- SAT-24298[RFE] Host Collections widget in Red Hat Satellite Web UI should respect the installable vs applicable errata status from settings.
- SAT-19512[RFE] Incremental exports should allow arbitrary dates
- SAT-20182[RFE] Content_Label option to be present in hammer repository list command
- SAT-22473[RFE] Improve logging for Disconnected setup
- SAT-22560[RFE] IPv6 and Userdata based VM deployment fails with error Failed to create a compute VMWare (vm.example.com) (VMware) instance client.example.com: expected array for 'ip', got CustomizationFixedIpV6
- SAT-22657[RFE] Capsule page should show the count and link for registered hosts
- SAT-22758[RFE] Include other types of keys like ecdsa and ed25519 apart from rsa in freeipa_register snippet of Red Hat Satellite 6
- SAT-23084[RFE] There is no option to set lifecycle environment for Ansible roles
- SAT-23235[RFE] Registration curl command output to show that the SSH keys are copied to the host
- SAT-23676[RFE] sc-param should allow to edit/update a matcher
- SAT-24099[RFE] Add system role and hammer command to verify capsule CV sync status
- SAT-14990[RFE] No way to configure Global HTTP Proxy per Organization
- SAT-18906The non-standard proxy port should be added to http_port_t instead of http_cache_port_t
- SAT-20966[RFE] Make host table scrollbable if content wouldn't fit
- SAT-24030[RFE] As a user I want to mirror container manifests by digests
- SAT-18347[RFE] As a user I'd like to see additional reported data for the hosts
- SAT-24716[RFE] Option to set default "Timeout to kill" value on global settings level
- SAT-20256[DDF] Protocols missing for few ports and services under section 'Table 1.4. Satellite Server outgoing traffic'
- SAT-8404[RFE]Global Registration: Audit logs are not generated/captured, when registration token is generated to register hosts.
- SAT-22428Warn about scalability limitations of Synchronizing Ansible Collections
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