Resolution: Done
Repo Management phase 1
ANSTRAT-419 - Repository Management
0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
Release Note Not Required
P1 items for repository management: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wh3CbCzmoA0EFSCGq9xmrOMvaYgNjhu_MrKfpP9-vLM/edit#bookmark=id.dawxo2q4jft9
- S1.1 [2.4 P1] Basic repository management for collections
- S3.1 [2.4 P1] Basic sync of single repository
- S4.1 [2.4 P1] RBAC on repositories
- S5.1 [2.4 P1] Implementing cross-repo search
- S6.1 [2.4 P1] Ability to export/import collections
Relevant Stakeholders/Teams
- Docs
- QE
- Productization
Supporting documentation
Also see the child stories.
Definition of Ready
See also https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dBW492UfCR5JxUvcx6efjYP_ibCdiwGONS-sxDb_SPU/edit?pli=1 for details on Epic Refinement.
- Assignee: Delivery owner, co-owner with QA Contact
- QA Contact: The QE associate delivery co-owner
Definition of Done
Should be agreed upon per team; add/remove/update to reflect:{}
- CI is running, tests are automated and merged and successful
- DEV upstream code & tests merged
- DEV upstream documentation merged
- DEV downstream build attached to advisory
- Blog post is written and published (work with PM)
- QE - Test plans documented and attached to epic (or link to source)
- QE - automated tests merged and passing
- Docs - Downstream documentation is merged
- PM - all acceptance criteria are met (note: we want to start using the AC specific field, but please fill out below in the meantime)
- is related to
AAH-2277 Can't create repos with spaces in the name
- Closed
AAH-2278 Distributions aren't deleted when repos are deleted
- Closed
AAH-2223 user with no permissions can use the copy_collection_version
- Closed
AAH-2224 user with no permissions can use the move_collection_version
- Closed
AAH-2225 if staging repo is deleted, upload collection returns 500
- Closed
AAH-2231 collection version drop-down menu shows repeated results
- Closed
AAH-2232 repository menu is disabled in collection screen
- Closed
AAH-2233 UI sends my_permissions field when repository is edited [400 Bad request]
- Closed
AAH-2262 collection can't be uploaded again when rejected and deleted
- Closed
AAH-2263 toggle checkbox does not select/deselect all repos
- Closed
AAH-2264 delete collection version modal does not go away
- Closed
AAH-2266 only one collection at a time can be added to a repo
- Closed
AAH-2271 UI Enhancements - Repository List
- Closed
AAH-2272 Logo is too small on collection list
- Closed
AAH-2273 Hide "hide from search" repositories on search page
- Closed
AAH-2274 Add collection to repo enhancements
- Closed
AAH-2275 Remove CV from repo say's delete
- Closed
AAH-2276 Collection search page shows upload button to unpriviledged users
- Closed
AAH-2279 Make default objects non deletable
- Closed
AAH-2280 Make requirements.yaml required for galaxy.ansible.com
- Closed
AAH-2281 Hide synclist distros from API
- Closed
AAH-2282 spinner is shown when repository does not exist
- Closed
AAH-2283 wrong message is shown to admin when deleting a group
- Closed
AAH-2285 Repository descriptions don't wrap correctly
- Closed
AAH-2300 modal does not disappear after trying to delete a protected repo
- Closed
AAH-2303 upload new version buttons are not aligned
- Closed
AAH-2304 wrong message when search returns no results in namespaces
- Closed
AAH-2305 user with object permissions (not global) on the repo can't add/remove cv
- Closed
AAH-2308 sign all collections option in namespaces screen only signs one collection
- Closed
AAH-2286 Add sync options
- Closed
- split to
AAH-2227 UI enhancements to repo mgmt
- Closed
- links to
- mentioned on