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  1. Satellite
  2. SAT-22758

[RFE] Include other types of keys like ecdsa and ed25519 apart from rsa in freeipa_register snippet of Red Hat Satellite 6


      Description of problem:
      [RFE] Include other types of keys like ecdsa and ed25519 apart from rsa in freeipa_register snippet of Red Hat Satellite 6

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

      Currently freeipa_register snippet only uses rsa key

      <% elsif os_major > 7 %>
      /usr/libexec/openssh/sshd-keygen rsa
      <% end -%>

      The request is to include other types of keys which would also generate sshfp records for all three keys.

      So the section may look like

      <% elsif os_major > 7 %>
      /usr/libexec/openssh/sshd-keygen ed25519
      /usr/libexec/openssh/sshd-keygen ecdsa
      /usr/libexec/openssh/sshd-keygen rsa
      <% end -%>

      Any specific reason to copy all 3 types of keys ?

      The reason to copy all three keys is so that we can automatically generate sshfp records for all (currently) supported key types

      Business justification for this.

      RSA-SHA1 is deprecated in OpenSSH 8.3 and will be disabled in a near future release. If we need to stay with RSA, we'd have to make sure to use RSA-SHA2 to generate the hostkey or move to ECDSA / ED25519 HostKeys altogether which would also enable us to provide shorter key lenghts with similar or in some cases even better security, so it's a kind of 'futureproofing' the infrastructure at hand.

      Additionally, ECDSA (ecdsa-sha2-nistp256) has been implemented in OpenSSH 5.7 which was released roughly 13 years ago so most if not all current libraries should be able to support this algorithm. As a Fallback, the RSA Key will still be present and usable.

      Some Sources that might be of interest:
      OpenSSH 5.7 Release Notes
      OpenSSH 6.5 Release Notes
      OpenSSH 8.3 Release Notes

            jira-bugzilla-migration RH Bugzilla Integration
            rhn-support-smajumdar Soham Majumdar
            RH Bugzilla Integration RH Bugzilla Integration
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