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  1. Debezium
  2. DBZ-4842

Supplemental log check fails when restarting connector after table dropped


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 1.9.0.CR1
    • 1.8.1.Final, 1.9.0.Alpha1
    • oracle-connector
    • None
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Hide

      1. table CONTACTS exists in oracle and its SUPPLEMENTAL configuration is not enabled
      2. run debezium 
      3. oracle connector fails because the SUPPLEMENTAL configuration is not enabled for the table CONTACTS 
      4. Drop the table CONTACTS (debezium is down)    
      5. restart debezium
      6. debezium fails again with the same error message of  the SUPPLEMENTAL configuration although the table was dropped from the database


      1. table CONTACTS exists in oracle and its SUPPLEMENTAL configuration is not enabled 2. run debezium  3. oracle connector fails because the SUPPLEMENTAL configuration is not enabled for the table CONTACTS  4. Drop the table CONTACTS (debezium is down)     5. restart debezium 6. debezium fails again with the same error message of  the SUPPLEMENTAL configuration although the table was dropped from the database  

      oracle connector fails with error message on a table that was dropped from the database:

      "io.debezium.DebeziumException: Supplemental logging not properly configured for table ORCLPDB1.C##DBZUSER.CONTACTS. Use: ALTER TABLE C##DBZUSER.CONTACTS ADD SUPPLEMENTAL LOG DATA (ALL) COLUMNS"

            ccranfor@redhat.com Chris Cranford
            gali.levin gal levin
            0 Vote for this issue
            7 Start watching this issue
