Release Notes - Kogito - Version 1.12.0.Final - HTML format

Feature Request

  • [KOGITO-5394] - Add Process Error Handling Strategies to Kogito
  • [KOGITO-5797] - Add the possiblitiy of change default topic names in spring boot process event addon


  • [KOGITO-3638] - Investigate `Verify if the s2i build is finished as expected performing a native build with persistence enabled` Scenario
  • [KOGITO-4983] - Filesystem persistence fails to compile in native mode
  • [KOGITO-5664] - IT test in process-kafka-quickstart-springboot example fails in the CI
  • [KOGITO-5692] - BDD tests crashing due to concurrency issue
  • [KOGITO-5713] - Gradle integration test build should be skippable
  • [KOGITO-5740] - Unnecessary reconciliations triggered for Service
  • [KOGITO-5743] - kogito-apps fails to build on native mode
  • [KOGITO-5781] - Reduced tag images are no more pushed to
  • [KOGITO-5789] - kogito-quarkus-test-list does not reflect maven reactor
  • [KOGITO-5816] - process related integration tests not executed in native mode
  • [KOGITO-5851] - Build and deploy Quarkus from source files cannot be accessed once running on Openshift
  • [KOGITO-5856] - Exception while fetching data (/Travels) : Cache not found
  • [KOGITO-5857] - Correct bats tests for release branch with released version
  • [KOGITO-5886] - `` seems to be flaky and needs review
  • [KOGITO-5936] - Kogito Travel Agency example: data-index crashes when running docker-compose
  • [KOGITO-5949] - SW restcountries example is failing duo to expired certificates
  • [KOGITO-5975] - Public API: MapDataContext#get(String,Class<T>) returns null
  • [KOGITO-5977] - Pod is never created when deploying source files
  • [KOGITO-6031] - Gradle integration test should not use quarkus platform BOM
  • [KOGITO-6060] - Serverless Temperature Conversion Example is not compiling


  • [KOGITO-3759] - PoC Outbox pattern using MongoDB persistence and Debezium
  • [KOGITO-5369] - Provide Knative Kogito Source in the Knative Eventing platform
  • [KOGITO-5752] - Public API: Incubation (round 1)
  • [KOGITO-5921] - Add Support for Oracle


  • [KOGITO-1594] - Specify JVM memory based on pod limit
  • [KOGITO-1941] - Random test failures on JobResourceTest.cancelRunningPeriodicJobTest
  • [KOGITO-4791] - Add metrics related files back in the operator bundle
  • [KOGITO-5255] - Hardening of process and decisions integration - Embedded
  • [KOGITO-5390] - Support using images without namespace part in KogitoRuntime
  • [KOGITO-5465] - Process integration with DMN - Documentation
  • [KOGITO-5553] - Data-index API connection with runtimes: Add Node Instances operations and process variables update
  • [KOGITO-5554] - Data-index API connection with runtimes tasks
  • [KOGITO-5555] - Data-index API connection with runtimes: Add security
  • [KOGITO-5603] - Implement Kogito-Infra Improvement
  • [KOGITO-5680] - Create jobs to update Quarkus/Kie7 version on runtimes/optaplanner
  • [KOGITO-5745] - BDD tests: Add Node scraper for performance tests
  • [KOGITO-5747] - Public API: Shared Modules (Incubation)
  • [KOGITO-5748] - Public API: Straight-Through Process Modules (Incubation)
  • [KOGITO-5749] - Public API: DMN Modules (Incubation)
  • [KOGITO-5750] - Public API: PMML Modules (Incubation)
  • [KOGITO-5751] - Public API: Rule (unit) Modules (Incubation)
  • [KOGITO-5762] - BDD: Cleanup crds in testing cluster
  • [KOGITO-5783] - Build Chain: Allow to specify project environment variable in pull request config
  • [KOGITO-5796] - BDD tests: Adjust Knative test to use KogitoSource for events
  • [KOGITO-5798] - Replace deprecated library kogito-springboot-starter references by kogito-spring-boot-starter
  • [KOGITO-5845] - BDD: Add @rhpam tag to native testing
  • [KOGITO-5855] - Data-index API connection with Jobs service
  • [KOGITO-5865] - BDD: Cleanup installed operators
  • [KOGITO-5888] - BDD: Remove namespace ref in BDD tests
  • [KOGITO-5893] - Data-index API connection with runtimes tasks ( comments and attachments )
  • [KOGITO-5910] - unify kogito community and product into one
  • [KOGITO-5937] - Migrate Kogito artifacts PR checks to build-chain
  • [KOGITO-5941] - Add build-time support for JDK 17
  • [KOGITO-5945] - BDD tests: Add option to run tests using released operator
  • [KOGITO-5958] - BDD tests: Adjust the memory limit for operator profiling image
  • [KOGITO-5959] - Public API: Examples
  • [KOGITO-5976] - Kogito operator de-scoping - support for AllNamespaces
  • [KOGITO-6032] - BDD tests: Rename disable_clean_cluster parameter to enable_clean_cluster


  • [KOGITO-416] - Limiting GraalVM memory usage relying on container cgroups
  • [KOGITO-3931] - Provide hint to developers on errors regarding messaging events when compiling
  • [KOGITO-5280] - Setup OptaPlanner profile PR checks configuration
  • [KOGITO-5368] - Unify Json merge implementation
  • [KOGITO-5514] - Provide feedback for invalid variables used in script tasks
  • [KOGITO-5552] - Upgrade Kogito Operator integration with Knative 0.24+
  • [KOGITO-5718] - Review Messaging add-on namespace to avoid Quarkus Arc Warning message
  • [KOGITO-5719] - Transform all Kogito Add-Ons into Quarkus Extension
  • [KOGITO-5730] - DSL: Allow automatic deletion of jobs when configuration changes
  • [KOGITO-5760] - Upgrade operator-sdk in Kogito-operator
  • [KOGITO-5801] - Create jq Quarkus extension for native support
  • [KOGITO-5802] - Create jq Quarkus extension for native support
  • [KOGITO-5811] - no kind is registered for the type v1beta1.KogitoInfra
  • [KOGITO-5834] - Change operator project structure to multi-group
  • [KOGITO-5837] - BDD: Allow to set both native and jvm runtime images as test parameters
  • [KOGITO-5935] - Add newly Quarkus Extensions to quarkus test list

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