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  1. Network Edge
  2. NE-1108

Provide a solution for Load Balancer Management


    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • None
    • None
    • Sprint 230, Sprint 231, Sprint 232
    • 0
    • 0.0

      Depends on the operator we choose, see NE-1105, worst case is having to create a new operator.

      Istio will already create a Cluster IP LB if configured to do so.  When does it do it, what options does it have, does it configure proxy protocol for AWS and all the other edge cases.

      Do we fix things on the OSSM side or turn it off in OSSM if we need to make changes?

      Acceptance Criteria: Like DNS Management, LB Management can be provided for Gateway API components, either with changes to Ingress Operator, a new operator that works in the absence of Ingress Operator, or both.

            mmasters1@redhat.com Miciah Masters
            cholman@redhat.com Candace Holman
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