Resolution: Done
HAC Infra OCM - Sprint 228
User story:
So that I can easily understand options and steps for creating a ROSA cluster, as a user, I want directions on creating a ROSA cluster both by the CLI and the wizard.
This story is related to HAC-2244 which introduces a dropdown on the Create Clusters page for Rosa with two options 'with Wizard' and 'with CLI' -not exact terms.
Acceptance criteria:
- This getting started page will have its own unique url(TBD)
- When entering the gettings started url into the browser, the user will be taken to the getting started page (after authentication if the user is not authenticated)
- Commands and directions on the getting started page and associate AWS account ( modal or on step 1 of the wizard) section will allow the user to successfully start either the UI wizard or CLI
Getting started page https://docs.google.com/document/d/1P4wOmSLpuMMDffj6dtyXKxEDj9cWHUDPbILh-reWuxI/edit#heading=h.gt8p12d972ht
Changes to Associate AWS account https://docs.google.com/document/d/1336Aa5IfqjXR5zKGG_DkXfbrymziILm9JPsYtzOcNJg/edit#heading=h.fkvmmg9kx7ns (see Alternative - Just remove steps 1 and 2 from existing modal) (final design TBD)
Implementation Details
Create a new "getting started page" and link to it from the Create Cluster page. Most of the information is static but in step 4 of the mock-ups, we will need to get a token that the user can then use to log into the CLI.
Because some of the steps from the current Associate AWS account modal will be moved to the getting started page, there will be changes to either the associate AWS account modal or to step 1 of the ROSA wizard.
Major tasks:
- Create a new “getting started” page that contains:
- prerequisites (text, CLI commands, and links)
- card with a link to the current ROSA wizard
- card with the CLI command
- A new route for the “getting started page
- Create a simple component that holds the CLI command with informational text (this will be used on the create cluster page - see HAC 2244)
- Add a link on the create a cluster page (/openshift/create) to the getting started page (if not done as part of HAC 2244)
- Modify the Associate AWS account to remove current steps 1 and 2 (Enable ROSA service and Authenticate) because these have been added to the getting started page. (Alternatively, the Associate AWS account modal will be removed and the OCM role and User role for the current modal will be added to step 1 of the wizard)
The designs and micro text are not finalized.Copy is now final for the getting started page- The design is not finalized for the Associate AWS Account changes
- This story isn't directly connected to the Hypershift work so it can be done independently
More research needed:
- Final URL for the getting started page
- What tracking is needed on the getting started page and the associate aws account section
- depends on
PD-1414 [ROSA] 'Getting started' page
- Closed
- is depended on by
HAC-2502 Redirect ROSA customers from AWS to the new "Getting Started" page
- Closed
HAC-2467 Move items from associate aws modal to a drawer
- Closed
- is related to
HAC-2244 Create Cluster page: Rosa - add dropdown with 'with UI' & 'with CLI' options
- Closed
PD-1434 [ROSA] HyperShift Cluster Creation for ROSA (Part 2)
- Closed
- relates to
HAC-2244 Create Cluster page: Rosa - add dropdown with 'with UI' & 'with CLI' options
- Closed
HAC-2509 [OCM-UI] Typo in account-role creation command listed in ROSA getstarted page.
- Closed
HAC-2527 [OCM-UI] Unable to copy the commands using copy to clipboard option from ROSA getstarted page.
- Closed
OCMUI-655 [OCM-UI] UI visualization/presentation issues in ROSA getstarted page.
- Closed
OCMUI-662 [OCM-UI] "Associate AWS accounts" drop-down list widget cut off at the bottom
- Closed
- mentioned on