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  1. Hybrid Application Console
  2. HAC-2405

[Hypershift ROSA][Wizard] Cluster settings / Machine pool -Add private subnet


      User story:

      So that I can ensure that my machine pool on my ROSA hosted cluster (hypershift) has the proper required network configuration, as a user, I want to set the private subnets when I create the cluster.

      Acceptance criteria (minimum):

      • At least one subnet must be chosen/selected/entered
      • A user can select/enter multiple private subnets (to create multiple machine pools)
      • If a user selects more than 1 subnet and all the selected subnets are in the same availability zone, a warning is shown.
      • The “next” button will not go to the next action unless all required fields pass validation
      • A subnet can only be entered once, meaning it cannot be selected for more than 1 machine pool
      • Data entered will be shown on the review page 
      • [technical] Data is prepared to be sent to the api

      Acceptance criteria (newly added):

      • A user must enter/select a single VPC. The VPC must be a valid VPC in the region selected in a previous step
      • The private subnet entered/chosen will be a subnet attached to the entered/chosen VPC
      • If a user changes the VPC, any previously entered/selected subnets will be ignored

      Additional acceptance criteria (not required for MVP - covered as part of HAC-3133):

      • The private subnet drop-down when creating machine pool(s) and will only be available for hosted (hypershift) control planes
      • The private subnet drop-down will  contain valid private subnet names 
      • The private subnet drop-down will group private subnets by availability zone (AZ)
      • The search on the subnet will be "fuzzy" (approximate string matching) search 


      Mockups | PD 1434

      Mockups | PD 1488

      NEW - Select VPC:

      NEW - Subnet per machine pool:

      NOTE:  The machine pool name can be replaced with generic text that states a machine pool will be made using this subnet.  So something like "machine pool 1", "machine pool 2" (or something better).  AKA we aren't deciding nor showing what the machine pool name will be at this point. 

      NEW - Showing text changes needed:

      OLD (keeping for reference):

      Other changes to the Machine pool including adding additional machine pools will be covered by other Jira stories.



      Implementation details


      A private subnet ID(s) will be chosen on this step (as opposed to a future step)  for hosted (hypershift) control planes.  There needs to be the ability to select /enter multiple subnets.

      Major tasks:

      • Create a searchable private subnet ID drop down and only show for hosted (aka hypershift) control planes


      • NOTE: The subnet drop-down component is created as part of HAC-3133
      • The list of subnets depends on the zone (set in Cluster settings/ Details)
      • If a user changes the control plane type OR zone (Cluster settings/ Details), then data previously selected for subnets should not carry over. This is to prevent confusion and sending subnets that the user may no longer intend.



        1. machinePool-addVPC.png
          430 kB
          Kim Doberstein
        2. machinePoolsInWizard.png
          222 kB
          Kim Doberstein
        3. machinePoolsInWizard -Text.png
          223 kB
          Kim Doberstein
        4. privateSubnet.png
          217 kB
          Kim Doberstein
        5. Screen Shot 2022-12-05 at 3.52.48 PM.png
          455 kB
          Kim Doberstein

            rh-ee-camadorg Celia Amador Gonzalez
            kdoberst Kim Doberstein
            Jayakrishnan Mekkattillam Jayakrishnan Mekkattillam
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
