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  1. Debezium
  2. DBZ-4052

Review SqlServerConnector properties


      I have been reviewing the SqlServer connector properties as part of the effort to add the SqlServer connector to the UI connector type options.  Below is a
      list of properties that are included in the debezium config for SqlServer connector, but I don't see them in the documentation for the SqlServer connector. So my question is - should the documentation be updated to include them, should they be removed from SqlServerConnectorConfig, or no action required?  The "defined in" column shows which class in the config heirarchy the property is defined.



      Property Description defined in
      table.ignore.builtin Flag specifying whether built-in tables should be ignored. RelationalDatabaseConnectorConfig
      snapshot.max.threads The maximum number of threads used to perform the snapshot. CommonConnectorConfig
      snapshot.scan.all.columns.force Restore pre 1.5 behaviour and scan all tables to discover columns... RelationalDatabaseConnectorConfig
      converters Optional list of custom converters that would be used instead of default ones... CommonConnectorConfig
      max.queue.size.in.bytes Maximum size of the queue in bytes for change events read from the database log but not yet recorded or forwarded... CommonConnectorConfig
      (Experimental, don't use in production)
      The names of the databases from which the connector should capture changes SqlServerConnectorConfig
      database.instance The SQL Server instance name SqlServerConnectorConfig
      source.timestamp.mode Configures the criteria of the attached timestamp within the source record (ts_ms)... SqlServerConnectorConfig
      max.iteration.transactions This property can be used to reduce the connector memory usage footprint when changes are streamed from multiple tables per database. SqlServerConnectorConfig
      The timezone of the server used to correctly shift the commit transaction timestamp on the client side... SqlServerConnectorConfig
      Controls what DDL will Debezium store in database history... DatabaseHistory

        The item that relates to the `converters` property is covered by a separate Jira issue (DBZ-4588).

            broldan@redhat.com Robert Roldan
            mdrillin1@redhat.com Mark Drilling (Inactive)
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