Release Notes - Debezium - Version 1.9.0.CR1 - HTML format

Feature Request

  • [DBZ-4771] - Save and load database history in Redis


  • [DBZ-3535] - SchemaNameAdjuster is too restrictive by default
  • [DBZ-4786] - java.lang.NullPointerException while handling DROP column query
  • [DBZ-4787] - Not reading the keystore/truststore when enabling MySQL SSL authentication
  • [DBZ-4802] - "DebeziumException: Unable to find primary from MongoDB connection" post upgrade to 1.8.1
  • [DBZ-4810] - Oracle TO_DATE cannot be parsed when NLS parameter is provided
  • [DBZ-4819] - Oracle test FlushStrategyIT fails
  • [DBZ-4822] - Mysql: Getting ERROR `Failed due to error: connect.errors.ConnectException: For input string: "false"`
  • [DBZ-4824] - Expect the null value with snapshot CapturedTables metric when skipping snapshotting
  • [DBZ-4833] - MySQL 5.7 - no viable alternative at input 'ALTER TABLE ORD_ALLOCATION_CONFIG CHANGE RANK'
  • [DBZ-4835] - missing notes on using db2 connector
  • [DBZ-4836] - ParsingException when adding a new table to an existing oracle connector
  • [DBZ-4842] - Supplemental log check fails when restarting connector after table dropped
  • [DBZ-4844] - CREATE_TOPIC docker image regression
  • [DBZ-4850] - Logminer mining session stopped due to several kinds of SQL exceptions
  • [DBZ-4851] - DDL statement couldn't be parsed
  • [DBZ-4852] - Gracefully pass unsupported column types from DDL parser as OracleTypes.OTHER
  • [DBZ-4853] - Debezium oracle connector stopped because of Unsupported column type: LONG
  • [DBZ-4856] - Compilation of SqlServerConnectorIntegrator fails
  • [DBZ-4860] - Maven cannot compile debezium-microbenchmark-oracle
  • [DBZ-4869] - oracle connector fails because of Supplemental logging not properly configured
  • [DBZ-4878] - Re-read incremental snapshot chunk on DDL event
  • [DBZ-4880] - oracle connector fails because of unsupported column type nclob
  • [DBZ-4885] - Debezium throws CNFE for Avro converter
  • [DBZ-4887] - MySQL undocumented but accepted ANALYZE TABELS statement is not parsable
  • [DBZ-4896] - Support ON as variable value
  • [DBZ-4897] - Default value of ('N') is not correctly emitted in Oracle change event


  • [DBZ-2594] - OpenShift deployment instruction improvements
  • [DBZ-2646] - Add Kubernetes version of deployment page
  • [DBZ-3949] - Log DML replication events instead of throwing an error
  • [DBZ-4052] - Review SqlServerConnector properties
  • [DBZ-4430] - Promote Outbox Quarkus extension to stable
  • [DBZ-4436] - Restructure Oracle connector documentation
  • [DBZ-4652] - Downstream docs for outbox event routing SMTs
  • [DBZ-4660] - Remove legacy --zookeeper option from example instructions
  • [DBZ-4801] - Use JdbcConfiguration instead of Configuration for JDBC config values
  • [DBZ-4832] - Don't set truststore/keystore parameters to system variables
  • [DBZ-4883] - Docs: JDBC driver should go to Oracle connector dir
  • [DBZ-4886] - Support maxInboundMessageSize in grpc client
  • [DBZ-4906] - Typo - Misplaced backtick in link text breaks downstream build


  • [DBZ-2514] - Add support for Cassandra 4.x
  • [DBZ-3762] - Exclude dummy events from database history
  • [DBZ-4014] - Document kafka-connect-offset related properties
  • [DBZ-4636] - Update UI dependency and it's configuration accordingly 
  • [DBZ-4790] - Switch to fabric8 model provided by Apicurio team
  • [DBZ-4809] - Add task id and partition to the logging context for multi-partition connectors
  • [DBZ-4821] - is not working in windows environment
  • [DBZ-4823] - Log the tableId is null when filter out some tables
  • [DBZ-4841] - Debezium Mysql connector can't handle CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS (MariaDB)
  • [DBZ-4861] - Postgresql connector prints uninformative log on snapshot phase
  • [DBZ-4900] - Use back-off strategy for log availability check
  • [DBZ-4901] - Update to latest version

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