- PTL-14713missing the "dxfuentes-stage" Project
- PTL-14712TL500 | lab issue | ArgoCD does not work
- PTL-14702Lab script hangs due to an unexisting operatorgroup
- PTL-14493Lab not available for EA courses
- PTL-14708Lab asks students to use their credentials to push into their GitHub accounts
- PTL-14101RH124, RH199 RHEL 9.x: 404 error for http://content.example.com/rhel9.3/x86_64/rhcsa-practice/rht
- PTL-14650Cloned VM Stuck in Provisioning State in OpenShift Virtualization
- PTL-13952Python errors with the lab command
- PTL-14644DO313: ch03s02 - nexus instance down
- PTL-4403CL210-509: step 2.8 FAILS : Create an instance using the default-hci flavor. Verify that the instance is created on the computehci0 node. - RHT2305286
- PTL-14016RH134v9.3: ch13s09 : step 3 wrongly mention : Use the /home/student/webserver/html/ directory as persistent storage
- PTL-14540lab script error . lab start storage-intro
- PTL-13985CL260 | Course library install failed in China-ROL
- PTL-14316DO316-4.14: ch04s4: multihomed-nmstate and ch04s5: multihomed-review: Cleanup issues
- PTL-14474Instructional Design Considerations
- PTL-4141CL110-416: Need to add Dashboard URL in Guided Exercise for RHLS Premium
- PTL-143884.16.2 does not seem to be stable, and reliable enough for this course
- PTL-13954RH134- v 9.0 : Ch013 - first 3 labs start scripts are failing
- PTL-13656the release of convert2rhel 2.0 breaks most labs
- PTL-12553RH318: Ch02s08: Lab script "lab install-vm start" is failing
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