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  1. Service Binding
  2. APPSVC-546

Validate privileges before accepting a Service Binding


    • Service Binding Security
    • Done
    • QE Needed, Docs Needed, TE Needed, Customer Facing
    • 0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done


      Assuming the user gets to create a ServiceBinding CR, how do we avoid letting the user execute an escalation of privilege.

      • John doesn't have view on Secrets.
      • John creates a ServiceBinding, which leads to a backing service's secret being read, and contents written into a binding secret.
      • ServiceBinding controller injects the binding secret into the application workload.
      • If John has the privileges to print the environment variables in the Deployment's container, John gets access to secret's contents which were otherwise was not visible to John.(escalation of privilege)
      • If John was otherwise not allowed to modify a Deployment, John gets to do that as well (escalation of privilege)


      To avoid this, we need to implement a validating webhook to verify

      • Does John have reasonable access to the backing services ( and it's sub-resources )?
      • Does John have reasonable access to the application ?

      A validating webhook "validates" conditions before an object is accepted. In this case, subject access reviews could be made of use of, to validate specific user privileges.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            shbose Shoubhik Bose
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