Release Notes - Kogito - Version 1.17.0.Final - HTML format

Feature Request

  • [KOGITO-5292] - Quarkus - PostgreSQL examples using data index, jobs service and consoles
  • [KOGITO-6446] - Create integration test for Data Index Dev Service integration
  • [KOGITO-6596] - Create image for kogito-data-index-oracle service
  • [KOGITO-6633] - Provide Authentication for invoking REST APIs using Headers


  • [KOGITO-6484] - Project build problem on Windows 10
  • [KOGITO-6523] - When K_SINK is not defined, Kogito Knative Eventing application fails to run
  • [KOGITO-6534] - Kogito Dev Service not pulling latest version of Data Index image
  • [KOGITO-6535] - Kogito Dev Service not pulling latest version of TrustyServicePostgres image
  • [KOGITO-6538] - Kogito with Quarkus Dev Mode unable to serve static resources (such as JSON Schema files)
  • [KOGITO-6546] - Multiple process instances error Duplicate key input
  • [KOGITO-6551] - Fail to start Kogito Quarkus Dev mode if Docker is not available
  • [KOGITO-6561] - Fix native compilation issue for JsonNode
  • [KOGITO-6605] - Nightly notification: Wrong link to test
  • [KOGITO-6606] - Data Index Dev service not publishing events
  • [KOGITO-6610] - Wrong datatype for process_instances id column
  • [KOGITO-6611] - Broken dynamic group assignment for User tasks
  • [KOGITO-6683] - Update Quarkus HTTP Connector on Kogito Examples
  • [KOGITO-6721] - Process core persistence .proto files are not found in Windows
  • [KOGITO-6725] - Serverless workflow unable to retriev openapi due to invalid Accept headers
  • [KOGITO-6730] - data-index-service-inmemory fails to start after moving to Quarkus 2.7
  • [KOGITO-6734] - End message event in embedded subprocess doesn't compile.
  • [KOGITO-6772] - [SW] Swagger UI is not being generated correctly when the interface has a JsonNode class as input parameter


  • [KOGITO-6440] - Create a SW example that uses persistence


  • [KOGITO-5531] - Migrate CI jobs to Maven 3.8.1
  • [KOGITO-6541] - Nightly notification: do not send logs if job is unstable
  • [KOGITO-6566] - Update Docs and Kogito SW README to align with 0.8 DSL
  • [KOGITO-6571] - persistence-commons-postgresql: Materialise JSON reporting tables
  • [KOGITO-6599] - Nightly notification: One Zulip topic per project/test type
  • [KOGITO-6604] - BDD tests: Fail fast when Subscription constraint fails
  • [KOGITO-6682] - Enforce Kogito/Optaplanner/Drools Maven minimal version to 3.8.1
  • [KOGITO-6718] - Avoid fixed maven-compiler-plugin version in it tests


  • [KOGITO-2787] - Unify namespace/project wording in logs and Kogito CLI
  • [KOGITO-6090] - Kogito-examples remove strong dependency on kogito-runtimes
  • [KOGITO-6547] - Hide Data Index from Dev UI if is not set
  • [KOGITO-6661] - [SW] Implement "useResult" operation in Action Data Filters
  • [KOGITO-6662] - [SW] Implement "useData" on Event Data Filters definition
  • [KOGITO-6663] - [SW] Implement expression function calls from a condition element
  • [KOGITO-6665] - [SW] Implement dataInputSchema validation on Workflows definitions
  • [KOGITO-6666] - [SW] Add "constants" support to workflows definition
  • [KOGITO-6667] - [SW] Add "secrets" support to workflow definitions
  • [KOGITO-6706] - [SW]: Implement OpenAPI Error Forwarding to Workflow Caller
  • [KOGITO-6728] - [SW] Implement exclusive field for eventstate
  • [KOGITO-6733] - Support not alphanumerical characters in secret key
  • [KOGITO-6768] - Be able to rename default channel name

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