Resolution: Done
AppSvc Sprint 194, AppSvc Sprint 195, AppSvc Sprint 196, AppSvc Sprint 206
- Binding data collection: If the user doesn't have the permission to read secrets/configmaps/CRs (and any other objects that are used in this context), do not allow ServiceBindingRequest to proceed , with appropriate status/error message.
- Binding data injection: If the user doesn't have the privileges to create/edit secrets or edit the application workload, do not allow ServiceBindingRequest to proceed, with appropriate status/error message.
INITIAL WORK: https://github.com/sbose78/service-binding-admission-controller
Acceptance Criteria
Feature: Forbid user to bind services to application if she/he does not have permissions to read binding data or modify application resource Background: Given Namespace [TEST_NAMESPACE] is used * Service Binding Operator is running Scenario: Service cannot be bound to application if user cannot read service resource Given OLM Operator "backend" is running * The Custom Resource is present """ apiVersion: "stable.example.com/v1" kind: Backend metadata: name: backend-with-tag-sequence spec: host: example.common tags: - "centos7-12.3" - 123 """ * Generic test application "foo" is running * User 'developer' cannot read resource 'backend-with-tag-sequence' When user 'developer' applies Service Binding """ apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1 kind: ServiceBinding metadata: name: custom-env-var-from-sequence spec: application: name: foo group: apps version: v1 resource: deployments services: - group: stable.example.com version: v1 kind: Backend name: backend-with-tag-sequence id: backend customEnvVar: - name: TAGS value: '{{ .backend.spec.tags }}' """ Then jq ".status.conditions[] | select(.type=="CollectionReady").status" of Service Binding "custom-env-var-from-sequence" should be changed to "False" And jq ".status.conditions[] | select(.type=="CollectionReady").reason" of Service Binding "custom-env-var-from-sequence" should be changed to "NoReadPermissions" And The application does not have access to env var "TAGS" Scenario: Service cannot be bound to application when user cannot read referred config map Given OLM Operator "backend" is running And Generic test application "cmsa-1" is running And The ConfigMap is present """ apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: cmsa-1-configmap data: certificate: "certificate value" """ And The Custom Resource is present """ apiVersion: stable.example.com/v1 kind: Backend metadata: name: cmsa-1-service annotations: service.binding/username: path={.status.data.dbConfiguration},objectType=ConfigMap,valueKey=username spec: image: docker.io/postgres imageName: postgres dbName: db-demo status: data: dbConfiguration: cmsa-1-configmap # ConfigMap """ And user 'developer' has no read access to config map 'cmsa-1-configmap' When Service Binding is applied """ apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1 kind: ServiceBinding metadata: name: cmsa-1 spec: services: - group: stable.example.com version: v1 kind: Backend name: cmsa-1-service application: name: cmsa-1 group: apps version: v1 resource: deployments """ Then The application cannot access env var "BACKEND_CERTIFICATE" And jq ".status.conditions[] | select(.type=="CollectionReady").status" of Service Binding "cmsa-1" should be changed to "False" And jq ".status.conditions[] | select(.type=="CollectionReady").reason" of Service Binding "cmsa-1" should be changed to "NoReadPermissions" And jq ".status.conditions[] | select(.type=="CollectionReady").message" of Service Binding "cmsa-1" should be changed to "User 'developer' has no read permission on config map 'cmsa-1-configmap'" Scenario: Bind service to application after enabling user to read service resource Given OLM Operator "backend" is running * The Custom Resource is present """ apiVersion: "stable.example.com/v1" kind: Backend metadata: name: backend-with-tag-sequence spec: host: example.common tags: - "centos7-12.3" - 123 """ * Generic test application "foo" is running * User 'developer' cannot read resource 'backend-with-tag-sequence' * user 'developer' applies Service Binding """ apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1 kind: ServiceBinding metadata: name: custom-env-var-from-sequence spec: application: name: foo group: apps version: v1 resource: deployments services: - group: stable.example.com version: v1 kind: Backend name: backend-with-tag-sequence id: backend customEnvVar: - name: TAGS value: '{{ .backend.spec.tags }}' """ * jq ".status.conditions[] | select(.type=="CollectionReady").status" of Service Binding "custom-env-var-from-sequence" should be changed to "False" * jq ".status.conditions[] | select(.type=="CollectionReady").reason" of Service Binding "custom-env-var-from-sequence" should be changed to "NoReadPermissions" * The application does not have access to env var "TAGS" When User 'developer' gets rights to read resource 'backend-with-tag-sequence' Then The application env var "TAGS" has value "[centos7-12.3 123]" And jq ".status.conditions[] | select(.type=="CollectionReady").status" of Service Binding "custom-env-var-from-sequence" should be changed to "True" And jq ".status.conditions[] | select(.type=="InjectionReady").status" of Service Binding "custom-env-var-from-sequence" should be changed to "True" Scenario: Bind service to application after enabling user to read referred config map Given OLM Operator "backend" is running And Generic test application "cmsa-1" is running And The ConfigMap is present """ apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: cmsa-1-configmap data: certificate: "certificate value" """ And The Custom Resource is present """ apiVersion: stable.example.com/v1 