Only latest version of rails in the 5.x main release gets security updates, so once we have upgraded from 5.0 to 5.1, we cannot stop; we have upgrade to the latest in the the 5.2 main release. At this moment in time that's
What to do:
- [DONE] upgrade Rails and dependent gems with once that still support ruby 2.4
- [DONE] secret_key_base change and
- [DONE] go through upgrade guide points 1 and 2
- [DONE] anothere set of upgrade notes
- [DONE] go through notable changes in release notes
- [DONE] remove workarounds and monkey patches in code pointed to by `rg -i "rails.*5\.2"`
- [DONE] formtastic update or fix errors (jgallaso)
- [DONE] regenerate database schema as Rails 5.2 updated format
- [DONE] upgrade all hashes to SHA256 (see
The list in THREESCALE-8607 can be done after the upgrade.
- blocks
THREESCALE-5725 Make porta compatible with FIPS-enabled Openshift
- Closed
THREESCALE-7132 Add support for STS authentication for S3 bucket used in 3Scale
- Closed
THREESCALE-8354 Ditch Webpacker in favor of Shakapacker
- Closed
THREESCALE-2924 Bubble up errors from children of Proxy on Proxy updates (ui + API)
- Closed
- is blocked by
THREESCALE-5010 Upgrade to Rails 5.1
- Closed
- is related to
THREESCALE-4950 After upgrading to 2.8 errors are found in system-provider
- Closed
THREESCALE-5213 System-app memory usage continuously grows over time
- To Develop
THREESCALE-7405 Upgrade to rails 6.0.z
- Closed
THREESCALE-8433 Migrate Webpack 4 to Shakapacker
- Closed
THREESCALE-8607 Rails 5.2 upgrade cleanup
- Closed
THREESCALE-8506 migrate from Paperclip to ActiveStorage
- To Develop
- relates to
THREESCALE-5010 Upgrade to Rails 5.1
- Closed
THREESCALE-8108 ActiveSupport.halt_callback_chains_on_return_false= is deprecated
- Closed
THREESCALE-8027 replace Timecop with ActiveSupport::Testing::TimeHelpers
- Closed
- mentioned on