Resolution: Done
HAC Infra OCM - Sprint 232
User story:
As a user, I want to choose if the control plan is hosted by Red Hat (aka hypershift) or a standalone (traditional ROSA).
Acceptance criteria:
- The Control plane option will be placed as the second option of the wizard only for users that have the feature flag enabled (
HAC-2415)- Hosted (aka Hypershift) will be chosen by default.
- Users can only pick one control type.
- Users must pick a control type.
- For users that don't have the feature flag enabled, this page will not be shown and will not be visible in the wizard navigation. The cluster will be created as a "standalone".
- The hosted (Hypershift) option shall be marked as "recommended"
- The Control plane type will be shown on the review page if the user has the feature flag enabled
- [technical] Control plane option value is sent to the back-end api at cluster creation.
Mockup doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/12PYQiNf0YP8LEkczMHEeyx91AXFbKGa-hD1Fh4gSKWQ/edit#heading=h.ulp2uf90mwj
New wizard step that will determine if the created cluster is a Hypershift (aka hosted) or a traditional (aka standalone) cluster. This wizard step should be hidden behind a feature gate.
Major tasks:
- Create a new control plane component that determines the control plane type
- Add the control plane step to the wizard navigation
- Hide control plane navigation step behind the feature gate. If a user doesn't have the feature gate enabled, then the control plane shall be standalone (traditional ROSA cluster)
- Add cluster plane type to review page
- Add cluster plane type to data sent to the API
UI and microcopy are still in development (check the status of PD 1434)
- depends on
HAC-2399 [Hypershift ROSA] [Spike][Technical] -Convert current ROSA to use PatternFly/Formik before or after Hypershift
- Closed
HAC-2415 [Hypershift ROSA][MVP][Technical] Create a feature gate for Hypershift ROSA feature
- Closed
PD-1434 [ROSA] HyperShift Cluster Creation for ROSA (Part 2)
- Closed
- is depended on by
HAC-3157 [Hypershift ROSA][Wizard] Finialize content/text of Control plane step
- Closed
HAC-2411 [Hypershift ROSA][Wizard] Final review of Review and Submit
- Closed
HAC-2404 [Hypershift ROSA] Cluster settings / Details - hide etcd option
- Closed
HAC-2405 [Hypershift ROSA][Wizard] Cluster settings / Machine pool -Add private subnet
- Closed
HAC-2406 [Hypershift ROSA][Wizard] Networking / Configuration - Install into a VPC Cloud
- Closed
HAC-2410 [Hypershift ROSA] Cluster updates - hide individual vs recurring choice
- Closed
HAC-2522 [Hypershift ROSA] Cluster settings / Machine pool - Hide autoscaling
- Closed
HAC-2886 [Hypershift ROSA Wizard] Cluster updates - maintenance schedule control plane only
- Closed
HAC-2888 [Hypershift ROSA Wizard][MVP] Cluster updates - change update strategy ordering
- Closed
- is related to
HAC-3183 [Hypershift ROSA]A missing space in Hosted control plane card description.
- Closed
- mentioned on