Resolution: Done
devex #146 March 2018, devex #147 April 2018, devex #148 April 2018, devex #149 May 2018, devex #150 June 2018, devex #152 July 2018
neither with open.paas.redhat.com
so only when using the CDK.
it seems to be due to the fact that the user in the pod are not the same.
Jeff said:
For SpringBoot deployments, the application file is called a fat jar and it placed in the /deployments folder (images are upstream fabric8/s2i-java or imagestream redhat-openjdk18-openshift). In order to get live update the file is then unzipped to the /deployments folder leaded to new sub folders BOOT-INF and META-INF
The user permissions on those folders are the following:
/deployments: writable by user jboss and group root
/deployments/BOOT-INF: writable by user jboss readable only by group root
/deployments/META-INF: writable by user jboss readable only by group rootThe rsync process with create some sub folders under /deployments/BOOT-INF. The problem that we have is that the user that is assigned for the rsync operation (or when you open a terminal in the OpenShift console) is not jboss (as opposed to Minishift/CDK) and thus we have permissions errors during the rsync operation.
- blocks
JBIDE-25303 Server adapter: support hot-deployment on OpenShift for SpringBoot app
- Closed
ENTESB-8925 FIS images should support S2I source + oc rsync from the IDE deployment workflows
- Closed
- incorporates
JBIDE-26174 Application wizard: "Next" button is not enabled because of oc >= 3.11 warning
- Closed
JBIDE-20704 Restore Defaults button in OpenShift 3 preferences does not clear oc location
- Closed
JBIDE-26173 Validation for 'oc executable location' in Preferences OpenShift 3 page does not allow to keep value empty
- Closed
JBIDE-26204 Pod Log, Port Forwarding: when using bogus oc, log console shows up empty & port forwarding isn't functioning
- Closed
JBIDE-26221 Server adapter wizard: reconfiguring oc will cause warning, where it should error
- Closed
- is related to
JBIDE-26225 OC client on path is still used, even if it is deleted from Preferences/Connection properties
- Open
- relates to
JBIDE-25871 Server adapter: spring-boot-camel-xml adapter cannot rsync: no rsync nor tar available
- Closed
- links to