kind: Backend metadata: name: cmsa-1-service annotations: service.binding/username: path={.status.data.dbConfiguration},objectType=ConfigMap,valueKey=username spec: image: docker.io/postgres imageName: postgres dbName: db-demo status: data: dbConfiguration: cmsa-1-configmap # ConfigMap """ And user 'developer' has no read access to config map 'cmsa-1-configmap' When Service Binding is applied """ apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1 kind: ServiceBinding metadata: name: cmsa-1 spec: services: - group: stable.example.com version: v1 kind: Backend name: cmsa-1-service application: name: cmsa-1 group: apps version: v1 resource: deployments """ * The application cannot access env var "BACKEND_CERTIFICATE" * jq ".status.conditions[] | select(.type=="CollectionReady").status" of Service Binding "cmsa-1" should be changed to "False" * jq ".status.conditions[] | select(.type=="CollectionReady").reason" of Service Binding "cmsa-1" should be changed to "NoReadPermissions" * jq ".status.conditions[] | select(.type=="CollectionReady").message" of Service Binding "cmsa-1" should be changed to "User 'developer' has no read permission on config map 'cmsa-1-configmap'" When user 'developer' gets read access to config map 'cmsa-1-configmap' Then The application env var "BACKEND_CERTIFICATE" has value "certificate value" And jq ".status.conditions[] | select(.type=="CollectionReady").status" of Service Binding "cmsa-1" should be changed to "True" And jq ".status.conditions[] | select(.type=="InjectionReady").status" of Service Binding "cmsa-1" should be changed to "True" Scenario: Service cannot be bound to application if user cannot modify application resource Given OLM Operator "backend" is running * The Custom Resource is present """ apiVersion: "stable.example.com/v1" kind: Backend metadata: name: backend-with-tag-sequence spec: host: example.common tags: - "centos7-12.3" - 123 """ * Generic test application "foo" is running * User 'developer' cannot modify application resource 'foo' When user 'developer' applies Service Binding """ apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1 kind: ServiceBinding metadata: name: custom-env-var-from-sequence spec: application: name: foo group: apps version: v1 resource: deployments services: - group: stable.example.com version: v1 kind: Backend name: backend-with-tag-sequence id: backend customEnvVar: - name: TAGS value: '{{ .backend.spec.tags }}' """ Then jq ".status.conditions[] | select(.type=="CollectionReady").status" of Service Binding "custom-env-var-from-sequence" should be changed to "True" And jq ".status.conditions[] | select(.type=="InjectReady").status" of Service Binding "custom-env-var-from-sequence" should be changed to "False" And jq ".status.conditions[] | select(.type=="InjectReady").reason" of Service Binding "custom-env-var-from-sequence" should be changed to "NoModifyPermissions" And jq ".status.conditions[] | select(.type=="InjectReady").message" of Service Binding "custom-env-var-from-sequence" should be changed to "User 'developer' cannot modify application resource" And The application does not have access to env var "TAGS" Scenario: Bind service to application after enabling user to modify application resource Given OLM Operator "backend" is running * The Custom Resource is present """ apiVersion: "stable.example.com/v1" kind: Backend metadata: name: backend-with-tag-sequence spec: host: example.common tags: - "centos7-12.3" - 123 """ * Generic test application "foo" is running * User 'developer' cannot modify application resource 'foo' When user 'developer' applies Service Binding """ apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1 kind: ServiceBinding metadata: name: custom-env-var-from-sequence spec: application: name: foo group: apps version: v1 resource: deployments services: - group: stable.example.com version: v1 kind: Backend name: backend-with-tag-sequence id: backend customEnvVar: - name: TAGS value: '{{ .backend.spec.tags }}' """ * jq ".status.conditions[] | select(.type=="CollectionReady").status" of Service Binding "custom-env-var-from-sequence" should be changed to "True" * jq ".status.conditions[] | select(.type=="InjectReady").status" of Service Binding "custom-env-var-from-sequence" should be changed to "False" * jq ".status.conditions[] | select(.type=="InjectReady").reason" of Service Binding "custom-env-var-from-sequence" should be changed to "NoModifyPermissions" * jq ".status.conditions[] | select(.type=="InjectReady").message" of Service Binding "custom-env-var-from-sequence" should be changed to "User 'developer' cannot modify application resource" * The application does not have access to env var "TAGS" When User 'developer' gets rights to modify application resource 'foo' Then The application env var "TAGS" has value "[centos7-12.3 123]" And jq ".status.conditions[] | select(.type=="CollectionReady").status" of Service Binding "custom-env-var-from-sequence" should be changed to "True" And jq ".status.conditions[] | select(.type=="InjectionReady").status" of Service Binding "custom-env-var-from-sequence" should be changed to "True"
- duplicates
APPSVC-29 (Spike) Investigate extending testing to verify security as handled by the Service Binding Operator
- Closed
- incorporates
APPSVC-751 Service-Binding-Operator: Inter-Namespace Binding Support
- Closed
APPSVC-866 Security model for cross namespace support
- Closed
- is blocked by
APPSVC-809 Update ServiceBinding API group
- Closed
- is duplicated by
APPSVC-20 [SPIKE] Service-Binding-Operator: Evaluate RBAC vs. Multi-Namespaces
- Closed
- is related to
APPSVC-798 SPIKE: Testing under elevated credentials
- Closed
APPSVC-866 Security model for cross namespace support
- Closed