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  1. Kogito
  2. KOGITO-7120

Establish a jenkins nightly pipeline for serverless logic tooling


    • 2022 Week 20-22 (from May 16), 2022 Week 23-25 (from Jun 6), 2022 Week 26-28 (from Jun 27), 2022 Week 29-31 (from Jul 18), 2022 Week 32-34 (from Aug 8)


      Implement or update jobs that execute unit tests, integration tests, acceptance tests on nightly basis.


      Implement pipeline that triggers all serverless logic UI related jobs.


      Implementing serverless logic jobs is out of scope of this jira.
      The jobs for polarion reporting are triggered directly from serverless logic jobs.

      Implementation details

      The pipeline is defined in https://gitlab.cee.redhat.com/business-automation/qe-jenkins
      The pipeline is triggered by:

      • cron trigger (see https://www.jenkins.io/doc/book/pipeline/syntax/#cron-syntax for more information) daily
      • [Optional] UMB message sent by productization or from engineering jenkins
        • probably out of scope for the initial implementation
          The branch used in pipeline is parametrized. The triggered jobs use this branch.

      The following jobs are triggered by pipeline:

      • All baseline jobs in serverless_workflow_editor folder:
      • TESTING/$PRODUCT_VERSION/KIE_TOOLS-$STREAM/serverless_workflow_editor/baseline/
        • where $PRODUCT_VERSION = main|1.24|$OTHER
        • where $STREAM = CR|NIGHTLY

      The following Jobs should be in the folder mentioned above. Its implementation is out of scope of this jira as stated in Non-goals section above.

      Acceptance criteria

      The automated pipeline exists in QE-Jenkins and works as per implementation details above.

            lterifaj@redhat.com Lubomir Terifaj
            dhanak@redhat.com Dominik Hanak
            Zbynek Drapela Zbynek Drapela
            Zbynek Drapela Zbynek Drapela
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
