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  1. Satellite
  2. SAT-16243

[foreman_templates] [rubygem-foreman_templates] Pull 100% completed translations from the Phrase (a.k.a Memsource), and package them into installable build, to determine readiness for Sat-6.13 L10N QA milestone


    • Moderate

      Description of problem:
      Pull 100% completed translations from the Translation Platform - Phrase (a.k.a Memsource - https://cloud.memsource.com/web/project2/show/ASQQUcSoKMp1pag1fdbooa/) for Sat-6.13 Resource: [foreman_templates] (also listed at http://satellite.transtats.psi.redhat.com/pipelines/release/sat-6-13), and package them into an installable build, to determine readiness for Sat-6.13 L10N QA event.

      For Sat-6.13 Resource - [foreman_templates] :

      1) Translations Statistics of 100% completed translations pulled/downloaded from the Phrase, for in-house locales: Japanese (ja), Chinese Simplified (zh_CN) and French (fr), is as follows:

      $ find . ( -name "foreman_templates_fr.po" -o -name "foreman_templatesja.po" -o -name "foreman_templates_zh_cn.po" ) -exec msgfmt -vvv -o /dev/null {} \;
      ./download_4/fr/foreman_templates__fr.po: 63 translated messages.
      ./download_6/zh_cn/foreman_templates__zh_cn.po: 63 translated messages.
      ./download_6/ja/foreman_templates__ja.po: 63 translated messages.

      2) However, as per http://satellite.transtats.psi.redhat.com/jobs/log/b38878ea-ce30-4804-810f-f627e5548998/detail ,

      Translations Statistics of downstream build, for in-house locales: ja, zh_CN and fr, is as follows:

      Calculated Stats rubygem-foreman_templates-9.3.0-2.1.el8sat built on 2022-12-07 17:14:36.347755
      No Statistics Derived.

      [root@i18nqe-vm008 ~]# rpm -q rubygem-foreman_templates
      [root@i18nqe-vm008 ~]# rpm -ql rubygem-foreman_templates | grep locale
      [root@i18nqe-vm008 ~]# echo $?

      3) (Above) On comparing 2 with 1, it appears:

      • No 'locale' dir found in the rpm
      • 100% completed translations from the Phrase are not pulled and packaged yet, into the downstream build

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
      Satellite-6.13 Snap 10

      How reproducible:

      Steps to Reproduce:
      1. Pull/download the 100% translations from Translation Platform - Phrase for Sat-6.13 resource: [foreman_templates]
      2. Calculate the Translation statistics of PO file using msgfmt utility: find . -name "*.po" -exec msgfmt -vvv -o /dev/null {} \;
      3. Now, to calculate the Translation statistics for said downstream package, either visit - (preferred) http://satellite.transtats.psi.redhat.com/jobs/log/b38878ea-ce30-4804-810f-f627e5548998/detail or https://brewweb.engineering.redhat.com/brew/
      3.1 Visit the Brew build system at https://brewweb.engineering.redhat.com/brew/
      3.2 Enter the downstream package name for the aforementioned said Sat-6.13 resource: [foreman_templates], package: [rubygem-foreman_templates]
      3.3 Download the said srpm
      3.4 Unpack the sprm
      3.5. Unpack the sources from the SPEC file
      3.6. Calculate the Translation statistics of PO file using msgfmt utility: find . -name "*.po" -exec msgfmt -vvv -o /dev/null {} \;
      4. Compare - Translation statistics obtained in step 3 (Package Build System) with Translation statistics obtained in step 2 (Translation Platform Phrase), and ensure they are same (and there is no difference)

      Actual results:
      1. 100% completed translations from the Phrase are not pulled and packaged yet into an installable downstream build

      Expected results:
      1. Pull 100% completed translations from the Phrase and package them into an installable downstream build

      Additional info:
      1. For aforementioned Sat-6.13 Resource, respective (Build) Changelog could possibly mention: Pull Translations from Phrase or similar, so as to figure it out if downstream Translations are packaged or not
      2. Please refer https://cloud.memsource.com/web/project2/show/ASQQUcSoKMp1pag1fdbooa - as it shows said resource being completed for in-house locales: ja, zh_CN and fr
      3. Currently, did not find downstream bugzilla component for the aforementioned Sat-6.13 Resource i.e. [foreman_templates], package: [rubygem-foreman_templates]
      4. Please, suggest if there are other workarounds to know if downstream translations are ideally packaged or not (ideally: fixed_in_version of the build incorporating 100% completed translations pulled from Translation Platform - Phrase, is what is expected here, towards effective resolution of this bug)

            jira-bugzilla-migration RH Bugzilla Integration
            sshedmak@redhat.com Sandeep Shedmake
            Ondrej Gajdusek Ondrej Gajdusek (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
