Resolution: Done
- kubevirt-tekton-tasks and the example pipelines are published to the Red Hat Tekton Catalog
- openshift variants of: windows customize and windows installer (efi) pipelines are published.
To Do
CNV-29992 - Tekton Tasks
0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
dev-ready, doc-ready, po-ready, qe-ready, ux-ready
A delivery channel for the example pipelines and the kubevirt-tekton-tasks outside OpenShift virtualization will decoupled the pipelines and tasks from a single OpenShift version - https://github.com/openshift-pipelines/tektoncd-catalog/.
In addition, the kubevirt tekton tasks and OpenShift Virtualization and might get more attention if the related tekton tasks would be published in a catalog.
Upstream version of tasks / pipelines shoud go to https://github.com/tektoncd/catalog
Downstream version should go to https://github.com/openshift-pipelines/tektoncd-catalog
We will have to make sure tasks / pipelines are very well documented, because the catalog will not allow us to ship runtime objects (like RBAC, configmaps...) and they will have to be described in readme
User Stories
- As a VM owner, I want to deploy a pipeline using a VM (via kubevirt-tekton-tasks), so that I can create Windows boot source.
- As a VM owner, I want to know if a task or a pipeline is supported by Red Hat.
- List of things not included in this epic, to alleviate any doubt raised during the grooming process.
- We like to have hints in the upstream and downstream docs, and also in the downstream UI for the disk based vm creation flow
- Finally in https://artifacthub.io / Red Hat Tekton Catalog
- Â We have to ensure that it is clear who is responsible for what.
- Pipelines are examples, tasks are supported.
TODO: which pipelines are supported.
- blocks
CNV-28377 Give the hint about windows datasource to the user
- Closed
CNV-29444 Guide the user to use pipelines
- Closed
- is blocked by
SRVKP-3814 Publish Tekton Catalog in catalog.redhat.com
- To Do
SRVKP-3809 Basic test framework for Tekton Resources (Catalog / Tasks / …)
- To Do
SRVKP-3828 Adopt OpenShift Pipelines Tekton Tasks
- Release Pending
SRVKP-3812 Shipping Kubernetes objects with Task or Pipelines
- To Do
SRVKP-3822 Red Hat Task catalog
- Closed
SRVKP-3837 Support Pipeline as part of Red Hat Tekton Catalog
- Closed
- is depended on by
CNV-24176 GA: kubevirt tekton tasks
- Closed
- is documented by
CNV-29468 [docs] Update pipeline documentation
- Closed
CNV-39427 Release Note about the changed distribution of kubevirt-tekton-tasks
- Closed
- is related to
CNV-31320 [2225229] [RFE]Tekton: Provide user flexibility to choose different namespace for DV & VM
- New
CNV-24176 GA: kubevirt tekton tasks
- Closed
CNV-29461 Delete tekton tasks and example pipelines from ssp operator
- Closed
SRVKP-4329 Pipelines does not pass correctly parameters to taskRuns when using resolver
- Closed
- relates to
CNV-37570 Doc: use pipelines to manage VMs and boot sources
- Closed
investigate usage of single namespace pipeline |
Closed | |
Dominik Holler |
upgrade consideration |
Closed | |
Unassigned |
CEE/PX summary presentation |
Closed | |
Unassigned |