The goal is to reach 100% translations for the 4 supported languages (French, Japanese, Chinese, Portugese) in all components for the team across Foreman, plugins and hammer.
Acceptance Criteria:
- For every plugin & Foreman core itself
- Migrate config from transifex-client to transifex-cli
- Looks for bad strings (containing interpolation)
- Update translations:
- Extract strings
- Make sure extracted strings end up in Phrase & translate
- Pull in translations (from Phrase, via Transifex)
- Create release containing 100% translated strings
- Verify plugin is actually translated in end user systems
- For every plugin & Hammer itself
- Migrate config from transifex-client to transifex-cli
- Looks for bad strings (containing interpolation)
- Update translations:
- Extract strings
- Make sure extracted strings end up in Phrase & translate
- Pull in translations (from Phrase, via Transifex)
- Create release containing 100% translated strings
- Verify plugin is actually translated in end user systems