Release Notes - Kogito - Version 1.24.0.Final - HTML format


  • [KOGITO-7250] - [Docs Review][KSW-Guides] Orchestration of gRPC based services
  • [KOGITO-7254] - [Docs Review][KSW-Guides] Understanding workflow error handling
  • [KOGITO-7262] - [Docs Review][KSW-Guides] Orchestration of OpenAPI based services
  • [KOGITO-7266] - [Docs Review][KSW-Guides] Authentication support for OpenAPI services
  • [KOGITO-7272] - [Docs Review][KSW-Guides] How to (?) Serverless Workflow Editor
  • [KOGITO-7281] - [Docs Review][KSW-Guides] Building Workflow Images locally with Quarkus CLI
  • [KOGITO-7294] - [Docs Review][KSW-Guides] CNCF Serverless Workflow specification support
  • [KOGITO-7304] - [Docs Review][KSW-Guides] Basic Integration Test with RestAssured
  • [KOGITO-7463] - [Docs-Review][KSW-Guides] Using SWF Quarkus Dev UI
  • [KOGITO-7771] - [Docs Review] Update the docs to add an instruction to users to configure earlyaccess repo


  • [KOGITO-7121] - QE serverless logic feature verification for first iteration of the tooling

Feature Request

  • [KOGITO-6677] - [SW] Implement keepActive use case for long running workflow instances
  • [KOGITO-6687] - Provide alternate mechanism for OpenAPI call default property naming
  • [KOGITO-7120] - Establish a jenkins nightly pipeline for serverless logic tooling
  • [KOGITO-7382] - Allow DevService Data Index image name to be set during build time


  • [KOGITO-4015] - Any Async Workitemhandler won't work with persistence enabled
  • [KOGITO-6884] - Update links to new examples location
  • [KOGITO-7390] - Wrong URL in serverless-workflow-newsletter-subscription example
  • [KOGITO-7397] - Order of parameters is not kept in generated code for custom service calls
  • [KOGITO-7401] - Breaking change in SW tests and maybe other too
  • [KOGITO-7402] - DevLogger printing logs out of order
  • [KOGITO-7412] - Openapi files generated for ServerlessWorkflow doesn't contain operationId attribute
  • [KOGITO-7414] - Generate proper error message if operationId cannot be found
  • [KOGITO-7420] - Dashboards don't show metrics in process-monitoring-quarkus
  • [KOGITO-7478] - Issue with CorrelationIT on native build


  • [KOGITO-3794] - kogito-api (or at least kogito-drools-api) should not depend on jackson-annotations
  • [KOGITO-6783] - Enhance PostgreSQL persistence addon to support correlation
  • [KOGITO-7249] - [KSW-Guides] Orchestration of gRPC based services
  • [KOGITO-7253] - [KSW-Guides] Understanding workflow error handling
  • [KOGITO-7261] - [KSW-Guides] Orchestration of OpenAPI based services
  • [KOGITO-7265] - [KSW-Guides] Authentication support for OpenAPI services
  • [KOGITO-7271] - [KSW-Guides] How to (?) Serverless Workflow Editor
  • [KOGITO-7276] - [KSW-Guides] Building Workflow Images locally with Quarkus CLI
  • [KOGITO-7293] - [KSW-Guides] CNCF Serverless Workflow specification support
  • [KOGITO-7303] - [KSW-Guides] Basic Integration Test with RestAssured
  • [KOGITO-7321] - Include SW modules in productized profile
  • [KOGITO-7376] - [SW] Move SW examples to kogito-examples root
  • [KOGITO-7379] - [SW] Verify if CI is working as expected after examples migration is done
  • [KOGITO-7394] - [SW] Productize the data-index-ephemeral image
  • [KOGITO-7410] - [KSW-Guides] Versioning workflows in Knative
  • [KOGITO-7421] - [KSW-Guides] Using SWF Quarkus Dev UI


  • [KOGITO-3792] - Support Topic discovery on Kogito Apps
  • [KOGITO-5031] - MongoDB Persistence Addon shares dependencies between Spring and Quarkus
  • [KOGITO-6949] - Automatic control the csv version on rhpam-kogito-operator
  • [KOGITO-6985] - [KSW] - Persistence: add workflow id and version as the constraint keys when persisting the flow state
  • [KOGITO-7395] - Add optimistic locking IT tests to spring boot
  • [KOGITO-7455] - Make WireMock use dynamic port in the examples
  • [KOGITO-7469] - Use Process.type to distinct between SW and BPMN assets
  • [KOGITO-7475] - Add service url endpoint to Serverless Workflow instances

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