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  1. Hybrid Application Console
  2. HAC-2416

[Hypershift ROSA][Wizard] Select control plane type (step 2)


      User story:

      As a user, I want to choose if the control plan is hosted by Red Hat (aka hypershift) or a standalone (traditional ROSA).

      Acceptance criteria:

      • The Control plane option will be placed as the second option of the wizard only for users that have the feature flag enabled (HAC-2415)
        • Hosted (aka Hypershift) will be chosen by default.
        • Users can only pick one control type.  
        • Users must pick a control type.
      • For users that don't have the feature flag enabled, this page will not be shown and will not be visible in the wizard navigation.  The cluster will be created as a "standalone".
      • The hosted (Hypershift) option shall be marked as "recommended"
      • The Control plane type will be shown on the review page if the user has the feature flag enabled
      • [technical] Control plane option value is sent to the back-end api at cluster creation.



      Mockup doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/12PYQiNf0YP8LEkczMHEeyx91AXFbKGa-hD1Fh4gSKWQ/edit#heading=h.ulp2uf90mwj




      New wizard step that will determine if the created cluster is a Hypershift (aka hosted) or a traditional (aka standalone) cluster.  This wizard step should be hidden behind a feature gate.

      Major tasks:

      • Create a new control plane component that determines the control plane type
      • Add the control plane step to the wizard navigation
      • Hide control plane navigation step behind the feature gate.  If a user doesn't have the feature gate enabled, then the control plane shall be standalone (traditional ROSA cluster)
      • Add cluster plane type to review page
      • Add cluster plane type to data sent to the API


      UI and microcopy are still in development (check the status of PD 1434)


            kdoberst Kim Doberstein
            kdoberst Kim Doberstein
            Jayakrishnan Mekkattillam Jayakrishnan Mekkattillam
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
