Export - CSV (All fields)
Export - CSV (Current fields)
- COST-5287
QE: Cost deduplication when 2 volumes share the same disk id - COST-5260
Feature deployed to production and visible to customers - COST-5259
Customer feature deployed to Stage - COST-5242
QE - full smokes regressions: Azure SQL generators are uncorrelated using non-csi drivers in openshift volumes - COST-5239
QE - Full smokes regressions: API returns null storage usage at /openshift/infrastructures/azure/storage/ - COST-5032
Operator: Switch to kube_persistentvolume_capacity_bytes metric for PV capacity - COST-5015
Retrieve Azure Disk Capacity - COST-5011
Correlate operating system disks cost. - COST-4959
UI: OCP project storage costs - enable Unleash in prod - COST-4932
SPIKE: See if disk-id is used for any storage cost besides node attached storage - COST-4923
review documentation changes - COST-4915
API: Update the cost model to add distributed unattributed storage cost - COST-4914
API: Update classification for Storage Unattributed project - COST-4913
Add ability to distribute unattributed storage cost - COST-4912
Add unattributed storage to the openshift daily summary table (Azure) - COST-4909
Update OCP on Cloud daily summary tables (Azure) - COST-4906
Update resource matching (Azure) - COST-4869
Nise: Add a ability to overwrite the meter name - COST-4868
SPIKE: Figure out if we get the disk name in Azure - COST-4866
Operator: Start collecting csi_volume_handle metric
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