Resolution: Unresolved
Translation tracker
Release Notes
SAT-16382 - Satellite 100% translated for the 4 languages that are required
In Progress
Created attachment 1939123 [details]
Transtats screenshot, wherein translations statistics is not 100% for locales: ja, zh-CN, fr, for build foreman-, implying completed Phrase translations are not pulled and packaged yet
Description of problem:
This is Translation tacker to track: Pull 100% completed translations from the Translation Platform - Phrase (a.k.a Memsource) for all the following Sat-6.13 Resources (also listed at http://satellite.transtats.psi.redhat.com/pipelines/release/sat-6-13), and package them into installable build, to determine readiness for Sat-6.13 L10N QA event:
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
Satellite-6.13 Snap 6
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Do a preferred login at Satellite Web-UI with Japanese google-chrome
2. Navigate most of the web UI to spot strings obviously in English
3. Additionally, do following in a terminal too:
3.1 Visit the Brew build system
3.2 Enter the downstream package name for the aforementioned said Sat-6.13 resource (say, foreman)
3.3 Download the said srpm
3.4 Unpack the sprm
3.5. Unpack the sources from the SPEC file
3.6. Calculate the Translation statistics of PO file using msgfmt utility: find . -name "*.po" -exec msgfmt -vvv -o /dev/null {} \;
Actual results:
1. English strings visible while navigating localized web-UI
2. Not 100% complete for in-house locales: ja, zh_CN, fr; eventually not getting user experience in native language
Expected results:
1. No English strings visible while navigating localized web-UI
2. Should be 100% complete for in-house locales: ja, zh_CN, fr; eventually should get user experience in native language
Additional info:
1. For each aforementioned Sat-6.13 Resource, respective (Build) Changelog could possibly mention: Pull Translations from Phrase or similar, so as to figure it out if downstream Translations are packaged or not
2. Please refer http://satellite.transtats.psi.redhat.com/jobs/log/dcf426e0-96bc-428d-81a3-e15f4115daf3/detail
3. Pleaser refer https://cloud.memsource.com/web/project2/show/ASQQUcSoKMp1pag1fdbooa - as it shows foreman resource being completed for in-house locales: ja, zh_CN and fr
4. Currently, did not find downstream bugzilla components for the aforementioned Sat-6.13 Resource i.e. foreman_* plugins and hammer-cli_* plugins
5. Please, suggest if there are other workarounds to know if downstream translations are ideally packaged or not (ideally: fixed_in_version of the build incorporating 100% completed translations pulled from Translation Platform - Phrase, is what is expected here, towards effective resolution of the reported problem)
- is blocked by
SAT-16243 [foreman_templates] [rubygem-foreman_templates] Pull 100% completed translations from the Phrase (a.k.a Memsource), and package them into installable build, to determine readiness for Sat-6.13 L10N QA milestone
- Testing
SAT-16248 [foreman_remote_execution] [rubygem-foreman_remote_execution] Pull 100% completed translations from the Phrase (a.k.a Memsource), and package them into installable build, to determine readiness for Sat-6.13 L10N QA milestone
- Release Pending
SAT-16242 [hammer-cli-foreman-admin] [rubygem-hammer_cli_foreman_admin] Pull 100% completed translations from the Phrase (a.k.a Memsource), and package them into installable build, to determine readiness for Sat-6.13 L10N QA milestone
- Closed
SAT-16244 [hammer-cli-foreman] [rubygem-hammer_cli_foreman] Pull 100% completed translations from the Phrase (a.k.a Memsource), and package them into installable build, to determine readiness for Sat-6.13 L10N QA milestone
- Closed
SAT-16245 [foreman_virt_who_configure] [rubygem-foreman_virt_who_configure] Pull 100% completed translations from the Phrase (a.k.a Memsource), and package them into installable build, to determine readiness for Sat-6.13 L10N QA event
- Closed
SAT-16247 [foreman_tasks] [rubygem-foreman_tasks] Pull 100% completed translations from the Phrase (a.k.a Memsource), and package them into installable build, to determine readiness for Sat-6.13 L10N QA milestone
- Closed
SAT-16583 [foreman_ansible] [rubygem-foreman_ansible] Pull 100% completed translations from the Phrase (a.k.a Memsource), and package them into installable build, to determine readiness for Sat-6.13 L10N QA milestone
- Closed
