Release Notes - Kogito - Version 1.28.0.Final - HTML format


  • [KOGITO-7298] - [Docs Review][KSW-Guides] Exposing the workflow base metrics to Prometheus
  • [KOGITO-7849] - [Docs Review][KSW-Guides] SWF Sandbox
  • [KOGITO-7910] - [Docs Review][KWS-Guides] Document the Enhanced Service Discovery


  • [KOGITO-8561] - QE serverless logic tasks for fifth iteration of the tooling

Feature Request

  • [KOGITO-7865] - Support SW custom function definitions


  • [KOGITO-6564] - [SW]: OpenAPI Yaml Operation ID requires special Handling in Function Defitions
  • [KOGITO-6968] - dataInput returns null when inline
  • [KOGITO-7675] - Missing workflowdata element in openapi file of serverless workflow
  • [KOGITO-7768] - kogito-quarkus-test-list.xml file is not unique in Central
  • [KOGITO-7792] - Project fails to build if no SW file is defined and Knative Eventing and Kubernetes add-on is presented in classpath
  • [KOGITO-7874] - SVG addon failing to build on native once upgrading to Quarkus 2.12.0
  • [KOGITO-7878] - WorkItemNotFoundException when running OpenAPI generated client in dev mode
  • [KOGITO-7886] - Remote OpenAPI Spec file results in empty package name
  • [KOGITO-7888] - ClassNotFoundException in enum persistence
  • [KOGITO-7896] - KogitoAddOnMonitoringPrometheusProcessor broken on 1.27.0 Release
  • [KOGITO-7904] - Broken test coverage configuration in ui-packages
  • [KOGITO-7924] - ForEach iterationParam is null when invoking OpenAPI operations
  • [KOGITO-7944] - Fix `:knative_eventing_doc_url:` extra '/' and broken link
  • [KOGITO-7971] - Kogito smallrye-open-api dependencies in conflict for Quarkus LTS
  • [KOGITO-7974] - SWF testing is failing due to status code change


  • [KOGITO-6313] - Self-Healing systems use case with Ansible and Serverless Workflow
  • [KOGITO-7297] - [KSW-Guides] Exposing the workflow base metrics to Prometheus
  • [KOGITO-7841] - [KWS-Guides] Document the Enhanced Service Discovery
  • [KOGITO-7843] - Remove AbstractQuarkusCloudEventResource after http connector supports binary cloud events
  • [KOGITO-7906] - Pipelines: Setup Mandrel LTS check
  • [KOGITO-7922] - Update Kogito Operator to Go 1.17 and operator-sdk to 1.21
  • [KOGITO-8043] - Pipelines: Jenkins: Rename `master` node reference to `built-in`


  • [KOGITO-6697] - [SW] Enhance Service Discoverability
  • [KOGITO-7522] - Create IT test to verify content of kogito events
  • [KOGITO-7680] - Data Content Type for produced events on workflows should be populated to facilitate integrations in the platform
  • [KOGITO-7890] - Allow to use original operation id in openapi function
  • [KOGITO-7891] - Move s2i to builder-s2i module
  • [KOGITO-7911] - Allow to override data index image version for Dev Services
  • [KOGITO-7933] - Serverless Workflow: NPE error is returned when building project (getErrorDefinitions)

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