Resolution: Done
Mutable Infrastructure
Strategic Portfolio Work
To Do
OCPSTRAT-178 - Allow adding ipv6 VIPs to existing dual stack clusters via Mutable Infrastructure
0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
For epics https://issues.redhat.com/browse/OPNET-14 and https://issues.redhat.com/browse/OPNET-80 we need a mechanism to change configuration values related to our static pods. Today that is not possible because all of the values are put in the status field of the Infrastructure object.
We had previously discussed this as part of https://issues.redhat.com/browse/OPNET-21 because there was speculation that people would want to move from internal LB to external, which would require mutating a value in Infrastructure. In fact, there was a proposal to put that value in the spec directly and skip the status field entirely, but that was discarded because a migration would be needed in that case and we need separate fields to indicate what was requested and what the current state actually is.
There was some followup discussion about that with Joel Speed from the API team (which unfortunately I have not been able to find a record of yet) where it was concluded that if/when we want to modify Infrastructure values we would add them to the Infrastructure spec and when a value was changed it would trigger a reconfiguration of the affected services, after which the status would be updated.
This means we will need new logic in MCO to look at the spec field (currently there are only fields in the status, so spec is ignored completely) and determine the correct behavior when they do not match. This will mean the values in ControllerConfig will not always match those in Infrastructure.Status. That's about as far as the design has gone so far, but we should keep the three use cases we know of (internal/external LB, VIP addition, and DNS record overrides) in mind as we design the underlying functionality to allow mutation of Infrastructure status values.
Depending on how the design works out, we may only track the design phase in this epic and do the implementation as part of one of the other epics. If there is common logic that is needed by all and can be implemented independently we could do that under this epic though.
- is blocked by
OCPBUGS-26603 conformance HAProxy tests failing in ipv6primary dualstack cluster
- Verified
- is depended on by
OPNET-14 Add override for internal api and ingress DNS records
- New
OPNET-80 Allow adding ipv6 VIPs to existing dual stack clusters
- Release Pending
- is related to
OPNET-411 CI implementation: Mechanism to change Infrastructure values
- In Progress
- relates to
OCPBUGS-31424 infrastructures.config.openshift.io spec and status do not sync after removing 2nd VIP
- Closed
- links to