SAT-16586 [foreman_bootdisk] [rubygem-foreman_bootdisk] Pull 100% completed translations from the Phrase (a.k.a Memsource), and package them into installable build, to determine readiness for Sat-6.13 L10N QA milestone
- Closed
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- Closed
SAT-16588 [foreman_openscap] [rubygem-foreman_openscap] Pull 100% completed translations from the Phrase (a.k.a Memsource), and package them into installable build, to determine readiness for Sat-6.13 L10N QA milestone
- Closed
SAT-16589 [foreman_puppet] [rubygem-foreman_puppet] Pull 100% completed translations from the Phrase (a.k.a Memsource), and package them into installable build, to determine readiness for Sat-6.13 L10N QA milestone
- Closed
SAT-16590 [hammer_cli_foreman_ansible] [rubygem-hammer_cli_foreman_ansible] Pull 100% completed translations from the Phrase (a.k.a Memsource), and package them into installable build, to determine readiness for Sat-6.13 L10N QA
- Closed
SAT-16591 [hammer_cli_foreman_azure_rm] [rubygem-hammer_cli_foreman_azure_rm] Pull 100% completed translations from the Phrase (a.k.a Memsource), and package them into installable build, to determine readiness for Sat-6.13 L10N QA
- Closed
SAT-16592 [hammer_cli_foreman_discovery] [rubygem-hammer_cli_foreman_discovery] Pull 100% completed translations from the Phrase (a.k.a Memsource), and package them into installable build, to determine readiness for Sat-6.13 L10N QA milestone
- Closed
SAT-16594 [hammer-cli-foreman-puppet] [rubygem-hammer_cli_foreman_puppet] Pull 100% completed translations from the Phrase (a.k.a Memsource), and package them into installable build, to determine readiness for Sat-6.13 L10N QA milestone
- Closed
SAT-16663 [foreman] Pull 100% completed translations from the Phrase (a.k.a Memsource), and package them into installable build
- Closed
SAT-17146 [hammer-cli-katello] [rubygem-hammer_cli_katello] Pull 100% completed translations from the Phrase (a.k.a Memsource), and package them into installable build, to determine readiness for Sat-6.13 L10N QA milestone
- Closed
SAT-17147 [bastion_katello] [rubygem-katello] Pull 100% completed translations from the Phrase (a.k.a Memsource), and package them into installable build, to determine readiness for Sat-6.13 L10N QA milestone
- Closed
SAT-17148 [katello] [rubygem-katello] Pull 100% completed translations from the Phrase (a.k.a Memsource), and package them into installable build, to determine readiness for Sat-6.13 L10N QA milestone
- Closed
SAT-17441 [hammer-cli-foreman-templates] [rubygem-hammer_cli_foreman_templates] Pull 100% completed translations from the Phrase (a.k.a Memsource), and package them into installable build, to determine readiness for Sat-6.13 L10N QA
- Closed
SAT-17443 [hammer-cli-foreman-remote-execution] [rubygem-hammer_cli_foreman_remote_execution] Pull 100% completed translations from the Phrase (a.k.a Memsource), and package them into installable build, to determine readiness for Sat-6.13 L10N QA milestone
- Closed
SAT-21083 [hammer-cli-foreman-remote-execution] [rubygem-hammer_cli_foreman_remote_execution] Pull 100% completed translations from the Phrase (a.k.a Memsource), and package them into installable build, to determine readiness for Sat-6.13 L10N QA milestone
- Closed
SAT-16593 [hammer_cli_foreman_openscap] [rubygem-hammer_cli_foreman_openscap] Pull 100% completed translations from the Phrase (a.k.a Memsource), and package them into installable build, to determine readiness for Sat-6.13 L10N QA milestone
- Closed
SAT-17442 [hammer-cli-foreman-virt-who-configure] [rubygem-hammer_cli_foreman_virt_who_configure] Pull 100% completed translations from the Phrase (a.k.a Memsource), and package them into installable build, to determine readiness for Sat-6.13 L10N QA milestone
- Closed
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- Closed
SAT-16246 [foreman_kubevirt] [rubygem-foreman_kubevirt] Pull 100% completed translations from the Phrase (a.k.a Memsource), and package them into installable build, to determine readiness for Sat-6.13 L10N QA milestone
- Closed
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- Closed
SAT-16585 [foreman_discovery] [rubygem-foreman_discovery] Pull 100% completed translations from the Phrase (a.k.a Memsource), and package them into installable build, to determine readiness for Sat-6.13 L10N QA milestone
- Closed
- is duplicated by
SAT-16265 Many strings in all languages not translated
- Closed
- external trackers