Resolution: Done
Allow for management of Helm Chart Repos for the Dev Catalog
To Do
0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
- Allow a mechanism to change the default Helm Chart Repository.
- As a cluster admin, I would like to have multiple Helm Chart repositories configured for my cluster so that the end-users (developers) I support can have a broader set of packaged applications they need.
- Allow a cluster admin to hide (1) charts from the catalog and (2) Helm from dev console nav
Exploration Results
- GA feature, thus should be properly documented
- GA feature, thus need to provide enablement
- Include in what's new RHD blog and consider for improved usability blog
Acceptance Criteria
- As an admin, I should be able to add new Chart Repositories (CR mechanism is fine)
- As an admin, I should be able to remove Chart Repositories, including the default (CR mechanism is fine)
- As an admin, I don't want anyone to be able to use helm charts (remove it from +Add, Navigation & Catalogs)
- As an admin, I'd like a Quick Start to show me how to manage Helm Chart Repositories
- As a dev, I want to see the name of the chart repo on the Chart card in the catalog
- As a dev, I want to be able to easily distinguish between 2 charts with the same name coming from different Chart Repos
- As a dev, I want to be able to filter my catalog by chart repo, assuming multiple repos are configured
- As a dev, I want to get more insight into the charts at the catalog level, so I don't have to click on them & see the side panel for the details
- Need to do some design exploration if we'd want to provide the developer with a way to select which chart repo they'd like to see charts from in the Dev Catalog.
Re: ability to just change the default Helm Repo
- We have a kind of hack to do it where we run a script that changes some environment variables in console deployment.
- https://gist.github.com/pedjak/0509e2fb9aa3b2b2a599bd61875f0936 is the script that does that but it needs the console-operator to be in Unmanaged state to work correctly now.
- https://github.com/openshift/enhancements/pull/175 is the design proposal to add support for configuring Helm chart repositories. It will be based on a HelmChartRepository CRD.
- We're trying to get official support in Helm itself and not just openshift. Predrag has a proposal up in official Helm repo as well - https://github.com/helm/helm/issues/8175
- is blocked by
HELM-12 Add possibility to return only charts compatible with running cluster
- Closed
HELM-26 Return charts from a given repository only
- Closed
HELM-27 Inject original chart repo name into Helm chart manifest
- Closed
- is documented by
RHDEVDOCS-2333 Update ability to filter helm charts when multiple Helm repos are available
- Closed
- is related to
HELM-35 Ability to remove the default "redhat-helm-repo" HelmChartRepository
- Closed
RFE-1388 Ability to remove the default "redhat-helm-repo" HelmChartRepository
- Closed
APPSVC-314 Configuring the Chart repository proxy
- Closed
- relates to
ODC-4067 Catalog experience for Event Sources
- Closed
ODC-4181 Enhanced catalog experience
- Closed
ODC-5057 Customize dev catalog categories
- Closed
- links to
- mentioned in
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