Resolution: Done
Proactive Architecture
To Do
OCPSTRAT-1355 - Consulting and support to facilitate operator catalog experience
OCPSTRAT-1355Consulting and support to facilitate operator catalog experience
0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
Improvements in OCP4.15 make it possible for catalogsource images to contain only catalog(& optional cache) if the catalogsource CR `spec.properties.grpcPodConfig.properties.extractContent` cacheDir/catalogDir are set.
We need to improve tooling to support the binary-less catalog experience, specifically:
- expose a new binary-less path to `opm generate dockerfile` which builds on scratch both up- and down-stream, one concept of which could be:
FROM quay.io/operator-framework/opm:v1.41.0 as builder # Copy FBC root into image at /configs and pre-populate serve cache ADD catalog /configs RUN ["/bin/opm", "serve", "/configs", "--cache-dir=/tmp/cache", "--cache-only"] FROM scratch COPY --from=builder /configs /configs COPY --from=builder /tmp/cache /tmp/cache # Set FBC-specific label for the location of the FBC root directory # in the image LABEL operators.operatorframework.io.index.configs.v1=/configs
- express the cache location via a new label unless cacheless catalogs are implemented in the same period
- update ose-operator-registry endpoint to anticipate serving FBC instead of SQLite
- determine if we need to maintain a binary-catalog-base as well as a binary-less-base only (aka who do we discover depended on self-running catalog images?)
- update documentation illustrating how to generate & validate the cache for such an image (ideally, the end-to-end binary-less flow), taking into account:
- generic operator-author persona
- konflux operator-author persona
- other personas?
- blocks
OCPSTRAT-1355 Consulting and support to facilitate operator catalog experience
- In Progress
- is related to
OPRUN-3347 [UPSTREAM] support cacheless catalogsources #3257
- To Do