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  1. Cluster Integration and Delivery
  2. CLID-199

As a oc-mirror user, I would like mirrored operator catalogs to reflect the mirrored operators only


    • Icon: Epic Epic
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • None
    • None
    • oc-mirror
    • None
    • CatalogRebuild
    • 29
    • False
    • Hide


    • False
    • Not Selected
    • To Do
    • OCPSTRAT-1515 - Reflect only the mirrored operators in the operator catalogs
    • OCPSTRAT-1515Reflect only the mirrored operators in the operator catalogs
    • 75% To Do, 25% In Progress, 0% Done
    • ---
    • ---

      As a oc-mirror user, I would like mirrored operator catalogs to reflect the mirrored operators only, so that, after I mirror my catalog I can check that it contains the filtered operators using:

      oc-mirror list operators --catalog mirror.syangsao.net:8443/ocp4/redhat/redhat-operator-index:v4.12


      In oc-mirror v2 (and in v1 after bug fix OCPBUGS-31536), oc-mirror doesn't rebuild catalogs.

      • The filtered declarative config isn't recreated based on the imagesetconfig filter
      • The catalog cache isn't regenerated
      • The catalog image isn't rebuilt based on the above 2 elements
        Instead, the original catalog image is pushed as is to the mirror registry. Its declarative config will show all operators, and for each operator all channels and all bundles.
        This behavior is causing some inconvenience to our users.

      Concerns, complexity

      • How to deal with caches
      • How to deal with default channels
      • How to deal with keeping a single valid channel head
      • What to do when cross channel filtering is involved
      • How to deal with mirroring by bundle selection (how to rebuild the update graph)
      • Make multi-arch catalogs

      Known ongoing/related work

      Additional info:

            Unassigned Unassigned
            skhoury@redhat.com Sherine Khoury
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
