Release Notes - Infinispan - Version 14.0.29.Final - HTML format


  • [ISPN-15940] - Avoid indexes creation on purge and stop/close
  • [ISPN-16002] - ServerTask and ClusterExecutor should run user code in the blocking thread pool
  • [ISPN-16034] - Cache REST release resource is blocking
  • [ISPN-16087] - Concrete config is validated before applying template configuration
  • [ISPN-16103] - CrossSite: Wait for prepare command in case of local failure
  • [ISPN-16143] - HotRodQueryIT
  • [ISPN-16152] - InfinispanStoreRocksDBIT failures


  • [ISPN-16025] - Disable CloudEventsIntegrationIT in 14.0.x branch
  • [ISPN-16031] - Lock SIFS directories to avoid shared usage between instances

Component Upgrade

  • [ISPN-15944] - version.junit5 5.9.3
  • [ISPN-15985] - org.jgroups:jgroups-raft 1.0.13.Final
  • [ISPN-16021] - org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-shade-plugin 3.5.3
  • [ISPN-16038] - org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-install-plugin 3.1.2
  • [ISPN-16096] - org.asciidoctor:asciidoctorj 2.5.13
  • [ISPN-16116] - 2.2.6.Final
  • [ISPN-16117] - version.spring 5.3.36
  • [ISPN-16118] - org.jgroups:jgroups 5.2.26.Final
  • [ISPN-16131] - org.sonatype.plugins:nexus-staging-maven-plugin 1.6.14
  • [ISPN-16179] - version.netty 4.1.111.Final


  • [ISPN-15701] - JGroups: add option for non-blocking TCP and a new default stack
  • [ISPN-15923] - More detailed metrics in CacheMgmtInterceptor

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