation parsing error message
  • [WFLY-13319] - Wildfly 19 MP-JWT & EJB Integration
  • [WFLY-13422] - Make optional from naming extension module; others too if possible
  • [WFLY-13423] - Make ejb3 extension dependency on optional
  • [WFLY-13433] - Improve capability support in EJB3 subsystem
  • [WFLY-13518] - Bump messaging schema to 11
  • [WFLY-13579] - Make most of the calls which wait for timeout configurable with TimeoutUtil
  • [WFLY-13609] - Disable microprofile tests when XP dist is not used.
  • [WFLY-13649] - Make possible swap maven coordinates for MP Rest Client
  • [WFLY-13650] - Allow expressions for config-source's ordinal attribute
  • [WFLY-13717] - Add expressions for the host/port attributes for the outbound socket binding used for mail
  • [WFLY-13751] - Make control of testsuite/layers deletion of provisioned servers configurable via -D
  • [WFLY-13770] - Create jdbc job repository using deployment descriptors
  • [WFLY-13785] - Jakartaee8 BOM should list jackson-datatype-*
  • [WFLY-13813] - Use a capability to get information about a remoting connector; drop EJB3 dep on module
  • [WFLY-13815] - Make core-tools optional in datasources-web-server layer
  • [WFLY-13824] - Use TimeUtil timeout adjustments in cases of timeout defined on JMS receive
  • [WFLY-13863] - Adding Wildfly logo in
  • [WFLY-13914] - Add Maven repos to BOMs
  • [WFLY-14804] - Microprofile Health Status UP even if deployment failed

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