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Quay georeplication not supported on OpenShiftPROJQUAY-2708
Add RHEL 7, Docker deprecation warning to rel notesPROJQUAY-2705
Fix typos in upgrade image versionPROJQUAY-2703
Quay 3.6.0 guide show wrong openssl file name in examplePROJQUAY-2697
[DOC] the default value of FEATURE_MAILING is wrong in quay documentPROJQUAY-2686
SETUP_COMPLETE is missing in the Schema for Red Hat Quay configurationPROJQUAY-2677
Document postgres database deployment behavior changePROJQUAY-2673
NON_RATE_LIMITED_NAMESPACES is missing in Schema for Red Hat Quay configurationPROJQUAY-2669
Quay 3.6.0 guide should provide steps of how to add user's own tls cert when tls component is unmanagedPROJQUAY-2668
Quay 3.6.0 docs should provide solution for build image when using managed tlsPROJQUAY-2665
Quay 3.6.0 guide should mention change to tls termination to edge after upgrade from 3.3.4PROJQUAY-2661
Quay 3.6.0 guide should add the requirements when use unmanaged routePROJQUAY-2657
Quay 3.6.0 docs should guide how to setup builder when use unmanaged tls componentPROJQUAY-2616
Quay 3.6.0 Operator guide should provide example of unmanaged objectstorage including Azure and AWS S3 CloudfrontPROJQUAY-2615
Quay 3.6.0 operator guide should clarify the HPA componentPROJQUAY-2611
Quay upgrade from 3.3.4 to 3.6.0 was failed when using tls termination as nonePROJQUAY-2610
Quay upgrade from 3.3.4 to 3.6.0 report error "unexpected error updating component conditions"PROJQUAY-2607
Quay 3.6.0 API Doc should guide customer how to get the 1st Oauth2 tokenPROJQUAY-2597
Document QBO upgrade procedure for 3.6PROJQUAY-2589
Quay 3.6.0 recover organization mail point users to quay.io signin rather than current Quay app
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