Upgrade to Rails 5.1
Or 5.2? https://guides.rubyonrails.org/maintenance_policy.html
Patch for 2.8 may be needed.
This upgrade is necessary to cope with security issues as Rails 5.0 does not have support anymore.
Also it will fix the issue found after upgrading about caching https://issues.redhat.com/browse/THREESCALE-4950
What to do:
- [DONE] upgrade 'gem "rails", ~> 5.1.7'
- [DONE] cherry-pick any valid patches from https://github.com/3scale/porta/commits/rails-5.1
- [DONE] upgrade gem 'activerecord-oracle_enhanced-adapter', '~> 1.8.0' and follow instructions about the upgrade
- [DONE] make tests green on circleci for MySQL, Oracle and PostgreSQL
- [DONE] ThinkingSphinx upgrade checks, we upgraded from 3.x to 5.x (https://freelancing-gods.com/thinking-sphinx/v4/upgrading.html, https://freelancing-gods.com/thinking-sphinx/v5/upgrading.html)
- [DONE] QE tests to pass
- [MOVED] the following can be done later if they don't block upgrade:
- remove protected_attributes gem and revisit all `#params#permit!` usages
- replace paperclip with ActiveStorage or update to the new project
- upgrade other gems as necessary
- blocks
THREESCALE-6316 Upgrade to rails 5.2.z
- Closed
- is related to
THREESCALE-4950 After upgrading to 2.8 errors are found in system-provider
- Closed
THREESCALE-6316 Upgrade to rails 5.2.z
- Closed
THREESCALE-8304 update indexing rake tasks to use new parameter format
- Closed
- relates to
THREESCALE-5213 System-app memory usage continuously grows over time
- To Develop
THREESCALE-5698 Implement ActiveRecord level monitoring
- Closed
THREESCALE-8027 replace Timecop with ActiveSupport::Testing::TimeHelpers
- Closed