Resolution: Done
Documented as Feature Request
Today we have 6 GA sidecar containers. vsvydenk has said that we can include BOTH JDK 8 and 11 in the same sidecar, in order to simplify the user experience.
These containers would therefore be collapsed from 6...
- plugin-java8 (includes maven, node, python)
- plugin-java8-openj9 (includes maven, node, python)
- plugin-java11 (includes quarkus, gradle)
- plugin-java11-openj9 (includes quarkus, gradle)
- plugin-openshift (includes oc)
- plugin-kubernetes (includes kamel, helm, oc)
... into 1 Universal Developer Image:
- udi
Once the new images are productized, we will have to update the devfiles and sync scripts to ensure that all the assets are built, published to GH releases, collected into pkgs.devel, and built in Brew.
See also CRW-2464.
Followup work for plugins team to validate devfiles all work, and for QE to adapt to the new images.
- is documented by
RHDEVDOCS-3749 Update docs that mention plugin-* and stacks-* to use udi image
- Closed
- is related to
CRW-2464 Merge tech preview sidecar containers into a single UDI sidecar
- Closed
CRW-2658 Latest kamel / camel-k build requires kubectl (or oc)
- Closed
- relates to
CRW-2757 Update to Maven 3.8 in UDI
- Closed
CRW-2688 Apply UDIs for all devfiles v2 and plugins
- Closed
CRW-2729 [CRW][z&p] 3.0 :: switch from openj9 to openjdk udi sidecar; update EAP XP 3 in devfile reg
- Closed
CRW-2750 [CRW][z&p] 2.15 :: switch from openj9 to openjdk plugin-java* sidecars; update EAP XP 3 in devfile reg, SSO 7.4 -> 7.5.1 in operator
- Closed
CRW-2527 Upgrade UDI sidecar to include Node 16
- Closed
CRW-2578 devfile v2 caching for devworkspace airgap support needs to be arch-aware and swap jdk images for j9 on Power/Z
- Closed
- mentioned on