Resolution: Unresolved
SWF Diagram Editor - Enable build-in authoring
To Do
31% To Do, 0% In Progress, 69% Done
Enable some basic capabilities for edit mode in the SWF Diagram Editor.
- Bug fixing
KOGITO-9202- Inline text issues -> Once editing, the new text appears on top of an older text instance (so 2 text instances at the end?) kgaevski@redhat.com- After creating new node from toolbox -> move some other -> exception handreyrc
- KOGITO-9203 - Lines -> on hovering, the point cursor does not follows the (orthogonal) line segments (looks internally assumes it's straight one...) kgaevski@redhat.com
- Check undo/redo (after adding, removing or changing state names)
KOGITO-9139- Node creation from the toolbox when the state has outgoing connections -> the transition is not created, the EdgeFactory is not set for edge creation handreyrcKOGITO-9152- Node creation from the toolbox -> new state is created on top of the canvas, new state is not selected, connector is not created properly, finally an exception is thrown if the new state is moved beaking the canvas. handreyrc- See other incorporated issues below
- UI
- Toolbox & Disable palette, see
KOGITO-7733 - Review Domain Rules for states creation and connection from toolbox and text editor, see
KOGITO-9142 - Call auto-layout after creating a new states from toolbox handreyrc
- Disable Drag&Drop, Align&Distribute, MoveControl, ControlPoints, ResizePoints (key event handling as well) handreyrc
- Enable shortcuts for State creation
- Toolbox & Disable palette, see
- Marshalling
- Serialization checks (JSON & YAML) & bug fixing, if applies
- Multiplying Architecture
- Integration with lifecycle (getContent, undo(), redo(), etc), see
KOGITO-9399handreyrc - Handle properly single (or multiple) selection
- Disable undo/redo command stack
- Make a profiling (memory consumption/leaks)
- Integration with lifecycle (getContent, undo(), redo(), etc), see
- Features
- Enable keyboard integration (channel based)
- Enable to reconnect from/to states (rules based)
- Integration into VSCode
- Integration tests for edit mode, see KOGITO-8215
- Other considerations
- Creating workflow from scratch, actually shows an empty diagram and cannot create any state from the UI
- Check browsers
- SWF Diagram Editor icons sprite?
- (TBD) Expose toolbox actions API (at least for testing purposes) ?
- incorporates
KOGITO-8288 SWF Editor - Issues on state selection
- Resolved
KOGITO-8947 SWF Editor - States' tooltip appears behind the toolbox
- Resolved
KOGITO-7381 SWF Viewer : Text on nodes disappear while editing Json file
- Closed
KOGITO-8197 SWF Editor - `States example` export is broken
- Closed
KOGITO-8921 SWF Editor - on diagram change new JSON is not formatted
- Closed
KOGITO-8299 SWF Editor - Workflow property declaration order changes in the serialization
- Open
KOGITO-8984 SWF Editor - test export to JSON
- Closed
KOGITO-9027 Align workflows with specification and tooling exporter
- Closed
- relates to
KOGITO-9252 SWF Editor - Call auto-layout after a new state is created from the Tollbox
- Open
KOGITO-9152 SWF Editor - Node creation from toolbox breaks the canvas
- Closed